20. juuni 2024
Alexis Varnum
Lähedase või teise Inimese sundimine eneseotsimisele ja enesearengule on sama, mis vedada eeslit joogivee juurde. Sinul on mingi idee, et nii on talle parem, et eesel saab õnnelikuks, kui ta joob külma ja puhta vett. Sa tõmbad teda enda järgi. Eesel ütleb: “Ei taha, ei viitsi, ei huvita” ja osutab vastupanu. Aga sa paned köie eesli kaela ja tassid ta kohale. Sa juhatad ta sinna, aga eesel ei taha juua. “Ei,” ütleb eesel. Sa oled pettunud. Sa palud teda: “Eeslike, vaata, milline puhas, jahe vesi. See kindlasti meeldib sulle ja sa tunned ennast paremini. Proovi. Armsake, midagi on sinuga valesti, kui sa ei taha juua.” Sa oled juba kulutanud nii palju jõudu, et tassida eesel kohale, aga ta ei kuula sind. Saa mõistad, et sa ei saa asjad lihtsalt pooleli jätta. Sa istud eesli pea peale ja sunnid teda oma nina vette toppima. Aga eesel kisendab ikka veel ja püüab põgeneda… Sama paljud teevad enda lähedaste inimestega, proovides neid survestada ja suunata enesearengu teele. Ole ise rahulik, anna teistele aega, sa ei saa nende eest otsustada, mis on nendele hea või halb ja kui kiirest nad peavad arenema. Sa ei saa ega tohigi parandada kellegi mõistust, ta liigub enda tempos edasi ja seda tuleb võtta vastu, mitte sundida…
Veel korra räägin transformatsioonist… Kui on tugevad valud ja ebameeldivad aistingud teatud kohtades füüsilises kehas. Aistingud ja valud kestavad pikka aega, uuringud ei aita, inimesed loomulikult kardavad teadmatust. Sageli võib olla terav tunne nagu seest põletab, tunned nagu natuke veel ja lähed lõhki, raskustunne, pulsatsioon, mille taustal järsult kiireneb pulss, katkeb hingamisrütm, inimene kogeb hirmu, kardab, et see kordub.
Tavaliselt praegu võib see toimuda järgmistes piirkondades:
Rinnakorvi keskosa (südame kohal);
päikesepõimiku piirkond, magu
alakõht ja sakraaltšakra piirkond.
Kui vaadata oma keha energiakeskuste asukohta järgi siis näed ja mõistad millised probleemid praegu sinus “põlevad“ läbi uute sageduste voos. Tegelikult on hingega antud aeg nende mõistmiseks lõppenud ja kui sa pole otsust langetanud, ega pingutanud nende emotsionaal-biokeemiliste blokkide vabatahtlikuks muutmiseks, hakkavad need mehaaniliselt sisemise põlemise teel tekitama selliseid piinarikkaid sümptomeid. Minevikus inimesed lihtsalt surid, kui nad ei tahtnud enda tugevate solvumiste, hirmude ja muu negatiivse lahti lasta. See põhjustas püsiva füüsilise haiguse ja viis inimese surmani. Nüüd juhtub kõik kiiremini ja valikulisemalt. Kui inimene on juba palju mõistnud ja muutnud, kuid sulgeb silmad mingi isikliku probleemi ees, tekib võimalus alateadlikuks transformatsiooniks läbi mingi fantoomhaiguse (tingimusel, et see on vastu võetud). Muidugi, protsess läheb kiiremini ja arusaadavamalt, kui sa ausalt tuvastad nende blokkide põhjused ja asud nendega töötama.
Sarnased sümptomid – tugevad valud – võivad esineda ka siis, kui sa muutud väga kiiresti ja “nõrgad kohad” ei suuda voogu läbi lasta. Olen ise sellisel viisil transformeerunud, siin on oluline mõista – see on SINU valik, seega suudad kõigega toime tulla. Selline äärmus toob meid väga kiiresti meie enda poole, kuna Vaimne Jõud on see, mis võimaldab meil jätkata elamist füüsilises kehas. Tahan meelde tuletada: elus pole väljaspoolset süüdlast, vaid ainult kannatajad, sest kõik, mida me kogeme – oleme ise endale loonud. Seega on meie võimuses seda muuta.
