22. august 2024
Taasiseseisvumine on märgiline väljend – oleme protsessis – njesoveršennyi vid, lõpetamata tegevus on käsil – me alles alustame.
Mu sisetunne ütleb, et üksnes keeleseadusega surumise kõrvale peab end südame ja silmadega Narva poole keerama. Kolmandiku rahvaga tuleb leida ühisosa, konstruktiivne koosloome – rusikad taskust välja, usalduse ja mõistmise poole.
Ära küsi inimeselt, kas ta armastab sind või mitte, vastus ei tähenda midagi. Kui te seda tema tegevuses teie suhtes ei tunne, siis teate juba vastust.
Universumi seaduste seisukohalt pole sinu ja teise inimese vahel mingit eraldumist. Sellepärast on võimatu kahjustada teist ilma ennast kahjustamata, nagu on võimatu aidata teist inimest ilma ennast seeläbi aitamata. Hea inimene näeb kõiges ainult häid märke. Üksiolemises pole midagi halba – inimesed liialdavad kahe inimese vaheliste suhete tähtsusega kõvasti. Jah, see on oluline, kuid see pole nii oluline, et see lahustub piinades nagu kihisev jook veeklaasis.
Kõik on palju lihtsam, kui see on olemas, tähendab see, et see on hea, kui ei ole, siis see tähendab, et see on ja kui ei ole, tähendab see, et see pidi olema. Või äkki ma ei tahtnud seda nii väga. Eluvoolule alistumine on väga kasulik, sest millessegi klammerdudes jääme olulisematest asjadest ilma.
Tõeline teadmine on see, kui “tead” seestpoolt ilma mõtlemisprotsessita. Tahame või mitte, aga elu areneb oma seaduste järgi. Ja see on igaühe enda asi, kas sellega arvestada või mitte. Kuid nende seaduste mittetundmine ei vabasta meid vastutusest selle eest, mis meie elus juhtub. Inimene peab õppima iseendalt, mitte pimesi uskuma erinevasse teavet, ainult selleks peab ta kõigepealt õppima ennast tundma. Sa ei ole mõistus, kellele meeldib kõike oma silmadega vaadata ja näha ainult takistusi.
Inimesed ei muutu, sa lihtsalt õpid neid paremini tundma ja tõeline armastus ootab vaid vabanemist. Kuidas me tahame olla meeldivalt üllatunud, kuid kõik on nagu tavaliselt – banaalne ja etteaimatav -, nii et mõistus tõmbab meid uude, mõnikord tarbetusse kogemusse, kuid me peame õppima tagasi astuma, mitte kiirustama järeldusi tegema ja õppima nägema rõõmu kõiges. Hinge elu on nii mitmetahuline, et kunagi ei tea, kust sa oma uue kodu jälle leiad.
Nikolai Bulgakov
Alexis Varnum
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Kuidas leppida sellega, et oled kogu elu jooksul eksinud? Praegu nähtavale tuleb palju asju ja sa mõistad, et oled varem eksinud. Samas ka paljud avastavad, et on kogu oma elu eksinud. Kui avastad, et oled teatud elu etappidel või kogu elu eksinud, uskunud sellesse, mida tegelikult pole olemas – oma illusioonidesse ja eksiarvamustesse – ütle endale “okey, jah, nii on olnud”. Esimene samm on selle fakti aktsepteerimine: “nüüd ma tean seda.” Ära hakka ennast kritiseerima, ennast süüdistama, ega nutma enesehaletsemisest, süütundest ja kaastundest enda suhtest, vaid lihtsalt aktsepteeri, jah on kahju, et nii jutus. Nüüd sa tead seda. Sest igaüks meist on teinud maksimaalse, et olla just siin ja praegu. Samas väga hea, et need asjad ja seisundid milles oled eksimuses viibinud just praegu tulevad välja, seega sul on võimalus alustada otsast peale, uuesti. See on sinu võib olla viimane võimalus elada edasi teisiti.
Kõik sinu vead, võidud, kaotused ja valed valikud olid vajalikud, et jõuda siia sellesse punkti. Mis iganes sa praegu teed või mille pärast häbened ennast, millist süütunnet sa hetkel tunned – teadvusta, see kõik on olnud ja on juba juhtunud. Sa oled praegu siin, võta end vastu kogu oma terviklikkuses ja mõista, et kogu see teekond on sind siia toonud. Ole endale tänulik, et sa saad hakkama, jah, vahest raske, siis kergem. Sa oled ellu jäänud, jõudnud sellesse hetke, sa pole siit lahkunud, saad kohaneda uute energiatega, areneda ja saad hakkama oma igapäevases toimingutes – see on tohutu saavutus.
