27. jaanuar 2025
Ma tean, et ka sinul on samasugused meeleheitepuhangud – kaua võib! Järgmised universumi direktorid jagavad niigi uppuvat-põlevat-tuulavat geoinseneeritud-biolagunevat planeeti JÄLLE ümber. Uued ja vanad saikod mürgitavad iga sinu isiklikku hetke.
Uus aasta. Uus kuu. Uus…
Ja taas tuleb tattinokkiv tont minevikust oma luuludega.
Kõik otsast peale.
Uus kevad, uus Madu – PALUNPALUNPALUN ilma korduva jebinuita. Igas mõttes.
Psühhoterror, vampiiramine, hingeline-vaimne kuritarvitamine mõjub nagu kestev joove ja-või pohmakas – ohvril on ajuudu, süvenev ebakindlus, mälulüngad, masendus, keskendumisraskused – see ei ole nõrkadele… Tugevatele ammugi mitte.
Rahmeldad end õues puhtaks-tühjaks-vabaks… ja lällav monster pakub sulle turvakaameraid… olles ise konkurentsitult ainus, kelle eest kaitset siin vajatakse.
Peaasi, et oleks põhjust kirjutada, seejärel see isetegevuslik kraam aedu lõhkudes kohale tuua ning suure saavutuse tähistamiseks umbaedkollpaelkülamehe seisundis kuhugi sõita – ja kuna politsei avalikult tema autot jälgib, siis taksoga tagasi sõita igas suunas sõimeldes, kes-krt-kitse-pani. Kõik lõpeb – ka siis, kui mõni eriline uugametsakolla on saatanale hoidmist-väärt koostööpartner. Siis eriti. Saagu nii.
Kuna klasterfakk limalaotajat ennast EI OLE OLEMAS, siis ta tahab vägisi ja terroristlikult sulle mitte vaid külge kleepuda, vaid ka SINA OLLA – püüdes seejuures lisaks vampiiramisele sind reaalselt hävitada. Tagane, saatan!!!
Mismoodi see split õieti välja näeb – valged viiendasse, mustad kolme – füüsiliselt lödiseb biomass nagu haisev hall lima ju ikka samal materiaalsel tasandil, kuhu ta kõik tõusjad tagasi-tagasi püüab tirida – kurja kadeduse ja sihikindla tabavusega, sest õel hävitamine on 24/7 horroristide töö. Kas ja kuis me vabaneme, palun???
Не нужно бояться четвертого и пятого измерений. Они являются просто усовершенствованными версиями нас самих
Сегодня, в честь Крещения, очень необычный материал. Его примут и поймут только те, кто выбрал Путь Света или Путь в Беловодье! А значит все кто подписан на мой канал …
Kuva rohkem
Neljandat ja viiendat dimensiooni pole vaja karta. Nad on lihtsalt arenenud versioonid meist
Täna, ristimise auks, väga ebatavaline materjal. Seda võtavad vastu ja mõistavad ainult need, kes on valinud Valguse Tee või Tee Belovodjas! See tähendab kõiki, kes mu kanalit tellisid
Järgmistes mõõtmetes, 4. ja 5. on kõik umbes sama nagu praegu.
Väljas on sama inimene, aga uute omadustega. Ka viiendas dimensioonis näeme me välja nagu tavalised inimesed, ainult oluliselt nooremad. Viiendas dimensioonis tegelikult vananemist (vanadus) ei ole, nii nagu neljandaski.
Neljas mõõde on midagi keskmist viienda ja kolmanda vahel. Sinna sisenedes ei tunne me hirmu, vastupidi, muutume lõdvestunumaks ja rahulikumaks, sest see on meie kodu. See on inimesele turvaline ruum, milles pole vastuolu, duaalsust ja hävingut, on ainult Valgus ja Hea.
Isegi surma pole seal olemas! Neljandasse dimensiooni sisenedes omandame võime elada väga pikka aega, kuni 700-800 aastat, noores ja terves kehas. Järk-järgult alustame noorenemisprotsessi. Sellest ruumist lahkumine (pigem kui suremine) saab olla ainult vabatahtlikult, kui oleme ühes maailmas keha lahustumise seisundis ja teises esile kerkimas.
Mingil hetkel justkui kaome valgusportaalis, kui otsustame uuele tasemele minna.
Neljas mõõde on meile tuttav ja tuttav.
