04. november 2024
Sellel nädalal tehtud algused sillutavad teed järgmiseks neljaks kuuks, võib-olla isegi pooleks aastaks. Need on teekonnad, mis toovad kaasa suured muutused, mille tulemusi näeme alles märtsis või mais. Need ei ole pelgalt tulemused, vaid märkimisväärsed elu või mõne selle aspekti muutused. See on teekond, millest naaseme täiesti teistsugustena: arenenumatena, tugevamatena, sisemiselt rikastunumatena… teistsugustena.
Sellisel teekonnal juba alguses, tuleb olla valvas. Nädal toob kaasa edu ja aktiivsust, kuid tuleb vastu astuda ka väljakutsetele ja kiusatustele. See on aeg, mil sisemine aktiivsus ja valmisolek muutuda või oma eesmärke saavutada peavad olema püsivad. See pole hetkeline impulss, vaid liikumine, teekond, mis alles algab. See on vastutuse võtmine: enda, oma tegude, otsuste ja isegi lähedaste või lähedal olevate inimeste eest.
Nädala jooksul on oluline mitte kiirustada. See ei tähenda, et ei tohiks olla aktiivne ja liikuv; lihtsalt liikuge hoolikalt, mõeldes iga samm hoolikalt läbi. Kui lõõgastute liiga palju ja loodate ainult õnnele, võib kergesti komistada ja kaotada saavutatu. Ressursid praegu on kodu, tegemised, oma tunded, lähedased inimesed, loovus, ideed – ärge raisake midagi, vaid ehitage sellele alus tuleviku jaoks.
Paljudel ootavad tööasjades juba praegu ees muutused, justkui avanevad uued uksed. Mõne jaoks tähendab see kiiret karjääri edenemist, teised avastavad enda jaoks uue või täiendava erialase suuna. Mõni võib oma ettevõtte viia uuele tasemele, et ajapikku kasvatada nii äri mahtu, kasumit kui ka tuntust. Mõnel juhul võivad abiks olla vanad ressursid, mille olemasolu olete unustanud – teadmised, kogemused, kontaktid… Kõik, mis kunagi vajalik polnud, kuid võib nüüd olla kasulik. Raskuste korral tasub vaadata tagasi ja mõelda, kas lahendus võib juba käepärast olla. Nädal ei möödu ilma raskusteta. Neid võib olla isegi tavapärasest rohkem, kuid need on ületatavad, kui kombineerida visadust, uusi teadmisi ja ümbritsevate inimeste tuge. Paljudel tekib sellel nädalal valik mitme suuna vahel (mitu tööpakkumist, mitmed erinevad ülesanded jne).
Rahaline energia hakkab taastuma. Praegu võivad alguse saada suured projektid ja võimalused, sõlmida tõsiseid lepinguid, ning leida sponsoreid või rahalisi partnereid. Kiiret suurt kasu ei maksa oodata, kuid algus on tehtud. Võimalik, et saate väikseid tulemusi, mida tuleks pidada õnne märgiks. Näiteks, kui olete alles asunud uuele tööle, ei too see esimese nädalaga veel suurt finantsilist paranemist, kuid ajapikku ja tööd tehes saavutate soovitud tulemused. Ka suured ostud ja mõistlikud investeeringud on praegu sobilikud, eriti äri arendamiseks.
Isiklikud suhted vajavad selgust. Toimub kasv, ja paljusid ootab soovide täitumine armastuse või sõpruse osas. Samas, et täielikult saavutada oma eesmärgid, tuleb sageli ületada veel mitmeid katsumusi. Katsumused võivad puudutada nii üht partnerit kui ka paari: ärge nõudke kiireid tulemusi, käituge ja mõelge läbimõeldult. Uued suhted on praegu huvitavad, sest tunded võivad kujuneda sügavateks ja olulised kohtumised võivad viia tähendusrikaste sidemeteni. Kui olete pikalt olnud üksi, kuid soovite tegelikult suhteid luua, siis on aeg minna välja, kohtuda uute inimestega ja alustada aktiivset otsingut.
Tervise seisukohast on nädal soodne. Keha tugevus kasvab ja hiljuti haiged saavad paranemise või vähemalt seisundi paranemise osaliseks. Oluline on jätkata koormuse ja puhkuse tasakaalu hoidmist, sest puhkuseta on organismi tugevdamine keeruline. Siiski on mõned riskid: veresooned ja pea. Kui teie piirkonnas on juba libe, olge ettevaatlik, et vältida peatraumasid. Samuti pöörake tähelepanu sügisele omastele temperatuurikõikumistele, mis võivad veresoontele koormavaks osutuda. Toitumine on rikkalik. Liha, piimatooted, hilised köögiviljad, seened, pirukad, maiustused… Talje pärast võib muretseda hiljem. Mõistlik on alkoholiga ettevaatlik olla, eriti kui ei viibi kodus või tuttavate seltsis, vaid võõrastes seltskondades. Hulluse aeg pole veel lõppenud: kuidas reageerib keha alkoholile sellises olukorras? Ja kes on teie läheduses?