Paljud inimesed on lahkunud või lahkumas, sest neile on lihtsam lahkuda. Seetõttu tee tööd iseendaga, ole teadlik igast tulevast sinust emotsioonist ja tundest, sest sa lood seda, mida kiirgad. Praegu toimub üleüldine valede paljastamise protsess – kus sa hakkad nägema kuidas ja milles valetad endale, kus sa ei luba endal tunda, kus sa näitad oma ebaausust, kus sa pole siiras. Loomulikult tunned viha ja pettumust, kui taipad, kui palju valet on sinu elus olnud ja võib olla on ka praegu, aga sa pead selle etapi läbikäima. Sest nii nagu varem sa enam elada ei saa. Enamasti pole algul viha suunatud enda, vaid teiste vastu, sest mõistus otsib süüdlast ja hiljem ka enda vastu. Oluline osa selles protsessis on samuti seotud sinu kehaga.
Sinu keha samuti läbib võimsat puhastust, vabanedes valedest, kui sa pole olnud truud iseendale, kui sa vabatahtlikult lubasid oma keha kasutada vaid selleks, et täita ego soovid, kui sinu energia on olnud destruktiivne või kui sa pole oma emotsioone läbi elanud. See võib ilmuda läbi valude ja haiguste just selleks, et sulle näidata millises seisundis sa oled, mida endas sa pead märkama. Meie kehas on palju valet. Toimub keha puhastusprotsess, mis peab selle vale välja tooma, et sinu vundament, sinu keha tempel oleks puhas. Seetõttu kuula alati oma keha, mida see soovib. Kuula ennast, mida keha vajab – praegu kõige tähtsam on puhkus, aktiivne liikumine, joomine ja söömine, enda eest hoolitsemine. Ära enam klammerdu asjadesse, mis sind ei teeni ja rohkem pole vajalikud, vabasta ennast. Pööra tähelepanu sellele, mis väljendub sinu sõnade, tegude ja emotsioonide kaudu. Vaata, mis nende taga peitub. Ära samastu oma emotsioonidega – sina pole sinu viha, sina pole sinu masendus, jõuetus, energia puudus, väsimus ja nii edasi. Millistes eluvaldkondades oled paljastanud endale valetamise ja eksiarvamused?
Have you ever wondered if you’re living up to your full potential, Kati?
I’m not talking about your full potential in your job or in your relationships. I’m talking about as a human being and the phenomenal capabilities we as humans have but rarely tap into.
Because scientific breakthroughs keep showing that we have far more potential than we’ve been told. Potential that we can learn to use to benefit ourselves, our loved ones, and everyone on the planet…
If we know how…
Scientist, New York Times bestselling author, and our good friend Gregg Braden is on the cutting edge of these discoveries and what they mean for the future of humanity. He joins me to talk about some of them in our newest online video program…
The Science-Backed Way to a Beautiful Future:
What You Can Do Right Now to Create a Better World for Yourself
and All of Humanity
During this program, Gregg and I will discuss…
The groundbreaking research that has been done on the human mind, to help you gain more control over the reality your consciousness is creating…
How you can access your connection to the “quantum field” and use it to improve your life and the lives of those around you…
How you can benefit from hundreds of recent game-changing scientific and archaeological discoveries that are currently being ignored and suppressed by the scientific establishment…
And a lot more.
You may know Gregg partnered with Humanity’s Team to create four original Masterclasses on our transformational education streaming platform, Humanity Stream+.
We’re thrilled to bring you programs like this, and other live events and special occasions like our celebration Friday night when we received the Oneness of Humanity award from Spiritual Life TV.
The scientific discoveries that Gregg has to share are truly mind-expanding.
Save your seat to join Gregg and me for this amazing new online program when you click on the link below.
Gregg and I look forward to seeing you soon.
In Oneness,
Steve Farrell
Executive Director
Humanity’s Team
P.S. During this program you’ll find out how you can get access to all 4 of Gregg’s original Masterclasses, as well as all of his recent scientific discoveries. Sign up to join us here.
Because the astrology is still difficult this week (Mars Squaring Venus) and because many 144K troopers are struggling to vibrate at the frequency of what they want & where they want to be …
… I’m holding a FREE general Q&A Support webinar this Sunday to help.
The journey to the Event has taken its toll on so many Starseeds!
You, too, are likely feeling beaten-down … weary … under pressure to survive … and feeling kinda done!
God knows I feel that way some days …
Time to turn this around for you, right now!
However …
This is going to be much more than a free general support live Q&A with the especially discounted offerings to help refill the 144K war-chest.