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Ja jää sulab, kui me valgustame, ja südamed avanevad, kui me armastame, ja inimesed muutuvad, kui me avaneme, ja imed juhtuvad, kui me usume.
Kui oled millegi pärast pahane – elad tulevikus, kui oled millegi pärast ärevil – elad minevikus, kui koged naudingut, rahulolu, äratundmist ja kergust – elad praegu. Inimesed ei mõista kunagi kellegi teise valu enne, kui see puudutab nende oma.
Kus sa praegu oled?
Siin ja kõikjal…
Oled sa jälle üksi?
– Ma olen alati üksi.
Kas see on elustiil?
– See on vastutuse seisund oma elu eest ja samaaegne ühtsustunne…
– Sa ei saa minust aru ..
Ja miks, ma lihtsalt armastan sind ja aktsepteerin sind. Hea seal kus ei ole, aga ei midagi, jõuan kohale, aga kus praegu olen – kõik on imeline!
Siin me oleme surelikud, kõik, mis meil on, on vaid mõned aastad selles maailmas ja me veedame need väärtuslikud aastad keeruliseks muutes kõike, mida puudutame. Naerata alati täna ja nuta homme… ja tee seda harjumust järjepidevalt!
Niikaua, kui sa jätkad võitlemist mistahes probleemi vastu, läheb asi ainult hullemaks. Kui sa võtad vastutuse selle eest, mida sa endaga teed, selle eest, kuidas sa oma elu lood, selle eest, kuidas sa end tunned ja väljendad, selle eest, kuidas sa ise oma probleemi lood – just sel hetkel, kui sa endaga ühendud – su elu jätkub. päris rada ja kõik muu on vaid vaimu ja keha liikumise kära.
Elus lollitada saada on suur kunst ja see ei tähenda üldse idioot olla. Parim sõprus on üks iseendaga…
Nikolai Bulgakov
On June 21st, 2024, we have a Full Moon at 1° Capricorn.
The Full Moon is opposite Mercury and Venus in Cancer, it’s square Neptune (at 29° Pisces), and applies a wide trine to Mars (now at 9° Taurus).
The Full Moon in Capricorn will encourage us to revisit childhood themes and patterns – especially the stories we’ve been telling ourselves about who we are, our limitations, and our capabilities – and move forward from a more adult, empowered place.
Full Moon – Cancer Vs. Capricorn
Full Moons highlight the tension of opposites. We are in the Cancer season, so the Full Moon in Capricorn emphasizes the Cancer vs. Capricorn dynamic.
Signs on the opposite axis have a common goal; yet their approaches are totally different.
Cancer represents home. Capricorn represents work. Cancer is what’s vulnerable. Capricorn is the tough facade. Cancer is our comfort zone. Capricorn is what’s aspirational, yet out of reach. Cancer is the roots. Capricorn is the branches that stretch towards the sky.
Full Moon In Capricorn – Kramer Vs. Kramer
The Cancer-Capricorn polarity always makes me think of “Kramer vs. Kramer.”
In the movie, we have a couple who split because the stay-at-home mom (Cancer) could not fulfill her vocation and aspirations (Capricorn). Later, the career-oriented father loses his job (Capricorn) to raise his son (Cancer).
The Kramer couple eventually gets into an ugly trial over the custody of their son.
Full Moons and oppositions in general often feel like ugly trials. People turn against each other, exposing the dirt and becoming enemies – because only one party can win, right?
Not quite. With an opposition there’s no such thing as ‘one’ winner. In an opposition, we either have a lose-lose or a win-win.
We can’t just dismiss one party, because oppositions are not a ‘winner takes all’. They don’t work this way. The key lies in continuously adjusting and understanding where the other side is coming from.