See hõlmab sama: peresid, lapsi, lasteaedu, koole, tööjõudu ja loovust. On ka teadust, kunsti, arhitektuuri, maali ja ehitust. Ja meditsiin on muidugi ka olemas. See on kohal ka viiendas, õhemas materjalimõõdus. Niikaua, kui füüsiline keha eksisteerib, on meditsiin olemas. Mõistetakse, et järgnevates mõõtmetes on liikumapanev jõud mõte ja energia, kuid mõte võib mõnikord olla ebatäiuslik. Seega on teiste energiate ja ainete, teaduslike kombinatsioonide abi väga teretulnud.
Uues maailmas on meile tuttav toit, kuid ainult taimetoit. On aiad, kasvuhooned, istandused, kus kasvatatakse toitu.
Loomad on ka taimetoitlased.
Neljandas dimensioonis sünnitavad naised lapsi ikka tavapärasel viisil. Rasedus toimub aga ema enda tahtmise ja tahtmise järgi, mitte nii nagu praegu, kui teda piirab bioloogiline füsioloogia. Uues maailmas lähtutakse laste sünniprotsess üksnes ema enda soovist (ja rutiinsest seksuaalkontaktist tingitud soovimatud rasedused on moonutatud geenimutatsiooni tulemus halvustavas kolmemõõtmelises ühiskonnas).
Neljandas dimensioonis teeb meie planeet koostööd tulnukate eluvormidega, kuid ainult nendega, kes on valinud Valguse Tee (või nagu meie Maa peal, Valge Vee tee).
See koostöö on sõbralik ja vastastikku kasulik, rikastab kõigi osapoolte kogemust. Kui keegi teist on lugenud Kir Bulychevi raamatusarja “Alice seiklused” fantaasia žanris, siis kujutage ette midagi sellist.
Teadus ja tehnoloogia neljandas dimensioonis on meie kolmemõõtmelise maailmaga võrreldes palju täiuslikumad. Siin ei ole millestki puudust. Valgustumine tekib tänu eetrile ja kristallidele ning raha asendatakse vahetussüsteemiga.
Nova Zemela ilm on täiesti mugav, meenutab Vahemere suve ja siin on palju valgust.
Ärge kartke minna järgmisesse dimensiooni.
Need annavad inimestele suurepärased võimed: teleportatsioon, materialiseerumine, telekinees, telepaatia. Siin on tohutult võimalusi enesearenguks ja loominguliseks kasvuks. Elav koosmõju looduse, ruumi ja energiatega loob ühtse, harmoonilise pildi elust, üksteist täiendades ja täiustades.
Neljandasse dimensiooni pääsevad aga ainult kõrgete sageduste ja arenenud teadvusega inimesed, need, kes on valinud Valguse poole ja tegutsevad teadlikult selle kasuks. Selliseid inimesi on juba väga palju ja osa neist valmistub aktiivselt üleminekuks sel aastal, ja seda enamjaolt 2025.
Süsteem paigutab nende inimeste keha ja aju ümber teise ruumi, aktiveerides uinuvad DNA niidid kahest neljani ja seejärel kuni 12 või enam. Aju kohandatakse uue eluvormi ettekujutusega. Nende muutuste protsess algas detsembri lõpus 2022 ja kestab veel. Niipea kui ümberkorraldus on lõppenud, avab inimene nägemuse paralleelreaalsusest.
Esiteks alluvad ümberkodeerimisele peamiselt nn kosmilised hinged. Need on inimesed, kelle vaim on kehastunud mateeria ja vaimsuse kõrgetest maailmadest, kõrgelt arenenud valgusplaneetidelt. Viiemõõtmelised mateeria koodid on juba laetud nende DNA-sse. Mõnede jaoks on see koormus tekkinud mitu aastat tagasi ja teiste jaoks alles hiljuti. Nad saavad jälgida laadimisprotsessi (protseduur on äärmiselt ebatavaline ja ainult need, kes on selle läbi teinud, saavad aru, millest ma räägin) või juhtub see unes. Uue mateeria koodid selguvad nõudmisel nelja-viiemõõtmelise mängu uuendatud versioonis.
Erilist tähelepanu tuleks pöörata neile, kellel on õhukesest materjalist ruumiimplantaadid ja kes näevad neljandat dimensiooni ajutise lähetusena teel viiendasse dimensiooni. Need on enamasti inimesed, kes on üle elanud üleminekuprotseduuri teistes tähesüsteemides. Maa süsteem hakkab juba tõelisi märke andma ja testlülitusi läbi viima.
Kuidas üleminekut rakendatakse?