You’re gonna get some MAJOR expansion … in the direction you want most.
I’m going to explain why properly clearing childhood traumas at the Soul & Quantum level of your emotional & mental bodies, helps:
restore next-level 3rd Eye opening, to do shadow work easier, so it’s no longer a task or a chore [… game-changer #1]
reduce endless leaking of dark energy from your mental & emotional bodies that just keeps on attracting the wrong things in your life or maintains the status-quo [… game-changer #2]
give you the ease … calm … and blissful vibration you need, so that this is your new experience all the way to the Event [… game-changer #3]
greatly reduce that all-too-familiar resistance to doing Shadow Work, causing procrastination & hardship that just adds more pressure & denies you your birthright to an easy … relaxing … ride to the Event.
That last point alone is a game-changer …
To make this even more powerful, I’m going to report on how users of the
DE-Hypnosis Audio …
… have reported more calm & relief in their lives …
which makes their journey to the Event so much easier.
Further more …
I’ll be explaining why the 3rd Eye Visual Activator also balances & improves the functioning of the brain … improves hormones … and lowers stress … further restoring your calm & bliss.
But it’s the childhood traumas of your current incarnation, that really pop the cork of the champagne bottle.
It allows for easier … quicker … more graceful Shadow Work that
knock-you about, beat you up, or bring your energy down … in an endless hamster wheel.
I’m focused like a laser-beam on making your journey to the Event beautiful … not a never ending wait!
It’s all about the Now!
And of course … get your burning questions ready :- )
Whether it’s personal Shadow Work … or external Planetary Liberation.
Watch your inbox for the registration link!
Yours In Service …
The Unknown Lightwarrior
Extraterrestrial Starseeds Among Us
A benevolent extraterrestrial civilization is essentially peaceful and whose intentions for communicating with us are positive.
We live in exciting times, where it seems that we are on the cusp of contact with benevolent beings from other worlds. There is more disclosure happening every day, and many credible people are coming forward with what they know.
There is no doubt that extraterrestrials exist. If you try to get in touch with them using the traditional aerospace technology found at NASA, you are unlikely to get an answer. And if you are lucky enough to get through, it is because they want you to be able to do that.
Many people have had encounters with ETs and trying to find ways to communicate with those beings.
We might best prepare for any ETs we might encounter if we create an open-minded and benevolent attitude towards them. They may be like us or like nothing we can imagine, and that’s the mystery and excitement of it all.
As we develop and expand our own consciousness and open ourselves up to more and more of the energy and information that surrounds us, we become more sensitive and aware. And when our consciousness is raised, so are our vibrational energies.
Our worry, stress, anger, frustration, sadness, etc., are all manifestations of low vibrational energies. We are bombarded with low-vibrational energies every day from the news media, the Internet, etc., so it’s important for us to raise our vibrational frequencies by clearing out all that is negative. By doing this, we then open up the opportunity for higher vibrational beings to interact with us in ways that may not have been possible before.
The easiest way to be part of the solution is to love, teach and give a positive contribution so we can easily change the dark-to-light ratio. If we can do that, then we’ll connect with benevolent aliens who will help us.
And that is the greatest obstacle for humanity. People do not like to work on themselves so they could elevate themselves into a higher place of being. It’s a counter productive state of being because the only thing that stops you from living your dreams is you.
The greatest challenge in this transition to higher consciousness is to overcome the ego and look at one’s own shadows. How could we as a race eradicate the shadows of the world we’re living in if we can’t even work through our own shadows?
It is the unwillingness of humanity to step out of their comfort zone and do the necessary self-work that made it crucial for Starseeds to incarnate on this planet in the masses.
There’s a loving extraterrestrial community trying to help us save lives and change this world for the better! They do not force themselves on humans but rather walk alongside us as friends, as caregivers, as teachers, as a family, as guides, as travelers, as human beings as Starseeds.
They live among us, right here on planet Earth, but they live in another dimension of reality. And they are trying to help us ascend to their level of consciousness so that we can be at peace with ourselves and our world.
But they are not here to harm us. They are not here to attack us. They are not here to judge us (and if they do, it is for our own good). These beings are here with the divine purpose of helping us understand who we truly are. What is our purpose? What is it that we can offer this world?
There is much fear, confusion, and resistance in the world regarding these beings. Whether you feel them, see them, or know them in your intuition, they are here for us in one form or another. If you are open to them, their assistance is invaluable in helping us on our spiritual paths.
Stress, fear, and panic are the worst enemies of subtle intuition, wisdom, and faith. The best way to connect meaningfully with the universe and its many inhabitants, and to be at peace within ourselves, is through deep prayer and meditation.
