12. november 2022
Teatri Marionett 60. sünnipäeva puhul meenutagem, et Harri Vasar oli oma aja superstaar ´a la Uku Suviste või Stefan Airapetjan. Teda nimetatakse ka Eesti Walt Disney´ks.
Ise kirjutas näidendid, meisterdas nukud ja dekoratsioonid, taltsutas nukutädid, mängis ja laulis. „Lumivalgeke“ – esimene lavastus – on saanud kümme värskendust, kuuldemänguversiooni Estonia ja Eesti Draamateatri näitlejatega, lavastamise Riia nukuteatris ning tütre loodud teisenduse Südamesalu stuudios MINA OLEN. Meie lugu rääkis keskeakriisis muinasjututegelastest 🙂
Koos teispoolse Aarnega on papal 17 järglast – Lauri ja tema kolm tüdrukut, Kati ja meie 12 võrratut isiksust.
Me olemegi muinasjututegelased, igaüks oma Loost ja oma stiihiatega – kaunid kunstid, sõna, ehitamine, suur sitavedu ning… veel kauneid kunste 😀
Meie Südamesalu elab täpselt isa unistatud ELU – loovus-loodus-hobused.
Harri Vasara tütrelaste teine vanaisa Asser Murutar kohtles jumaliku aupaklikkusega Exupéry „Väikest printsi“. Täna mängib Mart Puust sõjalenduri võrratut eksistentsialismi piiblit Marionetis. Kõik on kõigi ja kõigega ühenduses. Ka vanaisa Asseri äsja-esitletud eluraamatu üks pealkirjadest on „Inimeste maa“. Nii ongi 60aastane teater hoidnud elu võimalikkust INIMESTE Eestimaal, kumbki oma teatris ja laboris, mõlemad kuninglikult luues ja ehitades. Öine lend kestab – meie, teie tootenäidised, paneme edasi. Puhates ja mängides, naerdes ja mõtestatult töötades. Tööd õnnistades ning uskudes, lootes ja armastades.
Tähistame nukuteatri Marionett 60. sünnipäeva. Harri Vasara muinasmaa lugu algas plastiliinist modelleeritud, kipsist-ligliinist vormitud ja ise rõivile õmmeldud nukust poeg Aarnele sünnipäevaks. Ka Astrid Lindgreni Pipi sündis tütre sünnipäevakingitusena.
Püüded luua koos rahvusooper Estoniaga ja riikliku nukuteatriga oma nukutuba päädisid saapavabriku Kommunaar punanurgas nukuringina, millest kasvas Uuel tänaval kena teater ateljee, saali ja tuhande lootusega. 90ndatel jäi maestro Vasar oma riigi erastamiste kõhutuules ilma nii teatrist kui pojast ning lahkus.
Mart Puust, ustavad igavesed nukutädid ning tänased entusiastlikud artistid – rahvusvahelise marionettnukkude organisatsiooni Eesti president teiste seas – on teatri Salme kultuurikeskus alal hoidnud, edasi viinud nii, et 60aastane muuseum-teater on parimas vormis.
Õnnitlemas olid Viljandi-Salme-Põhja-Tallinna kaasteelised ning ukraina ja aseri kolleegid. Ukrainakeelne “Kaval-Ants ja Vanapagan” oli lavastatud juba enne sõda.
Korrastatud, rakendatud, uutele tegijatele edasi õpetatud nukud kui meistriteosed kinnitavad silmade plaksudes: ELAME VEEL!
Kuna täna on laupäev, elame rütmis zoomi-tund-pakuvedu-zoomi tund-lattide kinnitamine-zoomi tund-tallibokside vaheseinte ümberkorraldamine – loomulikult on sindrima Raimond taas Südamesalus – ja maailm toimub 😉 😀 🙂
Paljud meist juba tunnevad uute seisundite mõju endas, kui sa oled vaba kiindumustest ja tunnetad vabaduse hetked. Näiteks sa lihtsalt ei tunne vajaust või siiralt ei taha helistada oma sugulastele, ei taha nendega koos tähistada mingid tähtsad kuupäevad ja mõtled, kuidas saaksin olla Jõulude ajal rahulikult kodus üksinda küünlavalguses, vaikse muusikaga ja mõnusalt istudes diivanil. Lihtsalt tahadki olla üksinda ja nautida seda rahuliku mõnusat seisundit.