Ühe päeva jooksul hakkab inimene nägema kahte reaalsust üheaegselt. Alguses tundub see ebatavaline ja ebatavaline. Sa pead omandama erinevate sageduste vahel vahetamise oskuse, just nagu me vahetame autos erinevatel kiirustel. Alguses võivad esineda väiksemad juhtumid, rikked, kohene “kilkumine” reaalsustest. Näiteks jalutad pargis ja otsustad minna üle neljandale dimensioonile. Seal näed sama parki, kuid erinevate detailidega. Kõnnid mööda rada, võtad sisse taimestiku ja võtad sisse uued vaatamisväärsused ja helid.
Aga siis sind kutsutakse välja. Ümber pöörates leiad end taas kolmanda dimensiooni pargist ja näed, et oled eksinud, oled kaotanud silmist. Ja nad leiavad end veidi eemal, mõne meetri kaugusel sealt, kus nad enne olid.
Ära muretse, sind kasutatakse ära. Ka sinu pere ja lähedased harjuvad sellega. Algsed juhtumid kaovad aja jooksul, kui kogu protsess stabiliseerub. Eriti kuna süsteem jälgib iga adeptsiooni ohutust ja tagastab need ohtliku olukorra korral koheselt tagasi.
Mõne aja pärast esimese grupi testimist ühenduvad järgnevad inimgrupid paralleelreaalsusega.
See juhtub samm-sammult, nagu nad loevad, järjest. Kogu Valguse valinud inimliik läheb uude maailma üle järgmise 30 aasta jooksul või nii. Nii saab üleminek lõpule…
Edu meile kõigile!
“Tee Belovodjaasse – TM”
“Üksteisele laenude andmine ja tagasimaksmine andis kogu hõimule vastupidavust ja jõudu. Kui ühel oli süüa, oli kõigil süüa. Nii elasid kõik läbi vastastikuse abistamise ja keegi ei surnud hooletusse.
Armastus ligimese vastu väljendus andmise kaudu. Andmise ja jagamise kaudu tekkisid tugevad isiklikud ja sotsiaalsed sidemed, mis andsid iidsetele inimestele jõudu kõigi vastaste vastu.
Sipelgad ja mesilased on teineteisele intressivabasid laene andnud miljard aastat ja on arenenud sotsiaalsete olenditena.
Sumeri pettuse 1. salapettus põhines sellel, mida inimesed üle kogu maailma, olid teinud miljoneid aastaid. Kui ühel küla või hõimu liikmel puudusid varud, andsid või laenasid teised talle seda, mida ta vajas. Ja kui ta suutis, tagastas ta laenatud kauba või tagastas samaväärsed kaubad. Kuid nõuda, et ta tagastaks rohkem, kui ta oli laenanud, oli pettus.
Kõik laenuintressid on pettus. Ja rahalaenutajad ja pankurid on kõik kurjategijad. Osa nende musta kunsti nipist on see, et rahalaenutajad on tegutsenud Mesopotaamia aegadest saadik, nii et neid parasiite on peetud enesestmõistetavaks ja aktsepteeritud kui “normaalset” ühiskonna osa.
Nad on rikkaks saanud ilma oma rikkuse nimel tegelikult töötamata, ja kasvatanud tahtlikult lõhet enda ning nende vahel, kes jäävad järjest vaesemaks, vaatamata lakkamatule tööpanusele.”…
You readers who are bankers or Jews or other assorted thieves and con artists might want to skip this chapter since you already know how to betray your country and defraud your people.
But for those of you who don’t like being enslaved and impoverished, learning
something about how the Jews do it can save your health, your wealth, your family, your people and your nation.
First, we must understand some basic cogs in the machinery that makes the Sumerian Swindle work. I am writing down these secrets for the very first time in history so if you didn’t think of them first, yourself, then perhaps it is because these secrets are too simple or a modern person to understand. Or, perhaps you have taken them for granted because they “have always been here.”
The Sumerian Swindle started like this: If you are on good terms with your next-door neighbor, and you run short of some flour or eggs in the middle of cooking supper, a neighborly thing to do is to run next door or send your children next door to borrow what you need until you can go to the market and restock supplies. After shopping, you will repay your neighbor for the borrowed food. Such borrowing among neighbors has been going on ever since people began living together in groups – that is, for the past ten or twenty million years. Borrowing and repaying, is a way to build friendships and to sustain society.
Borrowing and repaying, is a vital mechanism in every human society. But it became corrupted among the Ubaidians of Mesopotamia. As the people whom we call the Ubaidians first practiced irrigated cultivation of crops, something about this natural human relationship changed.
