08. august 2022
Lõvi Väravad toovad suure pöördumatu selguse.
Valik on tehtud. Kõik, mida annad, võimendub mitmekordselt. Nii heas kui teistmoodi andmises.
Vastutust ega valikuid enam kellelegi delegeerida ei saa. Sina oled Jumala näo järgi loodud looja.
Päeval, mil Luule Viilma tutvustas mulle Eeslitallis Ada Lundveri sakstekambris Sirje Gabrieli – rahu neile – ja Mai-Agatet, ütles Mai-Agate: ma olin su isa. Mõni aasta hiljem vaatasime koos järele. Olin tema tütar Hollandis, kus ta saatis mind laevu-pidi vargile, sest ma olin vilgas nigu suslik. Justkui poenimekirjaga shoppamas käisin – põhiliselt tõin laevadest välja toitu, küünlaid, seepi ja napsi. Harvem oma maitse järgi ilusaid asju. Mida ma ei saanud papa Mai-Agatele öelda – kolakat jagas 😀
Veelkord Mai-Agate Väljataga elutarkused
1. Asjadele, mida te tegema ei pea, tulevad takistused ette. Elu ise lükkab teid õigele rajale, kui te just vägisi vastu ei punni.
2. Meelerahus tehtud otsused on sulle endale parimad.
3. Sinu parim väe hetk: sina ise siin ja praegu.
4. Uues ajastus pole esikohal mitte mõtlemine, vaid tunnetamine.
5. Elada tuleb tänases päevas, mitte homset uurida. Tulevikuks on võimalik ometigi valmistuda, kui püüame lahti saada ahistavatest kammitsatest ja iseloomuomadustest, mis tekitavad meile maises elus probleeme.
6. On vaja aru saada, et kõik on energia – absoluutselt kõik.
7. Kui sa oled ise salliv ja armastav, siis on ka sinu ümber sallivad ja armastavad inimesed.
8. Häbi on energia, millel on väga tugev mõju inimese eluenergiale.
9. Valikute tegemiseks otsuseid langetada ongi üks elu põhilisi õppimise väljakutseid.
10. Elus on oluline teha seda, mis sulle meeldib. Ära vali tööd selle järgi, kas see sind rikkaks teeb. Tegevus, mis kuulub sinu missiooni ning mida sa armastad, teeb sind õnnelikuks ja toidab alati ära.
11. Tingimusteta armastus on ürgenergia.
12. Inimest, kellel pole väljakutseid, raskeid hetki, pole olemas. Inimesele saadetud raskused on nagu koolitükid: tuleb ta nendega edukalt toime, lubatakse järgmisse klassi. Tuleb lasta ajal kulgeda ning üleliigsetel asjadel ja inimestel elust minna.
13. Kui sa ütled sõnu ilma sisemiste tunneteta, siis neil sõnadel puudub vägi.
14. Depressioon tekib siis, kui inimene ei julge ennast väljendada. Tehakse seda, mida teised tahavad. Aga ühel hetkel saab kehal mõõt täis, tekib paanikahoog. Inimesed peavad õppima kuulama oma sisehäält ja olema oma otsustes ise kindlad.
15. Kõik, mida ma teen, mida mõtlen ja ütlen, tuleb minu juurde tagasi.
16. Kui teed mingi otsuse ja tunnet seejärel mõnusat tunnet, siis tee seda – järgi oma otsust.
17. Õige on meile alati see, mis meile meeldib.
18. Kahjuks on ka uskmatus üks energiatest, mis ei lase inimese andekusel avaneda. Soovingi kõigile head pealehakkamist ja uskumist oma väesse. Soovitan veel ka vaadata iseenda sisse, vaadata otsa oma varjudele, tunnistada neid, ja kui neid tunnistada, siis on võimalik neid ümber teha.
19. On vaja olla siin ja praegu, on vaja tingimusteta armastada, õppida andeks andma, ükskõik, mis ülekohtuseid tegusid ka meie vastu ei ole tehtud, ja tuleks õppida kuulatama oma südame häält.
20. Elatakse teistele, ennast ohverdades. Ning oodatakse seejärel tänu. Aga see on vale! Elu jääbki elamata.
21. Alati on võimalus valida, kas oled õnnelik või õnnetu.
Hinge Valgus kirjutab
Toimub suur lähtestamine. Kui tunnete end väsinuna, tühjendatuna või kogete inertsi, ärge kartke, see on ajutine olemise seisund. Paljud meist lõpetavad nüüd kõiki oma vanu karmalisi ja lõpetatud või üleliigseid hingelepinguid, oma harjumuspäraseid olemise ja tegemise viise. Pildid reaalsusest, millega oleme nii kaua elanud, muutuvad nüüd ja uued pole veel teada. Tegelikult ei tule suure tõenäosusega enam kunagi sellist kindlust, millega enamik meist on kunagi üles kasvanud.
Oleme sisenemas tärkamise ajastusse – kus elame hetkes, navigeerides oma meelte järgi – õpime minema sellega, mis tundub hea, oma intuitsiooni, soovide ja sisemise teadmisega.
Elu saab olema väga orgaaniline, mis tähendab, et meie vanad viisid asju teha ja kuidas me elu näeme, saab olema tohutult erinev.
Me peame teadma, kuidas olla voolus nii evolutsioonilise impulsi kui ka meie enda tsüklilise olemusega ja see on midagi, mis tundub paljudele üsna võõrana.
Me õpime, kuidas jääda iseendale truuks, samal ajal rakendades oma oskusi ja kogemusi, et teenida uuel, koostööaltimal viisil kui varem.
Praegusel ajal võivad rohkelt puhkust, hea toitumine, aeg looduses ja mõtisklused või kirjutamised olla toeks, et aidata meil integreeruda, kui see suur ümberseadistamine toimub.
Need võivad olla ajad, mil tunneme suurt kaotust ja oluline on lasta pisaratel langeda ka siis, kui me pole kindlad, miks me nutame. Hinge tasandil on palju muutumas ja ümber orienteerumas. See nõuab aega ja energiat.
Me oleme kuldse võimaluse äärel teha asju teisiti, nagu meil oli varem. Sellisel ajal on abiks selline uudishimu hoiak ja tahe asju proovida. Eelkõige headus ja kannatlikkus. Endale ja üksteisele.
Headus on uus valuuta.
~Moriah Ama
Meie, Siriuse rahvas.
Who Are The Sirians?
The Sirians are a group of star beings, and their appearance is often associated with that of the constellation Orion.
They are said to be the “highest level of being,” and it is said that up to 4% of the total population on Earth has some type of Sirian DNA. The Sirians are also said to be the ancestors of the Native Americans. They are considered “wizards” and “masters of the time.”
A Sirian’s entire being is made up of past, present, and future. They live many lifetimes, from 1 to 11,000. They are immortal and ageless. The Sirians live for aeons and are apparently able to transcend space and time. They hold great wisdom and power.
Sirians are pure energy and exist in all dimensions, including the third dimension. Sirians have a “shield” that surrounds them. The shield is made of a violet-blue liquid.
Sirians have the ability to shapeshift, as well as the ability to teleport long distances. They also possess the ability to fly and, in rare cases, the ability to shapeshift into animals. Sirians also have the ability to alter time, space, and dimension and to alter matter.
The Sirian Starseeds, also known as the Sirian High Council, that came to Earth to help humanity and have since committed themselves to the protection of the Earth.
Sirians are often described as tall, thin, and gaunt, making them appear otherworldly. They also have long, glowing blue hair, and their skin is usually described as being translucent or glowing.
The Sirians are commonly seen in natural settings, such as deserts and forests. When entering the Earth’s atmosphere, they sometimes use jet black spacecraft.
They first became aware of Earth thousands of years ago. It was then that the Sirians began to observe humanity and protect it. At first, they were cautious and distrustful of humanity. After centuries of observation, however, they began to realize that humanity was not a threat.
The Sirians, who originate from the planet Sirius, are the brightest stars in the night sky and have long fascinated humans. From mid-northern latitudes throughout the year, this star is easy to see without the aid of a telescope or binoculars.
Today, astronomers say that Sirius is no ordinary star. It’s a binary star system, meaning that it contains two stars orbiting each other. One star, called Sirius B, is significantly larger than Sirius A (the star at the center of our system, which you can see with the unaided eye).
Sirius B has a mass more than 25 times that of the sun. Astronomers also estimate that Sirius B is a billion years old. Sirius is ten times as bright as the moon, although the moon is 40 times closer to Earth.
Sirius is the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major, also known as the Great Dog. In Greek mythology, Canis Major is Zeus’s dog, guarding him and his cattle. In Roman mythology, Canis Major is Arcas, the guardian of Zeus’s cattle.
In Arabic, the name is al-Sirr (“the Dog Star”). Wénxng means “Literary Star” in traditional Chinese.
In Indian astronomy, Sirius is known as Rohini, meaning “rising.” In Hindu mythology, Rohini is the wife of the sage Vishvamitra. Sirius is also associated with various deities. Sirius is Swarga (the heavenly kingdom), as well as the home of the souls.
The Sirians taught humans many advanced sciences, including the sciences of math, physics, chemistry, biology, and medicine. They also helped humanity with the construction of various technologies, such as the laser, atomic science, modern communications, robotics, and artificial intelligence.
The Sirian starseeds (also known as the Lightworkers) are “seeds” that contain the blueprint of the Sirian system. Starseeds are given this blueprint as a “gift” to assist humans in awakening and transitioning into the 5th dimension.
The Sirians call this the “New Earth.” They are here to experience this beautiful planet in the process of becoming a paradise–free from the tyranny and corruption that currently exists on Earth.
The Sirians are opening many doors for us by their ongoing fight against the Cabal. They have revealed their presence to increase our understanding of our cosmic family. The need for continued secrecy is diminishing because the Sirian’s Light will restore planetary freedom, abundance, and unity consciousness!
Pets are often sent to chosen individuals to assist them, help them heal, and comfort them. Pets are sent to someone by the person’s Star family which also enables them to monitor the individuals progress on earth in conscious evolution.
Cats originate from the Lyrans. Dogs come from Sirius.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Channel and Art by Aurora Ray
Copyright 2021 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
TIMES/LINKS for 8/8 Lion’s Gate
144K Mass Meditation & Intel brief
[Times & Links Below]
Here’s some important info & context about the gravity of this Lion’s Gate Portal period, from Inelia Benz. It’s quite profound, and we MUST all be there to prevent the dark ones from using this portal …
… to ensure the Light not only prevails … but lifts Gaia to the highest possible timeline within the quantum field of possibilities!
“This secret has been kept well-guarded by Occultists throughout the ages.
Why? Because it would give regular folk real power. So here it is.
Depending on the year, the last week of July and the first week of August is a
massive reality-changing portal.
Most people ride this portal in an unconscious way. It is our higher-self, our expanded awareness self, that makes a decision on whether to use this portal to make big changes to our lives, or not.
We have a choice.
This is a global, Universal portal that happens to manifest during this period of time…This portal is so big, so powerful and so available to us, that we can ride its energy from weeks before to weeks after it opens”.
In the context of what appears to be the last year of conflict in the war to liberate the planet (& ourselves), this re-affirms the huge opportunity we have to achieve FREEDOM once and for all.
The rest of your intel brief for this operation (Lion’s gate Mass Meditation) is below, in case you missed it, on Grond Crew Command Radio.
physical plane is HERE.
… so it’s time to kick-back & watch the unawakened freak-the-f@#%-out over the next few months.
Their world will literally collapse … while ours will literally begin (more on that below).
I know most of us are still under duress, just by being here. But remember … this is wartime. And war sucks. That’s its nature.
On this week’s long-awaited broadcast of Ground Crew Command Radio [recording now available], I’ll be breaking down:
“Tsunami news” – I’ll be fully addressing the contentious issue of; ‘everythings gonna get wiped out by the tsunami, so what’s the point … to put this one to bed once-&-for-all … and even have you looking forward to it.
discover the deal that took place just after the New Moon (cough,cough; right after our New Moon Mass Med last Thursday, cough) that removed the food crisis / starvation blackmail card the Cabal was using.
I’ll be getting into the whole Saturn-Square-Uranus thing – when this squaring started – and why the last [5th] square of these two planets (this Oct 1st) will allow for the actualization of the change we’ve been fighting for.
Val Nek through Megan Rose has also released limited intel, which is also quite loaded when interpreted right. I break that down too. (Key point, the Galactic forces must take control of the internet before they can take over.)
and as the icing-on-the-cake for this broadcast, recent details have emerged about precisely how it’s all going to play-out … and it ain’t going to be August, nor Sept, nor Oct. It’ll be November.
… find out why, and much more, on the replay from Ground Crew Command Radio. [Just click the link to download or stream the show]
Who ever said changing the world was easy?!
… that’s where the 144k comes in …
See YOU on the non-physical!
… in about 24 hours …
Yours In Service …
The Unknown Lightwarrior
Times & Links For The
8/8 Lions’s Gate Portal
144K Meditation
Date: Aug 8th
Time: 3PM EDT
Your time zone: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?m
Blog Talk Live Broadcast Link: is here.
Telegram Live Link: https://t.me/MassMeditation_144k_HQ
Live broadcast on Free Conference Call: 1-518-318-5638
(This number will be good from the beginning of the meditation through to the end.)
ps. You can always click on the 144k Logo at the top of any email to find the time and date of the next 144k Mass Meditation, and if you know other powerful Starseeds / Lightworkers who would like to join the 144k & who you feel would get a lot out of Ground Crew Command Radio, you can send them to: www.144kArmyofLight.org to sign up.
Greetings friends,
These are remarkable times, and one of the most powerful days of the year, the 8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal, is quickly approaching.
The significance of the Lion’s Gate Portal
We want to share and offer a deeper understanding of the profound power of the Lion’s Gate. As the Lion’s Gate is the birthday of our Sun (15 degrees Leo the exact centre of the Leo zodiac), and Sirius (the Spiritual Sun and God Star) is in direct alignment during this window.
This month of Leo, during the lions gate portal, the Sun receives a new codex of light and genetic information. The light of our Sun holds all genetic information for our Earth, and all organic life on this Earth is a photonic expression of light from the Sun.
The Celebration of Abundance in Ancient Egypt and Sirius
During Antiquity, the ancient Egyptians celebrated this time of year when the Blue Star Sirius would being its rise in the skies and align with the Nile River. During this period, the Nile River would begin to overflow and flood the crops and replenish the soils.
This would signify that abundance of natural resources were available. The Egyptians would wait for the Annual Flooding of the Nile River that began its pouring over the banks of the River Nile at the end of June and completed its cycle at the Lion’s Gate, rebirthing Egypt into greater abundance every year.
For the ancient Egyptians, the rebirth of Egypt and the flooding of the Nile was correlated directly to the rising of blue star Sirius and its bestowing of blessings over Egypt. This heliacal rising of Sirius was celebrated as the Heavenly sign that signified the beginning of the New Year.
FREE GIFT – LION’S GATE Transmission on Unify
This coming Monday, when the 8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal is at its Highest peak, we shall go Live on Unify @12pm PST and hold a Special Lion’s Gate Wisdom Sharing and Energetic Transmission for all to join.
Due to the significance of the Lion’s Gate portal and the energies, we invite you to join us, as we reveal about the hidden codex of the Lion’s Gate and how to access it. This new codex of light can positively effect your BioEnergy Field, as well as the Collective and Planetary Fields.
During the Energetic Transmission, we shall also be using the Golden Sun Mantra to activate, recalibrate and upgrade the human genetic code during this period of time.
You may bring friends and family to this beautiful free online transmission.
