14. aprill 2012
Ecovillage Design Education (EDE) Training
June 1 – 28, 2012 ( 1-month intensive)
Tuwa The Laughing Fish, Cabiao, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
Integrated and holistic approaches are needed to increase resilience to climate change, peak oil, and economic decline challenges. People & communities need new skills to build-up sustainability and self-sufficiency especially in these challenging times.
In one whole month, transformational learning will inspire participants to:
1. Holistically weave social enterprise, cooperative business, environmental management, right livelihood and local currency systems to strengthen the local economy – relocalization.
2. Reconnect to nature, celebrate art, culture and community spirit, practice mindfulness, and be exposed to a balanced healthy life in nature.
3. Harness skills to design and develop integrated Ecovillage design experiences for start-up or retrofit communities and/or developments in urban or rural areas.
4. Gain a deep understanding of the holistic approach to community resettlement and sustainable rehabilitation after disasters on a bioregional level, especially considering variations in climate, peak oil, and economic decline challenges.
5. Use a design pedagogy based on holistic observation and permaculture principles.
6. Hone their communication, group decision-making and conflict management skills to provide a strong experience of community-building and commitment.
7. Learn how to design and develop land to produce a maximum output with a minimal input of energy, time, and money using green energy, appropriate technology, and organic/biodynamic, and homa farming and other holistic practices.