Perhaps one neighbor got tired of constantly lending out grain to another neighbor who was slow to repay. So, it happened that at a certain time, the lending neighbor agreed to lend out a measure of grain only if the borrower agreed to repay a measure and a handful; or perhaps a basket of grain was lent out in return for a basket-and-a-half in repayment; or perhaps, sensing the reluctance of a neighbor to loan, the borrower, himself, out of charitable good will and personal need, offered to repay two baskets of grain for one loaned.
Whatever the actual origin of the mechanism, the Ubaidians evolved a system that we today call, “interest on a loan”. This occurred sometime between 9,000 and 6,000 BC when they first began building their permanent mud brick towns and villages. Central grain storehouses were a part of every town. And in every town and village, individual grain storeage space was a part of every house. So, when the larder was empty, borrowing from a neighbor kept starvation from the door and promoted friendly relations among neighbors in a harmonious society of give and take.
But something else occurred in the actual understanding of this development in the minds of both the borrower and the lender. A borrower who repays the loan has nothing left in his hands to contemplate. But the lender who gains back the loan plus interest has more than he started with to contemplate. The poor man is even poorer than he was and the rich man is richer than he was.
The actual physical ownership of the grain plus interest enabled the lender to accumulate an ever-increasing store of goods. In addition to what he started with, both the returned loan as well as the interest could be loaned out at interest. And that interest when repaid could again be loaned out in a spiraling increase in total wealth.
This was the beginning of the Sumerian Swindle, the charging of simple interest on a loan. Two baskets of grain on loan at 50% interest brought back three baskets. These three could again be loaned at 50% interest to bring back four-and-a-half. These four-and-a-half could again be loaned to bring back six and three-quarters. In a short time, those original two baskets produced an additional four and three-quarters baskets of grain for free. And so on, and so on, as an increasing spiral of profits accumulated for free and for doing no work other than making loans.
As the size and number of loans increased, the total wealth of the grain lender began to increase far beyond the wealth of his neighbors. Then, a magical and mysterious thing happened. Once a certain profit point had been reached where the lender was loaning out not his original grain but the grain that he had previously received as interest, then
everything that he profited from that point onward was wealth given to him for free. The grain that he received as interest-on-the-loan had cost him nothing.
And when he loaned out that same grain at interest, both it and its returning interest were free grain that had also cost him nothing. This free grain continued to multiply over time as it was loaned out again and again. Huge mountains of grain filling his storerooms
to the rafters began to accumulate, grain that had cost him absolutely nothing more than charging interest-on-a-loan.
In those days, a man’s wealth was measured by how much land and grain he had and by how many goats and sheep that he owned. Very soon, those Ubaidian grain lenders were enjoying vast fortunes. Thanks to the arithmetic deception of lending-at-interest, they were loaning out at interest what they had gotten for free. Eventually, using that free grain in barter for other goods, everything that they owned actually had cost them absolutely nothing at all!
The lender found that by loaning out a basket of grain, he got back two baskets instead. Of course, a light bulb did not go off in his head since it was still the Stone Age, seven thousand years before Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison, but certainly the very first loan shark had a major brainstorm!
Without working under the hot sun, without lifting a single load upon his head, without walking a single step, two baskets of grain were delivered to his door. And the one who delivered the grain was glad to do it since the
loan had helped him through a difficult time.
After all, they were all fellow villagers and all on good relations with one another. The hatreds would come much later. Grain could be bartered for goats, and goats for woven cloth and boats; and boats and goats and grain could be exchanged for houses and irrigated land, etc.
By loaning grain out at interest and using the interest-income to barter for other goods, a clever trader could leverage his way to more wealth than any of hisneighbors even though all of them had started off at the same level in society. Like the modern bankers who pile up their swindled wealth into skyscrapers, yachts and Lear Jets, investments in war and cornering the commodities market, the Ubaidian moneylenders began to pile up wealth in grain, silver and land.
Whether as an ancient grain dealer or as a modern banker, they got all of this swindled wealth for free! By getting something for nothing simply by charging interest-on-a-loan, they had discovered Secret Fraud #1 of the Sumerian Swindle: “All interest on the loan of money is a swindle.”
It might seem odd, but the fact is that all of the excessive wealth of modern day bankers, financiers, loan sharks, Jews, and related swindlers, is based upon nothing more than two baskets of barley creating three.