There is a constant need for integration of the two worlds that seem irreconcilable at first.
And it’s our conscious effort to ‘marry’ these two contrasting aspects that we can discover common ground – without compromising or abandoning either, but by genuinely evolving into a version of ourselves capable of embodying both.
The opposition inevitably transforms both parties. Just as Ms. Kramer had to explore her Capricorn side (vocation) and Mr. Kramer had to nurture his Cancerian aspects, life itself is a perpetual process of renegotiation, adaptation, and personal growth.
Fundamentally, life operates on the principle of opposing forces. Life itself begins with the collision of two contrasting entities: chromosome X and chromosome Y.
The Moon orbits due to a delicate balance between gravitational pull from Earth and the centrifugal force generated by its own motion. If Earth’s gravitational force were stronger, the Moon might collide with it; if weaker, the Moon could escape its orbit.
It’s the dynamic balance between these forces that makes life possible.
On our journey to become fulfilled individuals – what Jung calls the individuation process – we continuously navigate and reconcile our identity rooted in our origins (Cancer) with the vision of the individuals we aspire to be (Capricorn).
The journey is far from easy. While there’s always the option to remain stagnant and avoid change, this path may seem less daunting but ultimately keeps us trapped. It leaves us feeling vulnerable, unable to fully support ourselves, and doomed to repeat the mistakes of our parents.
What happens if we want to step out of our Cancer comfort zone and move towards the Capricorn aspirational goal? We dress up like our boss. We buy a fancy car. We listen to aspirational music. We hang out with successful people.
We emulate the behaviors, tastes, and preferences of the social groups or classes we aspire to join. This is a normal and essential part of the individuation process.
To grow and evolve, we first need to detach from our roots. For example, we no longer eat certain foods, use certain language, or engage in activities that remind us of a past that seems at opposite poles from our desired future, a past we desperately want to move away from.
At the first Saturn opposition at the age of 14, adolescents are known for their rebellious rejection of authority as part of the identity formation process. To become someone else, we have to first sever the umbilical cord.
Of course, if there is no adjustment/integration of the roots (Cancer) and the aspiration (Capricorn) then we become alienated. When the Cancer aspect is not integrated, we lose a part of our identity.
Full Moon In Capricorn – The Identity Cross
To recap, Cancer (and the 4th house) represents the pull or tension to stay where we are and preserve our family’s legacy. Capricorn (and the 10th house) represents the pull to carve out a path of our own. Our Ego or identity is at the midpoint of Cancer-Capricorn – it’s basically the Aries-Libra axis.
Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn form the identity cross.
Our outward identity (Aries/Ascendant) is developed through the interaction of Cancer and Capricorn, balancing these two worlds found at opposite poles.
Aries/Ascendant represents our conscious Ego, synthesizing those elements of the Cancer/Capricorn axis we identify with. The opposite point, Libra/Descendant, symbolizes the shadow or projected traits of our personality that we don’t directly embody, but encounter through other people.
Back in the day, the Cancer element of the identity cross was very well integrated. People grew up and lived within their community, preserving traditions and the legacy of their ancestors.
This has changed in the last 100 years or so. With industrialization and economic progress, we severed the family roots (Cancer), meaning we live very much from our Capricorn aspirations.
But something is missing.
As we grow older, we realize that we need to get back to our roots, not from a regression standpoint, but because we understand that this is a part of us that we really need to explore and own. This growing awareness explains the success of genealogy services like ancestry.com.
Family trees help solidify one’s identity and understand the dynamics that shape us. Genealogy research is a great topic on its own.
The Transgenerational Astrology Program
When we add the astrology layer, we are then able to see links, correlations, and patterns that we can’t see, or fully grasp just from what we know of our family history.
When you discover that you, your mother, and your grandmother all share a Venus-Pluto aspect, it becomes clearer why certain relationship issues recur.