Join the Unify Transmission Monday Here For Free on Facebook @ 12pm PT
Alexis Varnum:
Armsad sõbrad! Algab uus nädal. Veel säilivad külluse ja saagi energiad, kaob see mis on tekitanud valu, raskust, väsimust. Praegu on hea aeg ravimtaimede kuivatamiseks, moosi keetmiseks ja talvevarude tegemiseks. Alanud nädal toob heaolu. Ees meid ootab Vilja täiskuu. Saab lõõgastuda, kuid tööd ja tegevust jätkub. Praegu on vähem kahtlusi, raskusi ja takistusi. Jõudu jätkub, peamine ära ole laisk. Hea aeg uute projektide alustamiseks. See nädal on hea koostööks ja teineteise abistamiseks. Raha on! Peamine ära ise piira ennast, ega karda, et seda on vähe. Aitab jonnida pidevalt, sest sulle tundub, et raha on vähe. Tööta, tee reklaami, näita ennast ja oma oskused, tooted, teenused. Näita oma uued projektid, mine oma ettepanekutega ülemuse poole. Selle nädala energia soodustab sissetulekut ja samas ka laenude maksmist. Just praegu hommikul, mõtle mida Sa tahad endale. Lõvivärava külluse energia on praegu aktiivne. Täna on võimas päev. Nädala energiad soodustavad õppimist, hea on laiendada enda maailma vaatlust, saada uued teadmised.
Suhtes inimesed on rohkem koos. Tekkivad uued partnerid ja sõbrad isiklikus elus ja tegevuses. Selgust saavad Sinu suhted oma sõpradega, saad näha kes jääb Sinuga, kui on raske. Armusuhted arenevad kergelt. On võimalik leppine kui varem oled raskelt tülitsenud, kuid ürita teise inimese positsiooni ja ka ennast võtta vastu. Hoolimata heas perioodist ja energiatest sellel nädalal ole ettevaatlik uute inimestega, sest kõrvale võivad sattuda ebasiirad inimesed, keda ei tasu usaldada. Uued tutvused sellel nädalal eriti ei arene, energia on suunatud rohkem juba olevate suhete harmoniseerimisele ja arengule. Uued sidemed tekivad hiljem. Tervis vajab tasakaalu, kui töötad siis oska puhata. Teraapiad on stiihilised, seega mõtle enne mida Sa vajad. Praegu toidulisandeid ja vitamiine parem vähem kasutada, tarvita seda mis annab loodus ja saagi saamise aeg. Reisimine ja sõidud on edukad ja need võivad muuta Sinu elu. Kui sõidad siis kujuta ette, et sa liigud oma sihtide ja soovide poole.
Võimalik, et praegu tuleb midagi anda selleks, et saada. Aga ära karda ja panusta, investeeri endasse see toob head tulemused. Hea sellel nädalal lahendada probleeme, mitte taganeda. Kui vajad abi küsi või otsi spetsialist. Tee endale selgeks, millised soovid on Sulle tähtsad. Tuleb aeg kui saad realiseerida enda soovid. Unista rohkem ja ära karda.
Täna esmaspäev. Ole helde, korrasta enda ruum, ole ise kui laps, ära kiirusta ja askelda. Võib olla jõudu on vähem kui tavaliselt. Töös ja tegevuses võivad olla väikesed takistused. Ära võtta midagi südamesse, samas ära kuula lubadusi ja ka ise ära luba. Täna on hea suhelda noortega ja rääkida oma kogemustest. Lapsed võivad anda head soovitused. Päev õpetab olema siin ja praegu ja tegeleda sellega mis on hetkel vajalik. Tervis on rahulik, kuid võid tunda nõrkust, peamine ära kiirusta. Kui on probleeme vererõhuga ole ettevaatlik, kui pead kummardama. Täna on hea toetada oma perekonda ja suguvõsa.
Soovin Sulle ilusat nädalat, kergust, edasiliikumist, head tuju, heaolu, küllust, armastust, rahu südames, valgust, edu, raha ja õnne!