Secret Fraud #1 of the Sumerian Swindle was based upon what people all over the world had been doing for millions of years. If one member of a village or tribe was short of supplies, other members would give or loan him what he needed. And when he was able, he would return the borrowed goods or else return goods of equal value. But to insist that he return more than he had borrowed was the swindle.
In all farming communities where drought, insects, fire, rain, flooding and a myriad of woes plague farmers, there are always farmers who need a loan to get through the bad spell. Lending and paying back, borrowing and returning, have always been a part of normal human society.
At first, this normal and natural system was used in Mesopotamia. If a farmer needed a basket of grain for his family, he would borrow it from a neighbor. And when the harvest came in, he would repay what he had borrowed. This was a natural and a balanced exchange
system; no one profited and no one lost.
Yet, the entire community benefited. Goods were distributed in an equitable way which was good and natural and fair to everybody. However, once a lender asked for more in return than what he had lent, an unnatural imbalance was introduced into society. No longer were men equal and dependant upon their work for their material rewards in Life.
Interest-on-a-loan created the inequality of those who became rich without actually working for their wealth and those who became poor in spite of incessant labor. In other words, charging interest-on-a-loan automatically created a diseased situation in
society where the rich sucked the life out of the poor.
It created two social classes of financial vampires living off of the blood and sweat of the permanently impoverished.
Why is lending-at-interest an unnatural
phenomenon? That it is unnatural can be seen by looking at Nature, herself. Making loans by those who “have” to those who “do not have”, is a natural attribute of all beings who live in social groups.
No matter what creatures or even what forms of symbiotic animal or plant life that you care to study, you will find that lending and paying back, is one of the characteristics that keep societies both strong and prosperous.
Ants and bees create huge societies of individual members who make loans to one another as a part of their daily life. Indeed, without loans the bee and ant colonies would have died out hundreds of millions of years ago.
When an ant is hungry, she approaches another member of her colony, taps a few appropriate messages with her antenna against the antenna of her sister ant, and if this sister ant has food in her stomach, she will regurgitate a portion and give it to the hungry one to eat. In this manner, enormous amounts of labor and time are saved since the hungry ant does not have to travel back to the colony for a meal but can approach the lunch wagon no farther than the nearest worker.
Thus, the colony can extend its power over a greater scavenging area through this mutual system of colony-wide food distribution and sharing. In many more ways, this loaning of food between ants gives the entire colony more power, success and prosperity. Later, after she has eaten her fill back at the colony food larder or from scavenged foods found in the field, the borrowing ant eventually returns food from its stomach to whatever hungry sister ant who asks.
The same is true for bees.Thus, it can be seen that “loaning” and “borrowing” and “paying back” are all part of animal social groups that increase the prosperity and survivability of the entire colony. No individual loses and no individual gains because it is a balanced and a natural system in which all members benefit. Not a single one of those humble insects ever asks for more than it needs, nor does it amass for itself a special hoard of crumbs or honey stashed in a private and secret hide away that is a result of taking but of not giving back.
The ants and bees have been making interest-free loans to one another for a billion years and they have thrived as social creatures.
Ancient Man, also, has borrowed and loaned and paid back. As a result, everybody has benefited andeverybody has survived. But Modern Man has been charging interest-on-loans for the past five thousand years and we are racked with warfare, famine, disease, ecological destruction and many other social catastrophes while the fat bankers preen themselves in their luxury chalets and counting houses.
This is all a result of the Sumerian Swindle. Even a lowly lichen adhering to a rock is a higher and more natural form of life form than is a moneylender, financier, banker or Jew.
Mankind is a social creature who makes loans to his fellows. Perhaps the hunt for game was not lucky for one family group so they would share in the roasted gazelle that their neighbor had caught that day. And when they were lucky in the hunt, they would share their fresh deer meat with that same neighbor who had not been lucky or else share a basket of grain or acorns or berries. In this way, Mankind, as a social creature, was able to thrive through the power of mutual helpfulness and sharing.
Making loans to one another and paying back, gave the entire tribe more resiliency and strength. If one had food, all had food. In this way, everybody lived through mutual help and no one died through neglect.
But woe to the greedy or selfish tribe members who were anti-social by refusing to share what they had! Woe to those who borrowed but did not give back! They became ignored and ostracized. They were known as “takers.” They only took but did not give back. And if they didn’t get the social message when their own wants were rebuffed, then eventually they became outcasts and perished alone in the wilderness with no tribe to sustain them. In this way, natural selection improved Mankind as a social creature. Like the ants and bees who shared in mutual prosperity, Mankind was also at One with Nature as he used loans and sharing for greater group strength and solidarity.
Love of one’s neighbor was expressed through giving. And through giving and sharing, strong personal and social bonds were forged, providing the ancient people with strength against all adversaries.
To fully understand the Sumerian Swindle, throw aside your conditioning and your “take-it-for-granted” state of mind and understand this idea of “interest-on-a-loan” from a new perspective. The First Secret Fraud of the Sumerian Swindle is: “All interest on the loan of money is a swindle.” That’s right. Every banker and moneylender is a deceiving thief and a cruel swindler although he tries to keep this fact hidden.
So, to make it easy to understand – simplify, simplify. In modern times, the Sumerian Swindle is like the old shell game of hiding a pea under a shell. This game is so simple: just one pea and three walnut shells. And yet the pea gets lost from view both by the mixing up of the walnut shells but also by the deft manipulations of the huckster using sleight-of-hand. A good street hustler using nothing but three walnut shells and a pea, can separate the gawking suckers from their money in a short time if they place their bets on the wrong shell because he can always make sure that it is the wrong shell.
To repeat: All interest on the loan of money is a swindle. And the moneylenders and bankers are all criminals. Part of the trick in their black art, is that moneylenders have been around since Mesopotamian times so that these parasites have been taken for granted and accepted as a “normal” part of society.
But bankers are not at all normal. They are all crooks. However well-dressed and honest they pretend to be, the bankers are no different than a street hustler manipulating a pea among walnut shells. But to make the game more to their benefit, they manipulate trillions of peas between billions of walnut shells so that no one seems to be able to keep track of where all the money goes except themselves. That all of the money disappears into the bankers’ pockets isn’t noticed in the confusion caused by some winners and some losers milling about and wondering what happened to the economy.
To illustrate the Sumerian Swindle and for the sake of unraveling this ancient mystery in a simple way, let’s assume that there is only one moneylender in the whole world and only two pieces of money. The two pieces of money can be lumps of gold or silver, pennies, francs, yuan, Reich marks, dollars, whatever name you wish to use for them – but there are only two of them. I could use two dollars for this example or even two pennies but since the Mesopotamians used weights of silver in their system of exchange, let’s do the same for this as well as for the examples given later.
A shekel weight of silver was about one-third ounce or about eight grams. Let’s assume that there are only two shekels of silver in the whole world.Now suppose that there are two men who want to borrow from the Mesopotamian banker one shekel of silver each. Either they are merchants or farmers or
perhaps only a parent wishing to have a big wedding party and dowry for a beloved daughter.
Each man goes to the banker to borrow one shekel of silver, which the banker loans at fifty percent interest for one year. Now, remember, (for the sake of this illustration) there are only two shekels of silver in the entire world.
At fifty percent interest for each shekel, that means that each borrower must return one and a half shekels to the banker at the end of the year. And if each man returns to the banker one and a half shekels, that adds up to a total of three shekels that the banker will have in his hands. But remember, there are only two shekels of silver in the entire world! So, how can these borrowers return to the banker three shekels of silver?
In fact, it is impossible. We can see the
impossibility when the problem is simplified like this. But this impossibility is hidden from the average man because in reality, the amounts of money are so large and they involve so many borrowers that the swindle is not so easily perceived. And yet, there is always less money available in reality than what the banker demands because the arithmetic creates something that is not really there – an extra shekel out of thin
You can call it simple arithmetic but the ancient moneylenders called it quite simply, “Oy Gevalt! A miracle!” From this phantom of interest-on-a-loan, all other frauds arose within the Sumerian Swindle, a swindle of phantom interest demanding repayment in real goods.
As the centuries wore on and then more centuries wore on, this idea of making loans with an interest charge attached to them became an accepted idea. It was difficult to give a goat for a wedding feast and expect to be paid back two goats, or to loan the use of a field and expect two fields in return. But if a goat could be given and repaid with a goat plus a basket of grain, then a new kind of bargaining began to evolve.
The use of a field could be loaned out with so-many baskets of grain given as rent. And so it went. Throughout the hundreds of years before the Sumerians arrived in Mesopotamia, this new system was in place of making
At first, the ethics of the Ubaidian moneylenders was not much different than that of their own people. Small towns keep their individual people adhering to society’s norms through social pressures and gossip.
