25. oktoober 2024
Sõda on äri, mille pealt teenivad poliitikud ja nö preestrid, sõja- ja farmaatsiatööstus ning kõik neid varustavad tootmisharud. Et rahvas selle taltsalt kinni maksaks, hoitakse üleval sõjahirmu – see õnnestub eriti hästi juhul, kui militaarset ajuudu asuvad laotama naised. Meestekülvatav hirm on aastatuhandeid rahvamassi liikvel hoidnud enamvähem normaalsus. Kui trügimine nõiaturul sunnib temakesi leivakannika eest võitlema, rakendavad naissoost arvamusliidrid hirmutamise oma ärivankri ette ning see on loomuvastane. Naisenergia ülesanne on nii kodus, koolis kui kirikus rahu(stamine) armastuse väes: tasakaalustamine toetub usule, et naabrid aitavad, lootusele, et Emake Gaia raputab ise oma põrutavate protsessidega end puhtaks ja annab meestele pehmelt öeldes muud tegevust. Usk, lootus ja armastus.
Galaktiline Föderatsioon on just sellepärast Gaiat kaitsma saatnud põhiliselt NAISED. Laaity, Mira, Teeah…
Igor Kim:
Argorlaste uuendus . Suur Quantum üleminek
Maa väljumine uuele 5D vibratsioonilisele orbiidile Geriose galaktikas jätkub. Seda ei tehta sirgjooneliselt, kuna pöörlemiskiirus erineb maapinnast ja see ei ole alati lineaarne. Kui liigutada planeeti peasuuna vastu, võib see lõppeda lööklainetega hävinguga.
Nüüd edeneb laevastik aeglaselt, suurendades järk-järgult Maa kiirust ja lähedust ning selle tulevast orbiidi joondumist. Alles pärast kiirustaset tõstetakse planeet uuele vibratsiooniorbiidile, mitte sirgjoones, vaid spiraalis.
Geriose galaktika asub Keskpäikesele lähemal ja on suur pöörlev tähe-vesinikuklaster varrukatega.
Üleminek sellele ja uus ajajoon on tõstetud hetkel maksimaalselt võimalikuni.
Kõik, mis jääb ülemineku taha, lahustub ajajoone näol. Umbes rääkides pole enam midagi minevikust.
Tema energia ja mateeria nullivad aktiivselt. Negatiivsete jõudude katsed seda tagasi pöörata ning Maa ja inimkonna neelata, nurjati resoluutselt. Mineviku hävitamist on kiirendatud.
25D argoriitidest koosnev eskadron, mis transportis Maad, läbis kokkupressitud ruumi ala (kvantum takerdus). Erinevad sündmuste variantide sõlmed olid laiali.
Uus lisaliikumine on alanud. Ruumiline üleminek on lõpuks rivistatud pöördumatule marsruudile.
Kõik, mis pardal (st Maal) toimub, on tihedamalt seotud ülemineku kiirendamisega, milleks peaks igaüks valmis olema ja vähemalt mitte aeglustama.
Et elada uues orbitaalruumis, demonteeritakse kogu planeedi Süsteem ja tavapärane elustiil. Enam ei ole võimalik vanaviisi edasi elada.
Galaktika Komitee ja kõik sõbralikud kosmoserassid valmistavad planeeti aktiivselt ette 5D võnkuvaks orbiidiks.
GREMO energia siniste sädemetega roosa-punase abil moodustuvad arenenud eluprogrammid. See ei mõjuta mitte ainult mehi, vaid ka Aja pöörlemist.
Maalased aktiveeruvad ajuosa poolt, mis neelab Eetri emiteeritud Nutika energia, mida väljutab planeedi tuum.
Esmalt tajuvad ja kogunevad seda taimed ning koos nendega kandub see edasi looma- ja inimeste maailma.
Nii moodustub veel üks välise mõju instrument, stimuleerides uue Inimese arengut, aidates kaasa tema sisemisele tööle. Tema progressi jälgib inimese aura seisund.
EFRONi energiat rakendatakse mitte ainult inimkehades, vaid kõikides planeedi süsteemides, hõlbustades vaimset teed järgijate kiiremat arengut.
Saades uut energiateavet Suurest Kosmosest, sorteerivad Päikesesüsteemi planeedid selle energiamahukuse järgi. Päikesesüsteem ühtse organismina kontrollib ja varustab Maad eluenergiaga, et see saaks inimkonda toita.