Knowing who else in your family shares a specific placement and aspect you struggle with will help you connect the dots, pinpoint the exact issue, and find a resolution.
Sometimes we don’t have access to all the family members’ birth data, so a full transgenerational analysis is not possible. Still, any data we have is better than nothing.
Our chart studied by itself can provide insights into inherited patterns. Aspects like the Sun-Moon relationship in our natal chart can reflect the familial climate and how our parents’ relationship has shaped us.
Transgenerational astrology looks at at least 3 generations, so it goes beyond what we call Family astrology, which usually focuses on one-on-one relationships or close family dynamics with our family members.
When we apply the transgenerational astrology tools and principles, it becomes evident that we share patterns across generations. I have yet to see a family tree with no striking sign, aspect, or planetary degree repetitions in various family members’ charts.
Transgenerational astrology works with ado ptive families as well. Even if we don’t share DNA with our adoptive family, there is a reason why we have been brought into that particular family. There are patterns that we share in common.
Transgenerational astrology is an absolutely fascinating approach to help us make sense of our past, improve our relationships with living family members, and integrate the Cancer-Capricorn dynamic we discussed in this blog post.
The Full Moon in Capricorn is an excellent time to delve into this topic. If you’re interested, we invite you to enroll in the “Transgenerational Astrology” 4-week program, where we will explore these themes step by step:
>>The Transgenerational Astrology 4-Week Program<<
Astro Butterfly
Ascension Explosion: Experiencing the Power and Magic of Ascension Waves!
Get the "I AM God" eBook Now >
Cosmic Evolution Accelerates: Earth Receives Intense Cosmic Energy Surges from Galactic Center!
Earth and humanity are at a pivotal moment of evolution and ascension!
Powerful surges of cosmic energy from the Galactic Center are bombarding the Earth, catalyzing our evolution!
These influxes of light are flushing densities out of the quantum field around us and stimulating positive change on all levels.
Therefore, the awakening occurring in our 3D reality is being felt and responded to by beings in the 5D new Earth vibrational planes, angelic kingdoms, ascended masters in the cosmic causal planes, and beyond.
As humanity continues to awaken, our central sun is preparing to massively intensify the waves of light reaching Earth. This intensification will support the Grand Event and continue propelling our ascension.
The light waves coming from the central sun contain highly evolved frequencies designed to accelerate humanity’s shift in consciousness. By opening our hearts and raising our vibration, we can absorb this influx of light more smoothly.
Earth’s Importance:
As humans awaken spiritually, we raise our collective vibration and consciousness from darkness into light. This ripples outward, amplifying light throughout our solar system and the galaxy.
Benevolent galactic civilizations have gathered to witness Earth’s ascension. They wish to welcome humanity into the galactic community as we become qualified. Earth is a prize planet with rich resources and life. Our solar system is also in a valuable position for travel and commerce.
As humanity awakens, we open channels for galactic light and technologies to flow in. This prepares Earth to join the galactic federation of peace, abundance, and enlightenment. Extraterrestrials are awaiting the right timing for the mass contact and disclosure!
However, full galactic contact cannot happen until humanity achieves peace, unity, and an expanded consciousness. There is still work to be done on Earth before the conditions are right.
But the higher vibration of an awakened humanity will draw more assistance from evolved benevolent beings. This grand event of open contact would signify Earth’s importance in a larger cosmic drama.
This grand event will inspire humanity to come together and realize our shared potential. This is an uplifting perspective, even if the reality remains complex and uncertain.
Humanity is undoubtedly in the midst of a massive awakening and ascension process. This is a pivotal time for our planet as we move into higher dimensional frequencies and consciousness.
The incoming waves of energy are part of a Divine plan to awaken us to our true nature and potential. We are being called to embrace greater sovereignty, freedom, and unity consciousness. This requires us to do the inner work of healing and shifting our mindsets and beliefs.
It is so important that we understand our role in this collective ascension. By doing our part to awaken and shift internally, we raise the vibration of the whole. Our individual awakening is intertwined with the awakening of humanity.