In the small villages where everybody knew everybody else, it was very rare for one neighbor to steal from or to swindle another without everybody finding out about it. Retribution was either exacted with fisticuffs or death, or the neighborly aggressor would be called before the council of elders or the village chief and the disagreements would come under public scrutiny. It was social pressure alone that kept those who loaned-
at-interest within a reasonableness that was conducive to social harmony. These are the facts of small village life. If people are to get along, then one citizen cannot be allowed to prey upon another.
Strangely enough for such a dishonest system, money lending, itself, depends upon the goodness and honesty of Mankind. It posits the proposition that anyone who borrows is obligated by the honor of his name and the holiness of his promise to repay the principle and interest on the loan.
This is where the swindle gets most of its power because it relies upon the borrower being honest. It relies upon the borrower being honorable. It relies upon the borrower being god-fearing and true to his word. But it does not depend upon the lender of money to be any of these things. Thus, Secret Fraud #3 was incorporated at an early time: “Loans rely on the honesty of the borrower but not the honesty of the lender.”
By 4000 BC, not only had the Ubaidians developed small towns and an organized society but they had also developed into two social classes which were named the awilum [the Haves] and the muskenum [the Have-Nots]. This system of getting back more than they lent out, developed over a period of more than a thousand years. So, the incremental change in the wealth and power of the awilum [the Haves] over the muskenum [the Have-Nots] was not noticed since it was so gradually accomplished. Through many generations, rich fathers taught their sons how to parasitize their neighbors and the poor fathers taught their sons that after borrowing grain from the awilum [the Haves] that the honest thing to do was to pay back that grain plus interest because “that’s how it has always been.”
Instead of being recognized as an aberration, the system itself began to be accepted as normal.For the awilum [the Haves], this loan-and-interest became an asset that could be passed along to his sons.
And the original loan that had cost them nothing and which brought them more wealth for free in interest payments, could also be passed from one generation to the next as grain- and silver-lending families bequeathed to their descendants the fruits of usury
as ongoing accounts. Eventually, wealthy families and wealthy individuals arose who, through greed and acquisitive barter, were able to gain a large share of the total wealth of the community.
Over many generations, those families became owners of large properties and the employers of many laborers to work those properties. Farms, silver, grain, land and slaves, all became theirs. And they got it all for free.
From the Book, “The Sumerian Swindle 2015”
From Andrew Manganus
Zachari Fisher: Warning…. This is a long but very important transmission…..
As the planetary alignment continues into February, what can we expect?
Between January 25th and February, expect a significant amplification of energies as the planetary alignments intensify.
This period will serve as a catalyst for accelerated growth, spiritual evolution, and heightened awareness. The veils between dimensions will thin, allowing for increased access to higher states of consciousness and higher-dimensional realities.
During this period, many individuals will experience intensified awakenings, revealing hidden truths and forcing confrontations with suppressed emotions and unconscious patterns.
As the veil thins, multidimensional awareness will increase, and those attuned to these frequencies will begin to remember their true nature and soul purpose. Expect heightened sensitivity to energy fluctuations and increased telepathic connections with like-minded individuals.
As the planetary alignments converge, a critical mass of individuals will reach a tipping point, triggering a rapid shift in their reality perception. They’ll begin to question established norms and seek truth beyond the confines of the 3D paradigm. This influx of seekers will catalyze a ripple effect, influencing collective consciousness and accelerating global awakening.
Reality distortions will become more pronounced, causing many to question their perceptions of time and space. This dimensional bleed will ignite a series of profound epiphanies, allowing individuals to transcend their current reality and access higher states of awareness.
Those who have been working diligently on their spiritual evolution will notice significant advancements in their abilities and perception. They’ll begin to access ancient knowledge and hidden wisdom, allowing them to integrate higher-dimensional insights into their daily reality.
This integration of higher-dimensional insights will enable individuals to navigate their reality with greater ease, making decisions that align with their soul purpose. They’ll begin to recognize synchronicities and patterns, allowing them to transcend limitations imposed by linear thinking.
The acceleration of personal growth during this period will also bring forth hidden talents and abilities, allowing individuals to express themselves authentically and creatively. This emergence of latent potential will foster a deeper sense of fulfillment and life purpose.
As individuals tap into their latent potential, they’ll begin to embody their Higher Self, allowing them to vibrate at a frequency that attracts like-minded beings and opportunities. This resonance will create a network of supportive relationships and alliances that facilitate cooperation and collective evolution.
The embodiment of the Higher Self during this period will allow individuals to access ancient wisdom and knowledge encoded within their DNA. This retrieval of forgotten memories will facilitate a deeper understanding of their soul purpose and the roles they’ve played throughout various lifetimes and dimensions.