Kuid samas võid mõelda, aga peab helistama sest, kuidas ma saan elada ilma sidemeid enda sugulastega ja perega. Kuid need on tegelikult sinu enda mõistuse hirmud. Kui me väljume oma rollidest, tavadest, perekonna rituaalidest ja pöördume rohkem oma Hinge poole me enam ei taha mängida rolle, me tahame olla need kes me oleme. Olles selles seisundis, me ei vaja kedagi, me ei vaja kargud enda ellu teiste inimeste näol, me oleme küllus. Kõik meie sidemed sugulastega, kolleegidega, naabritega, tuttavatega , sõpradega on kui mäng tuhandetest mängudest mida oleme mänginud. Me kõik oleme Jumala sädemed, kes on ette asetanud maskid, et mängida näidendit.
Prepare For The New Golden Age And Create Your Own Bubble Of Peace
The Galactic Federation has been protecting us from this point forward since before you were born and before your parents were born.
They knew that if they didn’t protect us, something bad would happen to us because there was no one else around to protect us!
The Galactic Federation watches over every single human being on Earth at all times. They protect us from any kind of harm or danger, no matter what it may be.
We are currently awakening to our true inner selves and connecting with our higher selves with the assistance of the Galactic Federation. We are becoming aware that we have access to unlimited energy and power. We all hold within us the ability to heal ourselves and others at will through spiritual visualization.
Our bodies are literally changing right before your eyes! You may be experiencing an increase in energy levels; this is telling you that your body is preparing for its next evolutionary leap forward!
As you move through this process, you will begin to feel more connected with yourself and others around you—as if a veil has been lifted from your eyes so that you can see things clearly for the first time!
You are not alone in this process; everyone around you is also going through similar changes and experiences, which often mirror your own! These changes will be reflected in their physical bodies as well.
We are the new generation, coming from all walks of life, all cultures, and all backgrounds, who have been chosen to be the next generation that will continue to carry forth the torch of truth and enlightenment for our world.
We will carry out this mission with love, compassion, and respect for all beings on Earth.
As you look around you today in your daily life, you can see that there has been an awakening happening everywhere. People are becoming more aware of what is going on around them; they are speaking up and asking questions about what they see or hear happening around them, and they are demanding change!
The old paradigm is crumbling before us as we open our hearts and minds to understand that we were born with a purpose here on Earth—to evolve spiritually into higher vibrational levels while leaving behind the old ways that no longer serve us well anymore.
We are all connected by a higher frequency that is beyond time and space. We cannot be separated from each other even if we live on opposite ends of the planet. Our purpose is to be together in order to bring balance back to this world.
The old doctrines have been keeping us all asleep for thousands of years because they didn’t know how to explain something that they themselves did not understand. They could only speak through their own limited perspective, which was based on the outdated ideology and not on the truth itself.
It’s not about old beliefs; it’s about how you see yourself in relation to others and other species on Earth who share your DNA. It’s about knowing who you are so that you can realize your full potential as a human being—one who is capable of creating miracles every day!
We are the ones who will bring down those in power who have been abusing us for too long. We are the ones who will bring about a new day when humanity can finally live free from fear and oppression. This is our time; this is our chance to do something big for humanity.
It’s time to rise up as one people and take back what has stolen from us so many years ago! It’s time for us to reclaim our planet from those who have been abusing it for so long! It’s time for us to take back control of our lives from those who would use them against us if they ever got the chance!
We must all rise up as one people and become one with nature once again if we’re going to survive this transition into a new golden age where we can finally start living without fear or oppression.
All of us, no matter our race, religion, or background, must realize that we are all in this together, and none of us will make it if we allow our individuality to break us apart! Nationalism is self-destructive, and the only way for humanity to thrive is if we become united as one against any form of oppression.
Let’s return to our natural roots and learn how to live in harmony with the world around us. There’s no time like the present to start making plans and taking steps to ensure the survival of both ourselves and our planet!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.