Uue nädala sünnipäevalapsed saavad olla oma õnne sepad. See ongi kõige suurem kingitus. Praegu sõltub kõik mitte ainult teie tegudest, vaid sõna otseses mõttes ka mõtetest. Soovige oma soove hoolikalt.
Kui ilmneb probleeme ükskõik millises valdkonnas, lahenda need kohe. Mida kiiremini probleemile tähelepanu pöörad, seda lihtsam on see lahendada. Vastasel juhul võib raskus kasvada nagu lumepall. Kui oled üksi – olgu see teadlikult või sunniviisiliselt – hinda seda aega. Ära karda üksindust. Praegu saab just üksinduses luua palju loomingulist, ilusat ja isegi geniaalset: kasuta oma jõudu inspiratsiooni suunamiseks. On aeg saada ootamatuid uudiseid ja saladusi. Kuulata olulist teavet, mõelda, esitada küsimusi. Praegu on igaüks oma õnne sepp ja maag. Loome teadlikult oma õnne: et minna teele ja naasta uuenenuna, on oluline täpselt teada, kuhu ja miks me läheme.
Alexis Varnum
Fox River:
Kui sa kunagi kasutad ära kedagi, iseenda huvides, kellel on hea süda, siis ära iial unusta, et see, mida sa talt võtta suutsid, ei ole iial võrreldav sellega, mida sa ühel päeval vastu andma pead.
Inimesed, kelle hinges on headus, puhas süda, siirus, tõde, hoolivus ja abi, on alati siin Maailmas kõrgema kaitse all. Kahjuks aga elu õpetab, et need kõige hoolivamad ja paremad inimesed kogevad kõige rohkem ära kasutamist. Kuid sellised inimesed on alati väga kõrges armastuse energias. Kui lõhkuda nii puhast energiavälja, siis karma õppetund saab olema kiire ja efektne. Kuigi nad saavad hinges ehk väga haiget, siis ei pea nad kunagi muretsema sellepärast, kas see, kes teda ära kasutas, saab oma õppetunni. Ei mitte, et nad soovivad kätte maksta – ei. Sellistel inimestel puudub sellisel tasandil viha energia. Vaid sellepärast, et keegi teine, puhta hingega inimene ei peaks sama kogema sama käe läbi.
Ära tee kunagi midagi sellist, mida sa ei soovi, et sulle tehakse.
Mina, [Sinu nimi], murran end vabaks needustest, nõrkusest ja vaimus piiratusest.
Ühinenult Universumi valguse sagedustes, kuulutan end koheselt täiuslikuks ja terviklikuks.
Õnnetunne ja rõõm läbivad mu olemuse, võttes omaks jumalikkuse võidutsemise.
Vabastades esivanemate koormad, kinnitan ma tervenemist, tasakaalustumist ja vabanen viletsuse köidikutest.
Vabanenud needustest, võtan omaks heaolu, külluse ja jumaliku rikkuse.
Vaesuse hääbudes, võidutsen edu ja võimalustega.
Puhta valguse valgustatus ja õnnistus saadavad mind, täites mu elumuutva küllusega, tagades heaolu ja kõikvõimalikkuse.
Valgust ja armastust,
Kohandatult Michelle Price lehelt
Uus ajastu on juba alanud. Kuidas reaalsust ja mateeriat tahte, mõtte ja alateadvusega juhtida.
Inimkond on ammu sisenenud uude ajastusse – alateadliku mõtlemise ajastusse. Ja kõige huvitavam on see, et just sina oled selle hindamatu kingituse hoidja.
Alateadvus on väga huvitav asi – seda ei oska seletada, keegi ei tea kus see on ja ei oska seletada, mis see on. Ainult üht on teada – see on kõigi eelmiste põlvkondade mälestuse hoidla. Ehk siis sinu alateadvus ja seal on omamoodi Akasha kroonika, kõigi aegade ja rahvaste raamatukogu. Ja sul on otsene juurdepääs sellele kosmoselaborile.
Alateadvus suudab kõike
Sina oled kõigi olemasolevate ressursside kandja ja hooldaja.