This period will be highly transformative and will push many people consciously to a place that may feel uncomfortable. It is imperative that we also focus on self care and grounding.
Self-Care During the Transition Period As the planetary alignments converge, many individuals will experience heightened sensitivity and emotional fragility. It’s essential to prioritize self-care during this period to maintain balance and inner harmony.
This can include activities such as meditation, energy healing, connecting with nature, and engaging in creative expressions.
Additionally, consider incorporating practices that promote emotional regulation, such as deep breathing exercises, journaling, and setting healthy boundaries. Engaging in physical activity, like yoga or walking, can also help maintain balance and reduce stress.
It’s crucial to listen to your inner wisdom and honor your needs during this intense period. By prioritizing self-care, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the energies and emerge transformed and renewed.
To summarize, the transition period between January 25th and February will be marked by accelerated growth, spiritual evolution, and heightened awareness. As we navigate this shift, it’s essential to prioritize self-care, maintain balance, and honor our needs. By doing so, we’ll emerge transformed and renewed, ready to embark on their soul’s journey. This post serves as a reminder to stay attuned to your inner guidance, cultivate emotional regulation, and anchor high vibrational frequencies.
**Embrace the Transformation: The Snake New Year, January New Moon, and 22 Portal**
As we approach the Snake New Year, the energy of transformation and renewal is upon us. The Snake, a symbol of rebirth and wisdom, invites us to shed old skin and embrace our truest selves. With the January New Moon gracing the sky next week, we are given a powerful opportunity to set our intentions for the year ahead.
This New Moon in Aquarius asks us to envision our future with clarity and courage. It’s a time to plant the seeds of our dreams, to trust in the unseen, and to honor the cycles of life. Under this lunar darkness, we are called to release what no longer serves us and to welcome new beginnings with open hearts.
As we prepare for the 22 Portal in February, a powerful gateway of ascension, let us align with the cosmic energies that are guiding us toward higher consciousness. This portal amplifies our spiritual growth, urging us to connect with our inner wisdom and divine purpose.
During this sacred time, may we embrace the transformative power of the Snake, the renewal of the New Moon, and the ascension of the 22 Portal. Trust in the process, honor your journey, and step into the magic of your becoming. divinefeminine7777
The revolutionary … innovative … freedom-loving and rebellious Uranus is going to bear-down on the situation here on the surface during this New Moon & it’s going to give anything repressing freedom, a major piece of its mind!
And what’s really going to turn the dial over 11 (for you Spinal Tap fans :- ) this New Moon also trines Jupiter!
And it’s also the Chinese [real] New Year – where the actual [energetic] New Year begins!
Of course … the ‘kabaams’ have already been happening this January & they have been bruising.
Especially on the 15th & 22nd, at a minimum.
I hear you loud-&-clear on that one, Dear One!
But that’s what typically happens, when there’s a breakthrough … or when something attacks, exposes itself in the process & then gets removed … leading to a breakthrough again.
So what’s the solution, other than quickly shoring up your auric membrane that gets damaged all the time causing anger … fatigue … or fear, to bounce right back in 2 mins flat?
Speed in finding & removing the garbage that keeps us imprisoned on the surface, instead of galavanting around with our galactic brethren for weeks on-end & returning the same minute you left to help heal & educate humanity.
And this time the Uranus-Jupiter combo on this New Moon will make a HUGE difference, because they’re certainly not going to take any prisoners!
The 144K will be in the center of it all as always, providing the 3rd piece of this trinity that will not take prisoners!
The 144K is obligated to use this Uranus-Jupiter trine, for humanity & an even bigger timeline upgrade.
Time for breakthroughs … without us having to ‘feel it’ in all the wrong ways.
Time for literal bliss, when the Light reaches the surface and there’s nothing left to harm our emotions.
The Overland Campaign has been wearing out the dark far quicker, leading to rapid breakthroughs … and constantly shifting timelines as a result.
More intel will be released in the two weeks of this New Moon period – because it will indeed be a time of major freedom-loving energetic revolution!
BE at the center of all the action …
… because it decides so much!
The links below will take you there ;- )
Yours In Service …
The Unknown Lightwarrior
for the Jan 29 New Moon in Aquarius
144K Mass Meditation
Date: Jan 29, 2025
Time: 6:30 AM EST [USA]
New Moon Peak: 7:36 AM EST [USA]
Your Timezone: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime
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144K Member’s site, to reduce the number of 144K notifications going into spam folders.
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(Note: The Blogtalk Platform will go away after this meditation)
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