That is the key. Prayer and meditation connect us with benevolent ETs or angels, with the divine, and with our own deepest selves and sets us free.
Prayer is not just a tool, an exercise to begin and end your day. A prayer is an act of love. It is letting the light within you shine into the world and allowing the love that is inside you to radiate back. The angels who come into our lives help us heal our conscious and unconscious wounds, overcome our fears and obstacles, and, most important, connect with the divine.
The benevolent ETs care about us. Like us. They care what happens to us. They want us to be happy. One of the ways they can help us is by helping us connect with them. Prayer allows us to do this. Prayer connects us with them.
Many people have had an encounter of some kind. They might have had frightening visions, or they might have had a vision of angels or aliens. Often, they report feeling touched by something that transcends them.
One reason people report this reaction is that it often comes as a shock. People in our culture are taught to fear “the other,” and angels and aliens are “the other.” Many think of angels as aloof and unreachable. They think of aliens as scary creatures that want to use us and hurt us.
Do not fear them. Do not give in to the ego that wants to keep your knowledge of them away from you. The ego thrives on fear and hatred, but benevolent ETs are love. When they first come to us, they can seem scary because they seem foreign to us but do not be afraid of them.
Angels and ‘aliens’ are not aliens. They were born with us and want us to know that they are here to help us. And we are not alone. To connect with them, we need to accept that they are here to help us. We need to trust ourselves.
Another option is to visualize ourselves interacting with them. To visualize connecting with them, close your eyes and imagine that you are floating upwards, out of your body and into a space where there is no time, where you can connect with anything. You can visualize angels and aliens, or your own spirit, or your spirit connecting with your guides. You don’t have to believe anything. You don’t have to believe you are immortal or that you are connected to something. It is enough that you are connecting in your heart.
Now ask yourself, what do you want to connect with? When you connect with something, one of two things can happen. First, you can feel some kind of energy or warmth or light. Second, you can ask for some kind of help or guidance.
The more we call benevolent ETs, the more we open the “channel” to connect with them. This visualizing and focusing on connecting with them is ultimately what allows us to make miracles happen in our everyday lives.
The angels and benevolent ETs who surround us are around us all the time. But we don’t notice them. We notice our own thoughts, our own desires, our own fears.
They know us better than we know ourselves. Feeling connected to them, we open our hearts. As our hearts open, our fears and attachments fall away. As our hearts open, we become more and more able to hear them. As our hearts open, we become more able to know ourselves.
The benevolent ETs sometimes appear as shimmering, flaming, winged figures, with halos of light surrounding their heads, and other times as unhurried, unobtrusive people who are more at home in the landscape than in the sky.
Sometimes people report a sensation of awe, the presence of something sacred, or the feeling of being loved, and at other times they simply report having felt at peace. Sometimes what they bring is a sense of direction, sometimes reassurance, and sometimes help.
People touched by ETs are given a vision, or an idea, or some kind of guidance. This guidance may be a matter of finding a clue to a future problem that had previously been hidden or of discovering the truth about the world. Sometimes they appear to give advice, and sometimes they transmit a blessing. Invariably, people touched by ETs are expected to find the courage to act on their new understanding.
At first, it seems impossible to connect with benevolent extraterrestrials. You imagine them like Santa Claus: you wait all year for Christmas Day, and then, after waiting all your life, Christmas Day never comes.
But actually, benevolent extraterrestrials are among us all the time. They live in our genes, our families, our friends, and our schoolmates. They are in our churches, our synagogues, our temples, and our mosques. They are our teachers, our doctors, our lawyers, and ourselves.
They walk among us, live among us. You can’t tell them apart from your neighbors if you tried. They live in our cities, swim in our pools, eat in our restaurants and hang out in our parks, malls, etc.
They grow up like another kid in the neighborhood right next door to you. They go to your schools and play on your soccer teams. Nobody notices them because we run in different circles and we walk around in our own little worlds, isolated from each other and only communicating in the limited way we understand each other.
Their ongoing agenda, like most humans, is to help and peacefully coexist with mankind.
They are here for us because they love us, even though we do not always share their values and ethics because of the way we have evolved on this planet. They will not impose on us anything we did not approve of.
They are vast, omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. They know everything. They judge nothing. They don’t need our help.
The benevolent ETs are transcendent. They are beyond us. They inhabit a realm that is beyond our imagination. Our ability to imagine them is limited by our imagination, and they inhabit a realm that transcends imagination.
To connect with them is to connect with ourselves. We connect with them to connect with ourselves.
We love you dearly,
We are here with you,
We are your family of light,
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation