07. august 2022
Täna saab 60aastaseks minu õekene – ohvitser-shamaan-kullakallisarmas Oma Anu. Pahka-moor, noh 🙂
Richard ja Pille sõitsid detsembris ära, seiklesid Hispaanias-Portugalis-Põhjamerel – ning jõudsid eile Tallinnasse. Lapsed poetasid Virtsus mummile. Nii lihtsalt need asjad käivadki. Mast vahepeal maas ja põhjas? Nii, nagu merel, nõnda ka maa peal – ja nii ongi. Olen piiritult-ääretult-meeletult tänulik.
Oleksid mäger, kui juba Virtsus olles Ranna rantšosse ei läheks. Rantšos on nii omakasvatatud kui varjule võetud loomi nõnda palju, et mäkra neil vaja ei ole. Seega varu paar-kolm tundi ja OLE.
Inimestega harjunud loomade sekka võib lapsed vabalt usaldada ja jälgida, mis müstilisel moel Ande KÕIGEGA – aga see-eest ühe korraga – hakkama saab. Laagri-maleva-külastajate lapsed, loomade vajadused, varustamine… Kui arvate, et teil on keeruline ja tihe elu… arvake uuesti.
Kauboi-kantri-disco-rock-stiilis Andest on saanud eriliselt kaunis ja tasakaalukas JUMALANNA.
Kellele mängib brasiilia indiaanlane Pärnus Rüütli tänavas „Girl from Ipanema“?
Sellele, kes läheb lapselapsi nende emmele viima, sõdib end poola rekka-killerite kiuste kodulinna ning saab kingituseks täiesti planeerimata suvepäeva.
Meri ja mäluvood. Rannahoone ja mäluvood. Brasiilia indiaanlane ja mäluvood.
Lõvi portaal puhastab ja kirgastab meie kõigi kihtide kõik mäluvood. Rakutasandini. Bikiinide ja kõrvaklappideni – sõna otsases mõttes.
Mina, 5 lapse ja kohe 7 lapselapse Madre tantsisin lapsepõlvelinna tänaval pärast indiaani-Miloga Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro ja favelade, Corcovado ja Ipanema teemadel lobisemist mulle mängitud bossanovat.
The Girl From Ipanema
Antônio Carlos Jobim, Stan Getz, …
Olha que coisa mais linda
Mais cheia de graça
É ela menina
Que vem e que passa
Num doce balanço, a caminho do mar
Moça do corpo dourado
Do sol de Ipanema
O seu balançado é mais que um poema
É a coisa mais linda que eu já vi passar
Ah, porque estou tão sozinho
Ah, porque tudo é tão triste
Ah, a beleza que existe
A beleza que não é só minha
Que também passa sozinha
Ah se ela soubesse
Que quando ela passa
O mundo sorrindo
Se enche de graça
E fica mais lindo
Por causa de amor
Tall and tan and young and lovely
The girl from Ipanema goes walking
And when she passes
Each one she passes goes, “Ah”
When she walks, she’s like a samba
That swings so cool and sways so gently
That when she passes
Each one she passes goes, “Ah”
Oh, but he watches her so sadly
How can he tell her he loves her?
Yes, he would give his heart gladly
But each day, when she walks to the sea
She looks straight ahead, not at he
Tall, and tan, and young, and lovely
The girl from Ipanema goes walking
And when she passes, he smiles
But she doesn’t see
Oh, but he sees her so sadly
How can he tell her he loves her?
Yes, he would give his heart gladly
But each day, when she walks to the sea
She looks straight ahead, not at him
Tall, and tan, and young, and lovely
The girl from Ipanema goes walking
And when she passes, he smiles
But she doesn’t see
She just doesn’t see
No, she doesn’t see
But she doesn’t see
She doesn’t see
No, she doesn’t see
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Norman Gimbel / Vinicius De Moraes / Antonio Carlos Jobim
The Girl From Ipanema lyrics © Songs Of Universal, Inc., Beatstars
Oleme kõik, nagu Pärnud – ahmime endasse suvega KÕIK, millega läbi talve kesta.
Alexis Varnum:
Praegu me läbime aktiivse energeetilise tsükli. Selle perioodi energia mõju võivad tunda ka need, kes varem pole midagi tundnud. Samuti oleme astunud ka isikliku ja kollektiivse ärkamise tasemele. Ärkamine toimub erinevates vormides ja võivad juhtuda erinevad asjad meie eludes. Ärkamine pole mingi punkt kuhu me peame jõudma see on meie eksisteerimise ja arengu protsess. Me ärkame selleks, et olla vabad. Iga inimene on praegu seal, kus ta peab olema. Nii kaua kui me sisemiselt oleme valmis muutuma ülemineku uks ei sulge. Me areneme enda tempos ja selles protsessis puudub see, mis on õige ja mis mitte. Tunneta kas sinu elu kogemus on muutunud või kõik on nii nagu varem?
Toimuvate protsesside käigus praegu võid tunda, et tahad rohkem vaadata endasse, võivad tulla vanad mälestused, samas hakkad kahtlema enda vanades veendumustes. Võib tekkida soov alustada midagi uut, võimenduvad sisemised omadused (selgeltnägemine, kuulmine, teadmine). Oled rohkem tähelepanelik ümbritseva suhtes. Unenäod on selged, tulevad uued ideed mis võivad mõjutada sinu professionaalsust. Soov tekitada uued sidemed uute inimestega. Tahad rohkem rääkida teistele oma uutest kogemustes ja seletada kuidas saab olla rõõmsam ja õnnelikum. Me kohaneme võimsate valguse lainetega ja võime tunda transformatsiooni sümptomid, mis tasub aktsepteerida. Sellega me lubame integratsioonil toimuda kiiremini. Ärkamisega võivad kaasneda järgmised sümptomid: rahulolematus, söögiisu muutmine (puudub või vastupidi on suur) kehakaalu kasv või kaotus, unustad rohkem, peapööritus, kohin ühes kõrvas, desorienteerimine, surve kolmanda silma piirkonnas, valud lihastes, magad rohkem või vähem, valud kõhupiirkonnas, keha viskab kord külma kord kuuma, väsimus. Emotsionaalselt võid tunda järgmist: Põhjuseta nutmine, emotsionaalselt oled tipus või täitsa nullis, viha, virisemine, ärritus, ärevus, depressioon. Situatsioonide liigne analüüs, ehk hakkad analüüsima seda, millele varem poleks tähelepanu pööranud. Võivad olla energeetilised pursked, kui tahad kiiresti tegutseda.
Peamine oska enda seisundeid vastu võtta. Kõik möödub siis kui sa enam ei võitle vaid võtad rahulikult vastu. Kõrge energia tsüklites võivad tekkida hirmud, eriti öösel. Siis kui mõistus ei tunne ennast turvaliselt ja mõtleb välja teab mida. Samas nii ilmub meie hirm teadmatuse ees. Õpi seda mõistma ja seleta oma mõistusele, et puudub selline mõiste „teadmatus“ sest Hing teab kõike. Kas tasub karta, kui osa meist juba teab kuhu ja kuidas liikuda? Kõik tegelikult hoolitseb meie eest. Tuleb vaid vabaneda kiindumustest, mis tekitavad hirmu teadmatuse ees. Kujuta endale ette millised võimalused avanevad Sinu ees kui saad vabaneda hirmust tuleviku ees. Praegu kõrged energiad tõstavad pinnale vanad asjad, mis vajavad lahendust ja samas me laeme endasse energiat selleks, et väljuda enda loodud piirangutest. Parem märka uued ideed ja võimalused. On vajalik lõpetamine. Sa ei väldi seda, mis on tekitanud ebameeldivused või hirmutanud. Tuleb sellega tegeleda selleks, et see rohkem Sinu elus ei korduks. Võib olla just Sina oled see kes peab lõpetama vanad mustrid, mis korduvad Sinu elus või suguvõsas, see on Sinu võimus.
Sakala saba(ti)d
Äratus-äratus-äratus – Nuiamäe kutsub!
Püüdsime sabati-sõnaga Sinu tähelepanu? Väga hea.
Sabat on pidu Sinus eneses – arukad rahvad peavad igal reedel sabatit, laupäeval kütavad sauna ja pühapäeval on hingamispäev.
Nuiamäe hobukeskus kutsub Sind augustist oktoobrini reedetite elu ja iseennast pühitsema. Meil on pakkuda tantsud hobustega maneežis, meelerännakud ja väemuusika vaatega hobustele ürgoru nõlval, intiimsemad vestlusringid ja koolitused õdusas salongis. Kõike ja kõiki võimendab hobuste lähedus – sabad, noh 😉
Teejuhtideks on kutsutud tuntud suurvaimud, kellel on aeg ka Sakala kõrgustikel vägesid valitseda:
19. august – Kai Tamm – Avesta-numeroloogia-taimeastroloogia
26.august – Meeli Lass – vabastav hingamine, mantrad ja meditatsioon
2. september – Denis Vinogradov ja Lilia Märtmaa
9. september – Linus Kordes ja Triin Lellep – teiste tsivilisatsioonide
laulud ja kanaldused
14.september – Murutarid ja Omad
23.september – Anu Pahka, Teresa Mängel ja Sirje Penjam – pööripäev!
30.september – Mina, Naine! – Pille Smirnova – Teise Küla Teater
7.oktoober – lõikustänupüha
14.oktoober – Tom Valsberg
21.oktoober – hõimude ühinemise õhtu
28.oktoober – üleminek talveaega
Täpsustamisel Trofimov, Mang, Vain, Seedrid, Holistikud, Krautman, Villido jt.
Millal Sa viimati paljajalu liivas tantsisid? Ahhaa! On aeg.
Oled Sa augusti tähesajust värviliseks tõmbuva oktoobri reede õhtuti teadlikult ja teadvustatult puhanud ja mänginud? Nüüd teed endale selle kingituse.
Nuiamäe kui avaneva Mulgimaa kõrgkoht tõuseb suveks 2023 ka spirituaalseteks laagriteks sobivaks paigaks – sädeinimeste meeskond on selleks valmis.
Paralleelmaailm pulseerib meil Gambias – ekvatoriaal-Aafrikas ookeani ääres, kus loomaarstist emand Piia tervise huvides talvitab ning teid puhkusele ootab ja safaritele viib.
Sakala sabatite ajal saate soetada nii raamatu „Viljandi Piia Gambia“ kui Tomi-Vainu-Kai raamatuid ja helikandjaid autogrammide ja õnnistusega.
Shabbat Shalom! God bless You! Namaste! Ole hoitud.
Piia ja Kristi Vilu
Kati Murutar 5107709
Kristo Maisa 5504535
The 3D timeline is expiring. We are witnessing its total collapse.
As we are navigating through the remains of the third dimensional matrix, we are being challenged to the very core of our beliefs and emotional responses as they all are being triggered in unprecedented ways.
There’s no shame in being human. There’s no guilt in experiencing emotions. The importance is how you deal with it and how you act upon your emotions.
Being human and having the depth of emotions only humans have is what makes life on planet earth so desirable. It’s the experience of life that is offered only on earth which is contrary to existence and being as other life forms on other star systems.
The human race cannot and will not continue to live from the ego, unaware of spirit, disconnected from the astral world, and chronically deficient of divine light and love.
Ten years ago, we naively thought that when the time of change would finally arrive, we would be in utter joy, peace, and abundance. The human part of each of us held tight to the idea of a romantic and beautiful paradigm shift. We ignored all the warnings of the Pleadian, Andromedan, Arcturian, and Lyran elders of the Galactic Federation. This doesn’t mean that there is no light at the end of the tunnel but rather that is gets darkest right before the dawn…
We are responsible for our world and our evolution as a race. Nobody else is. Every being is responsible for their own.
Many on planet earth are responsible for severe crimes against humanity. They are guilty of unleashing Armageddon on the peoples of earth in form of a global mass genocide. This is the greatest holocaust and it has been well prepared, planned, and executed by the dark forces. Make no mistake, judgement day is coming. But in the meanwhile, the tragedy commences. These are testing times.
I find it shocking and sad that the “spiritually awakened” seem to be obsessed in finding out “who they are” and run from one pseudo psychic to another for answers that serve no one. Lo and behold they all always return as gods, goddesses, archangels, kings and queens. Let alone all those Jesus, divine mother or divine father incarnates. There are so many made-up versions of The Galactic Federation it is mind blowing. And always followed by ridiculous and embarrassing claims that their made-up version is higher than all the others and the being they truly are is more powerful than anyone else. This decadence is disgusting, dumb, and a complete waste of everyone’s energy. It’s like being stuck in kindergarten forever. Instead of focusing at the task at hand people are stuck with trying to come up with some bla bla why this or that is not this or that way but their version of things is the final truth.
The new age is a new cage. A psychological operation master piece.
Meanwhile our relatives are getting the quackcine and therewith signing their own ascension exit verdict. Mothers are worried to shreds for their adult children who won’t listen to their advice. Spouses can’t convince their partners. Children are seeing their parents seal their destiny. All by taking the lethal injection.
It is OKAY to admit your heart is broken. It is OKAY to cry and feel overwhelming sadness and pain. It is OKAY to fear for your loved ones’ safety. You are human. You might also be a starseed but understand one thing, you have chosen to be human in this lifetime. This is the bottom line. Constantly trying to find out which star you’re from is escapism when true spirituality is about arriving in the now here moment, the only time and place where you exist.
Now is the time to allow these emotions to move through you. Acknowledge them and embrace them. They are there for a reason. Meditate to keep a sense of clarity and open your mind to divine guidance.
Now is the time to be strong. To be wise. To be patient. To be compassionate.
I have to emphasize the importance of meditation. Do not expect anything in your life to change for the better if you cannot sit in silence with nothing but your own presence for at least 20 minutes per day.
I wish that you will all finally understand that there’s no outside source to tell you who you are or what your mission is. This answer lies in the stillness of your heart. In the silence between your breaths. Here you will find your god power that is beyond any labels. Labels belong to the 3D matrix that is crumbling like a cheap house of cards. But it is not going down without a big bang.
Take a deep breath and know that it is your conscious awareness, your level of understanding and seeing the bigger picture is what this word desperately needs.
Say out loud: “I want to evolve. I call light into my being. I want to heal.” It is your light that lights the world.
As we are evolving and preparing for physical ascension, we must take care of the body more than ever. Physical ascension means that the DNA is evolving and changing the structure of the body. The DNA altering quackcine puts a 100% halt on this process. As if this wasn’t dramatic enough, those who take the shot are infecting those who didn’t.
Most of my own human family have already taken the quackcine. And I have a big family. I know that we are all going through this misery at the same time. We must understand that these are people with outworn beliefs whose frequency is no longer in resonance with New Earth. They are not even aware that there is a New Earth emerging.
I have so many clients who come to me asking for help and guidance in this regard. All I can do is recommend what I feel is the ascension supplement to everyone and pray and hope they will take it. Those who take the shot will be safer and healthier and might survive the poison if they take the ascension supplement. And those who say no to the prick, must take it too. First, to protect their bodies from whatever it is the others are shedding and second, to help promote DNA repair and upgrades for physical ascension.
Help is here. The patented technology to drink a liquid that stimulates the DNA to do what it needs to do during ascension is here.
The light forces are fighting, negotiating, and assisting the humans on earth to safe themselves in unimaginable ways. The problem are the humans themselves. They have such high expectations that stem merely from their egos that it is simply impossible to meet their demands.
Life is what you make out of it.
Now, what do you choose? A negative thought or comment? Or do you recognize the opportunity and grab it and make it yours?
Your reaction is all you need to know about yourself and where you are at within this last battle of life or death. Your reality is determined by your belief systems. Those who cling to their 3D indoctrinations are about to leave this reality which we call life on planet earth. Because the planet herself is leaving this reality and shaking off all who do not resonate with her higher frequency.
What are the expectations you have attached to your outworn beliefs? If you can find and determine your errors now you will shift. All the tools have been given. Let the wisdom of your heart guide you.
May the source be with you. A’HO
With love,
Aurora Ray
Lyran Commander & Ambassador of The Galactic Federation
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