The times we are in require us to dig deep, face our shadow selves and step into our divine light. This is not always easy or comfortable, but it is what we signed up for. The rewards are expansion into greater love, joy, and abundance.
As we open to receive these powerful incoming energies, we must stay grounded and centered. Connect with the Earth, take time for self-care, and elevate your vibration through spiritual practices. Trust in the Divine plan unfolding.
Prioritize self-care practices that nourish the body, mind, and spirit, allowing for rejuvenation and alignment. Through meditation, prayer, and mindful reflection, we elevate our vibrational frequency, attuning ourselves to the harmonious rhythms of the universe. Embrace trust in the unfolding of the Divine plan, knowing that each step forward is guided by the wisdom of higher forces.
Have faith that humanity is awakening, one heart and mind at a time. Visualize the world you wish to live in, embody those qualities yourself, and spread the light. We are all in this together.
Do the inner work, shine your light, spread love, and speak your truth. When one of us awakens, all benefit. We rise together.
As we attune ourselves to the radiant frequencies emanating from the central sun, we become conduits for profound transformation.
These celestial energies carry the essence of higher consciousness, beckoning us to expand our awareness and realize our innate divinity.
By elevating our vibration, we align with the cosmic currents of love and enlightenment, allowing the light to permeate every aspect of our being.
Through this synergy of resonance and receptivity, we accelerate our individual and collective journey toward enlightenment!
We love you dearly,
We are here with you,
We are your family of light,
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Intel has just come in… making it clear that we need to do TWO back to back meditations… one tomorrow (Thursday) for the June Solstice and another 28 hours later (Friday) on the Full Moon.
The time for the June Solstice 144k Mass Meditation is HERE.
The time for the Gemini Full Moon 144k Mass Meditation is HERE.
This intel involving the need for a second meditation one day later at the full moon is still strictly confidential, and will be released during the meditation itself. What I can tell you, is that this second 144k Mass Meditation will be centered around deprogramming humanity to enable galactic contact.
Interestingly, the very instant I opened up my email to send this update to you, the power went off on my whole block. So often, the timing an event like that tells you everything you need to know…. FYI, our internet service dropped out 20 minutes later.
The last ring of the Dark Atlantean network is being cleared. Once this final inner ring collapes, Source and the Light forces can begin a very risky, complex and challenging process of disentangling the surface population from the Lurker – although my intel says this process is already beginning for key starseeds and lightworkers.
The top-brass of the Off-World … Inner-Earth … and Terran White Hats have been running endless simulations in the Source-Consciousness Multi-Dimensional Quantum System on how to dis-entagle the surface population from the Lurker & any remaining dark realms, without this happening.
This stage is now ready & is only feasible after the 144K traced all dark realms through the fields/bodies of all dark & compromised incarnates on the surface, in our Saggitarius New Moon Meditation.
We then removed their astral/etheric bodies form the surface of the planet & revoked their right to be on this planet any longer.
For the most part … this has opened the way to start dealing with the Lurker at the ‘final level’ … or last stage.
A complete societal collapse must be avoided, otherwise … it’s not gonna look pretty.
There’s only one Quantum System simulation that worked.
They inserted a particular unknown quantity into another simulation.
And it worked …
And yes … we’re the unknown quantity.
… it ain’t gonna fly!
And that’s keeping things euphemistic!
So the Light Forces are hoping you’re in the mood to be quite the revered & borderline-worshipped heroes … on this momentous June Solstice 144K Intervention.
The Lurker may have drawn a red line, over the removal of the old dark Atlantean Group from this precious planet.
The RM have reported that everything else this dark Atlantean Network had working for it … all their systems & infra-structure … has already been removed throughout the Solar System.
Only one last stronghold on this Jewel of a Goddess Planet remains.
These developments indicate … that it’s now our turn.
Where will you be, when history happens?!?
I’ll be right there… by your side.
Yours In Service …