Lülitudes uutele ajutistele programmidele, suudavad maalased neid elu jooksul rakendada. Kuid ainult siis, kui nad on täielikult teadlikud praegu toimuvate muutuste mastaapsest ja sügavusest kõikidel tasanditel ja on valmis nendega kohtuma.
Praegu muunduvad kõik Maa energiaväljad Geriose galaktikas kosmosetingimusteks. Ultraheli efekti all suurenevad planeedi vibratsioonid kolme tooni võrra. See on küllastunud energiaga, mis hõlbustab üleminekut 5D-le. Argorianid skaneerivad netis muutusi tema auras, mis koguneb kvantlaineid.
Uue energiaplatvormi loomine korrigeerib paralleelsete rõngaspeegelkurite tööd, suurendades plasma väljavoolu 5D-ks. Planetaarne võrk on täidetud kõrgsagedusliku energiaga, alustades osoonikihist, mis toimib selle talletamisena.
Kaks kolmemõõtmelise ja neljamõõtmelise kvantkiirguse vibratsioonilist platvormi suruvad kokku planeedisüsteemi, kiirendades selle transformatsiooni.
DI-PRE välja struktuur muudab ka maa ruumi kõikumisi.
See on keeruline energiasüsteem, millel on omad programmid mateeria arenguks.
DI-PRE-struktuuri kasutades reguleerivad argorianid ultraheli- ja infraheli vooge, mõjutades eluenergiat (mateeriat) Maa jõuväljades toimuvate termiliste protsesside kaudu.
Praegusel hetkel rakendatakse ultraheli süste peegeldava püramiidkompleksi abil inimestes uusi programme teadvuse laiendamise kanali kaudu.
Nii kasutavad argorlased Galaktilise Komitee korraldusel erinevaid energiate ja jõuväljade muutusi inimteadvuse avardamiseks. Nii aitavad nad siseneda uude 5D ruumi ja moodustada Maalaste vastav uus mõtlemine.
MUST LAMMAS perekonnas /”The so-called BLACK SHEEP of the family are, in fact, hunters born of paths of liberation into the family tree.
The members of a tree who do not conform to the norms or traditions of the family system, those who since childhood have constantly sought to revolutionise beliefs, going against the paths marked by family traditions, those criticised, judged and even rejected, these are usually called to free the tree of repetitive stories that frustrate entire generations.
The black sheep, those who do not adapt,
those who cry rebelliously,
play a basic role within each family system,
they repair, pick up and create new and unfold branches in the family tree.
Thanks to these members, our trees renew their roots.
Its rebellion is fertile soil, its madness is water that nourishes, its stubbornness is new air, its passion is fire that re-ignites the light of the heart of the ancestors.
Uncountable repressed desires, unfulfilled dreams, the frustrated talents of our ancestors are manifested in the rebelliousness of these black sheep seeking fulfilment.
The genealogical tree, by inertia will want to continue to maintain the castrating and toxic course of its trunk, which makes the task of our sheep a difficult and conflicting work.
However, who would bring new flowers to our tree if it were not for them? Who would create new branches? Without them, the unfulfilled dreams of those who support the tree generations ago would die buried beneath their own roots.
Let no one cause you to doubt, take care of your rarity as the most precious flower of your tree.
You are the dream of all your ancestors.”
Shared by Tiia Toomsalu, in the fb group
Mr. Kaler:
Bruce Lee’s wisdom in saying, “Seek to understand the root. It is futile to argue as to which single leaf, which design of branch, or which attractive flower you like; when you understand the root, you understand all its blossoming,” speaks to a principle that transcends martial arts and reaches deep into the core of human existence, spirituality, and the mysteries of life. This quote points us toward the essence of things, the origin from which everything springs forth, reminding us that true understanding lies not in superficial details but in the foundation from which those details arise.
Understanding the Root
The root represents the source, the origin, or the cause. It is the underlying principle that governs the entirety of a system. In a tree, the leaves, branches, and flowers may vary in shape, size, and color, but they all share a common connection to the root. Without the root, there would be no tree, no branches, no flowers. The root is the life force that sustains and nurtures every outward expression.In life, this root can be understood in various ways: as the core of a person’s character, as the foundational principles of a belief system, or as the source of all creation. On a broader, more metaphysical level, it can be seen as consciousness itself—what some call God or the Source. In Hermetics, the principle of The All teaches that all things emanate from a singular divine source. This is the root of all existence, from which every manifestation, whether physical or spiritual, arises.
