12. november 2024
Alexis Varnum: Väga tihti kuulen inimestelt: „Ma tahan elada Valguses, aga ikka ja jälle kaldun negatiivsusesse. Mida ma peaksin tegema?“ Sul on alati olemas võimalust elada Valguses just Praegu! Pole nii oluline, mis oli minevikus: nädal, päev või minut tagasi. Palju olulisem on see, mis toimub just Praegu! Ja just Praegu sa saad kiirata Valgust. Just praegusel hetkel!
Sa praegu saad naeratada, mõelda millelegi heale, häälestuda paremale! Praegu saad hakata rohkem endasse uskuma ja see usk inspireerib sind millegi imeliseni! Praegu saad kutsuda Valguse jõud ja paluda, et need sind embaksid, kataksid oma Valgusega ja juhataksid, annaksid nõu ja abi tuleb kindlasti. Just Praegu saad teha väga palju! See võib olla kellegi toetamine heade ja lahkete sõnadega või südamest südamesse vestlemine. Võid kallistada, aidata ja toetada kedagi. Sa saad praegu vaadata oma lähedasi uue pilguga ja lihtsalt tänada Jumalat selle eest, et nad on sinu elus.
Praegu võid rõõmuga sisse hingata elu! Praegu võid tunda, et sa lihtsalt oled, et sa elad ja elu on kõige väärtuslikum, mis sinul on. Praegu võid tänada Jumalat selle elu eest, võimaluse eest elada siin Maal! Praegu saad otsustada, kuidas edasi elada. Kui mäletad, et just Praegusel hetkel saad kõike muuta, siis peatub iga negatiivsusse tulek. Praeguses hetkes saad muuta oma teekonna suunda. Just Praegu saad särada seestpoolt!
The Life of Pleiadians
The Pleiadians are incredibly peaceful, loving, spiritual, and intelligent beings who have achieved great things in their culture and society. Some of the achievements include being able to see with their eyes closed, having telepathic abilities, being able to freeze time, healing themselves and others instantly, flying without machines (they fly by thought using their Merkabah), technology that is so advanced that they can disappear from this planet to another in a flash of light and more.
They have passed the spiritual stage of development, and now they are more focused on scientific development. Their cities are built hundreds of feet underground to shield them from harmful rays from the sun and moon, as well as to protect them from earthquakes, floods, and other cataclysms on their planets.
The Pleiadians live in crystal cities that sparkle like tiny quartz crystals in the midst of nature’s greenery. On worlds in the Pleiades star cluster, several of these cities resemble crystal locations underground and beneath oceans.
These cities have many unusual structures and activities. For example, they grow their food inside their buildings because they don’t want to waste space on growing fields or gardens above ground.
All their water is recycled, so there is no need for lakes, rivers, or waterfalls outside the buildings. People get their fresh air by sitting near windows with a slight opening in them, particularly at night when it is cooler.
Their buildings, which are made of a crystalline substance, are all connected by walkways and tubes that are transparent, so they can see through them to watch what’s going on outside.
They wear clothes only when they go outside; otherwise, they are always in light body coverings, similar to what humans think of as “spacesuits.”
The crystal cities are built in a particular way with crystals that are shaped as tall towers, pyramids, and zigzag spires.
The crystal cities and the landscape, in general, are full of life, feel great, and look fantastic. The pure energy of the planets, stars, and galaxies flows through the cities like silvery-white veins or rivers of light, bringing life to everything.
The Pleiadian crystal cities do not have a lot of people living in them because it’s more about living or being in a clean, harmonic, and peaceful environment.
Living in big cities on Earth where there is pollution, noise, stress, traffic jams, and all kinds of bad energies is difficult to compare to being among these crystal cities that shine like tiny quartz crystals among the greenery of nature.
Apart from Pleiadians, there are also many other star races living in these cities who are there for trade or to work together with the Pleiadians.
The Pleiadians live in cities that are built in the same dimensions as their bodies. The buildings are tall and slender, with much of their space devoted to air circulation.
These tall, slender cities absorb sunlight from the tops of the buildings and bring it down through the structures. They have skylights instead of windows, and there is very little need for artificial lighting.
There is a great deal of greenery around the buildings and inside them as well, with different varieties planted in every available nook. There is a requirement for flowers to be present everywhere because the Pleiadians use them during their meditations.
The Pleiadians themselves are quite slender and tall, averaging seven to eight feet in height. They are usually seen wearing white garments that shimmer like silver threads. Their skin tones are mostly pale-greenish with tinges of blue and green, and they have hair ranging from light brown to reddish-blond.
The Pleiadian cities are built underground beneath lakes, rivers, or oceans on planets in the Pleiades star cluster. The Pleiadian cities are very advanced and sometimes invisible to some people.
The Yellow Crystal City is a place of light and beauty. Its buildings are made of radiant crystals, which glow with their own inner light. There are many gardens in the city, and people can swim in the river that runs through it. Pleiadians live here on a continual basis.
They also have access to other cities within the same star system, such as:
Blue crystal city: This place is like a miniature version of Yellow Crystal City but blue in color.
Red Crystal City: This city is bursting at the seams with energy and fire. Its inhabitants enjoy both high technology and spiritual development.
Green Crystal City: This city is home to many healers, who provide a service to the whole of the Pleiadian star system, including Earth.
Purple Crystal City: This city provides education for people from all over the galaxy who wish to visit and learn about spiritual development and Pleiadian culture.
All the above cities are open to all people from Earth who wish to visit them, although there are strict rules regarding what one may talk about when returning to Earth.
There are also more than just these five cities in the Pleiades star cluster, but these are the ones that are the most popular.
The Pleiadian cities have a very high level of technology and are very spiritual. One can go inside the crystal cities in spirit and communicate with their guides and teachers.
It is said that the Pleiadians have also created a few underground cities on Earth, in South America and also underneath the deserts of the United States, and they have created many Pleiadian settlements that are beneath the surface of the Earth near sacred sites like Machu Picchu, Ollantaytambo, and others.
The Pleiadians live in their communities or cities without interfering with or harming nature. They never use animal products or byproducts for food, clothing, or any other purpose. However, they do use crystals to create anything they need using their minds, consciousness, and knowledge of how to manipulate energy fields.
All forms of animal life, plants, and trees are respected as living beings, just like human beings, but they do not consume them for sustenance. They grow fruits and vegetables that are extremely nutritious in their gardens and hydroponic farms.
They only eat what is grown in their own biodynamic gardens. There is no pollution or contamination because they recycle everything into fertilizers for their plants, which cleans the air and water around the planet.
We love you dearly,
We are here with you,
We are your family of light,
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
On November 19th, 2024, Pluto enters Aquarius for a 2-decade journey through the sign of innovation, transformation, and social progress.
Aquarius, co-ruled by Uranus, is a future-oriented sign. Its air element and collective nature focus on progress, improvement, and societal evolution. The intellectual, air quality of Aquarius is particularly relevant to communication, information processing, and technological intelligence.
Pluto in Aquarius – AI Paranoia
It’s no surprise, then, that Pluto in Aquarius will likely bring significant focus to Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Many people fear the rapid rise of AI. Will AI take over? Will we become dependent on robots? Are we heading toward a Matrix-like scenario?
Ai-paranoia is real.
However, astrology suggests that while no revolutionary period comes without challenges, there’s no reason to believe humanity will be wiped out by AI anytime soon.
Pluto has been in Aquarius before, many times throughout history.
Pluto in Aquarius – Previous Cycles
The last Pluto in Aquarius (late 1700s) brought about the Industrial Revolution, which led to unprecedented economic growth, technological progress, and improved living standards.
The cycle before that (1500s) saw the Protestant Reformation challenge the authority of the Catholic Church. This movement democratized religion – before then, only clergy had access to religious texts, but the printing press, another Aquarian innovation, made these texts accessible to ordinary people. God became available to everyone.
Pluto in Aquarius (2024-2044) will be no different. Yes, the AI revolution may bring its own set of challenges. But ultimately, it has the potential to change society for the better.
What might feel terrifying now is likely an opportunity in disguise. Society may not have all the answers yet, but together, we will find a way. Nature always adjusts to what’s new.
Pluto in Aquarius – The Only Constant Is Change
Back in the 1890s, economists calculated that if the number of horses continued to increase at the current rate, cities like London would be buried under nine feet of manure within 50 years.
Did that happen? No. Society, through individuals like Ford and other innovators, ‘manifested’ a solution: the automobile. No more horse poop on the streets.
Of course, we could argue that automobiles created a different type of problem. However, when we consider how Pluto operates, how nature operates, we understand that progress is part of life. Change is inevitable.
We have a choice: we can go along with it or resist it. Pluto only brings challenges when we go against its flow. When we align with the universal will, we move forward with awareness.
Another reason to feel optimistic about Pluto’s upcoming ingress into Aquarius is the transits it makes with other planets.
From 2025 until 2029, Pluto will be trining Uranus in Gemini and sextiling Neptune in Aries. Basically, all the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) are in harmonious support. This alignment is an unprecedented positive aspect we haven’t seen in our lifetimes.
Will everyone’s life be filled with rainbows and unicorns? Of course not. Personal and social planets will occasionally create necessary tension. And the outer planetary alignment may not harmonize with every single planet in each person’s natal chart.
But here we’re talking about the big picture. And from an astrological perspective, the big picture looks promising.
Pluto In Aquarius – A New Era, A New You
We will be covering all these Pluto in Aquarius themes in much more depth in our upcoming “Pluto in Aquarius – A New Era, A New You” 3-week program.
In the 2nd module of the program, we will explore the actual shift from Capricorn to Aquarius, focusing on what will change, and in the 3rd module, we will dive deep into the 2-decade transit (2024-2044) to identify overarching themes and emerging trends.
We’ll then look at your natal chart to understand how these transformative energies will influence you on a personal level.
The program is fully aligned with the current transits; we’re offering it now because this is the ideal time to harness this powerful energy of change and work with it.
You can join “Pluto In Aquarius – A New Era, A New You” the link below:
>> Pluto In Aquarius – A New Era, A New You <<
Pluto works in mysterious ways.
To understand what to expect from Pluto in Aquarius, we first need to delve into the essence of Pluto itself.
Who is Pluto? What does Pluto want?
Pluto is where we are called to go deep and uncover the root cause of things - where we keep digging until we reach the ultimate truth and a profound level of understanding.
Pluto is synonymous with “fate” itself. It’s the force of nature that brought us into existence. Pluto is our survival instinct - not just individual survival (which is ruled by Mars), but our collective survival instinct as a species; it’s the instinct that preserves life itself.
Trying to resist Pluto is like resisting the laws of life. It’s us against the world. It’s a futile exercise.
Pluto is not here to give us what we want. Pluto’s goal is to help us transcend our egoic needs and act in alignment with the greater good of the universe.
It’s crucial, then, to align ourselves with Pluto rather than resist it.
#1 Thing About Pluto
If we were to distill Pluto to its essence, if we were to identify the core of Pluto, it’s this:
Pluto is what triggers you the most. Pluto is what you resist with all your might, what keeps you spiraling, awake at night.
Pluto is what we find hardest to understand, what we simply can’t grasp. It’s the life circumstances that seem incomprehensible, the people we struggle with, the ones we despise.
Pluto is our shadow. Think about it: as the Sun shines on you, it creates a shadow - a shape that isn’t you, but a projection of light around you. Yet, it’s a part of you because that shadow wouldn’t exist if you weren’t there.
The shadow is what we reject, what we don’t integrate, what we deny or project onto the outside world. As Carl Jung said, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate”.
As long as we reject our shadow, we project it outward and experience it as an external event.
Encountering our shadow is an absolutely necessary process. Unless we face it and enter the Underworld within ourselves, we will always be at the mercy of Pluto.
The hardest truth is that your worst enemy - the one inflicting so much pain and suffering - is not Pluto. It’s you. More specifically, it’s that part of you that you cannot face.
If something triggers you, if you can’t make sense of it, that’s Pluto at work. That’s your shadow calling for attention, revealing something within you that needs understanding.
If crime triggers you, that doesn’t mean you’re a criminal. But there’s something about the nature of that crime - something stirring in you so strongly - that needs to be understood.
Perhaps it’s a fear of your own anger. Maybe it’s an unconscious concern: what would I do if I found myself in a similar situation? Or it could be an early, unprocessed encounter where you were either a victim or a witness to something similar, and you haven’t fully come to terms with it. This unprocessed experience lurks in your subconscious, wanting to emerge.
The Long Journey To The Heart Of Pluto
Of course, it’s not easy to face, as the ways of the underworld are mysterious. Processing our Pluto themes takes time. Truly moving past someone who has wronged us, or overcoming betrayal, if we’re honest (and don’t just say, “I’m over it”), takes a very long time.
Admitting our mistakes, our lack of maturity, or our tendency for instant gratification takes time, and it often requires repeated exposure to similar challenges to truly sink in.
That’s why Pluto transits are so long - because processing Pluto’s lessons takes time. It takes time to uncover and make sense of things that are buried deep within our subconscious.
But this journey, with all its trials and tribulations, is totally worth it. Why?
Because it helps us grow, develop wisdom, and cultivate compassion. Because it brings us closer to our true path. And because it helps us understand that we are part of something bigger, in which our personal growth aligns with the greater good.
Despite Pluto’s intense reputation, a picture speaks louder than a thousand words: Pluto has a heart. Whatever Pluto does, it does out of a deep, transformative love. Pluto’s aim isn’t to inflict pain, but to free us from suffering and from the outdated constructs of our egos.
When we align with Pluto, rather than resist it, life becomes lighter, less of a constant struggle.
Will challenges still arise? Of course. But there’s a big difference between swimming WITH the tide rather than against it.
Pluto will help you swim with the tide, in harmony with the laws of the universe.
To learn more about Pluto's process and to embrace the upcoming Pluto in Aquarius transit, join us for a 3-week journey to the heart of Pluto:
>> PLUTO IN AQUARIUS – A New Era, A New You <<
Astro Butterfly