When we focus on the surface—whether it’s opinions, appearances, or actions—we are engaging with the “leaves” and “branches” of life. These are transient, ever-changing, and often misleading. They can become distractions, leading us into debates over minor differences, losing sight of the greater picture. But when we seek to understand the root, we delve into the source of these expressions. We come to see that the diversity of appearances is merely a reflection of the same underlying truth.
Application to Daily Life:
Seek the Essence, Not the Form: In our interactions with others, it’s easy to become caught up in disagreements about ideas, preferences, or behaviors. These are surface-level manifestations of deeper beliefs and values. By seeking to understand the “root” of a person—what drives them, what values they hold, and where their beliefs stem from—we can find common ground. It becomes clear that much of what divides us on the surface is inconsequential compared to the shared humanity at our core.This can be particularly powerful in resolving conflicts. When we argue about superficial matters, we remain on the surface and never address the underlying issue. But by asking questions that lead to the root of someone’s motivations or fears, we can develop a deeper connection and foster empathy. We begin to see that the differences in “branches” or “leaves” are simply different expressions of the same fundamental needs, desires, and truths.
Master Your Inner Root: Just as a tree’s strength depends on the health of its roots, your ability to navigate life depends on your connection to your own inner root—your core values, principles, and consciousness. If your “root” is strong, if you are deeply connected to your authentic self and aligned with your higher purpose, the external challenges of life (the “branches” and “leaves”) will not easily sway or disturb you.This is where meditation, introspection, and self-reflection come into play. By taking the time to connect with your inner root, you cultivate inner strength and resilience. You come to understand that, regardless of how circumstances change outwardly, your true essence remains constant. With this awareness, you can move through life with peace, clarity, and a sense of purpose, unaffected by the external fluctuations that often unsettle others.
Look Beyond Appearances: It’s common in modern society to focus on the surface—whether it’s judging people by their appearance, their status, or their outward behavior. But when we only see the “flowers” and “leaves,” we miss the deeper reality of who someone is. When you meet someone new or encounter a situation, try to look beyond the obvious and ask yourself, “What is the root cause here?” or “What deeper truth does this reflect?”This practice aligns with the Hermetic principle of Correspondence—”As above, so below; as within, so without.” Everything we see on the surface is a reflection of something deeper. Whether you’re dealing with a personal problem, societal issue, or spiritual question, the key to understanding and resolving it lies in looking to the root cause, rather than getting lost in the details.
Recognize the Unity Beneath Diversity: Bruce Lee’s message also speaks to the idea that, while the branches and leaves may look different, they are all part of the same tree. In the same way, humanity may appear diverse in culture, beliefs, and experiences, but we all originate from the same source. When you understand the root, you realize that every person, every situation, every experience is interconnected.By holding this awareness in your daily life, you can foster a sense of unity and compassion. You no longer see others as separate or “other,” but as different expressions of the same fundamental truth. This helps dissolve prejudices, biases, and divisions that arise from focusing on external differences. You begin to treat others with respect, understanding that we are all connected at the root.
Profound Shifts in Perspective:
Understanding the root shifts your perspective from one of fragmentation to one of unity and wholeness. It helps you transcend the trivial arguments, debates, and conflicts that arise when we get lost in surface-level differences. You come to see that arguing over details like the shape of a leaf or the color of a flower is pointless if you don’t understand the root that nourishes them.
In a world filled with division and polarization, this insight is crucial. People often argue over ideologies, politics, religions, or lifestyles, not realizing that these are just surface expressions. If we could collectively seek to understand the root—the common humanity, the shared consciousness, or the divine source from which all life emerges—these arguments would seem trivial. We would focus instead on what unites us, and on the deeper truth that we all stem from the same root.
Final Reflection:
Bruce Lee’s message can be seen as a call to wisdom. Wisdom does not dwell in the superficial; it digs deep into the foundation of things. To live wisely is to live in alignment with the root, with the essence of life itself. It is to see beyond appearances, to understand that the myriad expressions of life are all connected, and to act from that deep understanding. When you live this way, you transcend the noise and distractions of the surface world. You move with grace, purpose, and clarity, knowing that all blossoms are simply reflections of the root from which they come.
Trees can communicate through their roots with the aid of a fungus in the mycelium layer. Trees can move water from an area to another (with their roots) to aid trees suffering from a lack of it. There are other things that are possible. I have always believed that all living biological entities are sentient to some degree. If something is sentient, there is the possibility of communication. That sentience is the energy that fills the universe, the energy of the ether. There will come a day when everything living will share that energy and be able to communicate on the same level. We and all on Mother Earth will benefit.