Ja nüüd on aeg ärgata, meenutada, kes sa oled. Teadus ei seisa paigal ja fraas “mõtted on materiaalsed” pole ammu olnud lihtsalt ilus metafoor motiveerivate treenerite jaoks. See on teaduslikult tõestatud fakt.
Teadlased on mõtte kaalunud. Eksperimendis kasutati keevitus elektroonilisi kaalusid. Varem mõõdeti inimese kaalu erinevates emotsionaalsetes seisundites. Selgus, et intensiivse visualiseerimise hetkel inimese kaal suureneb. Vastupidi, trans aitab muutuda sõna otseses mõttes kaalutuks.
See avastus on seadnud kahtluse alla kogu vana reaalsuse ja loomingu pildi. See ütleb, et kogu eelmise teadusmaailma kultuur kukub kokku. Kõik ei ole nii, nagu meile nii palju aastakümneid esitleti.
Teadvus on Jumal
Teadvus on Jumal. Sama Ülim Jõud ehk Kosmiline meel. Miski pole temast üle ega võrdne. See on mingi aine nimega Absoluut. Kõik siin maailmas allub talle. Kõik seadused on paigutatud sellesse lõpmatusse.
Kui püüame kuidagi selgitada, mis on teadvus või Jumal, siis devalveerime selle automaatselt ja lahustame selle. Sest selgitust andes püüame anda millelegi konkreetse pildi, raamida. Aga lõpmatus on selline aine, mis sisaldab kõike ja samas ei ole kõik. Sa võid seda enda peal tunda, et mõista minu sõnu.
Harjutus oma võimete äratamiseks
Sea end mugavalt sisse ja kujuta ette, et su keha hakkab laienema. Sa lihtsalt suurendad suurust nagu õhupall. Sa täidad toa, maja, tänava, linna ja kogu planeedi iseendaga. Sa saad üheks kosmosega ja siis kogu universumiga.
Mida rohkem oled võimeline seda avardumist tundma, seda suuremad on sinu kaasasündinud võimalused. Sa ühined kosmilise meelega, muutud iseendaks. Teisisõnu, sa laiendad oma energiakeha suurendades ja avardades oma supervõimeid.
Mõtte ja alateadvuse jõud
Mis iganes su mõtted alati materialiseeruvad läbi ühe või teise olukorra. Seega, kui sa pole millegagi olevikus rahul, tuleta meelde, millest oled lähiminevikus mõelnud. Sina, mitte keegi teine, kontrollid oma keha, oma mõistust. Sina, mitte keegi teine sinu jaoks, loo oma elu tingimused, maailm sinu ümber on ainult esineja, sina oled klient.
Sa saad mateeriat kontrollida läbi oma tahtejõu. Tahe on mõistuse võime juhtida kõiki protsesse, võime luua kavatsust. Kavatsusega käivitatakse sama järgnevate sündmuste seeria. Sa võid valitseda kogu maailma, oma maailma, ära lase end petta, teiste mõjutamine on karistatav.
Iidse jooga harjutus tahte arendamisel
Seisa sirgelt. Käed rippuvad vabalt mööda torso. Proovi seista mõnda aega nii, ilma liigutamata. Hingamine on võrdne, rahulik. Sa lihtsalt seisad seal ja vaatad oma tundeid, keha reaktsiooni, mõtteid. Proovi seda teha vähemalt minut, vaid minutid. Edasine on suurem. Selle käigus õpid palju.
Esimene kord lihtsalt seista ja mitte midagi teha ei saa olema nii lihtne. Keha hakkab vastu, püüdes vähemalt mingile liikumisele impulssi anda. Seda harjutust sooritatakse väga hästi.
Oodake vaid – kõik tuleb ! Nii tehes õpid ennast kontrollima, elu hakkab muutuma. Saades võimu enda üle, saad piiramatud võimalused oma maailma kontrollimiseks.
The Ascended Lightbody
Dear ones, I am pleased to join you once again in this way of speaking. I bring you a message of hope and love. I understand that many of you have been experiencing a great deal of uncertainty recently, and so I am here to help dispel the negative feelings which have been pervading our atmosphere these days.
The time has come to talk about the ascension process again. Recently so many of you have asked me to write about it because you need some guidance and advice in this process. I was checking my last message and realized it’s not enough. Some of you have questions about different aspects of the ascension process and for me it is very important to help you with that because we are here to support each other with these changes, this transition, these vibrations, and finally leave the old matrix behind.
In the beginning days of our Ascension, we will ascend quickly and it will seem to us that we have arrived in Heaven. We will feel weightless and as if we are floating. We will be able to pass through solid objects and walls in the early stages of Ascension.
During this period our physical appearance will change slightly. We shall appear more youthful than what we were on the Earth plane.
This is because, during those first few days in spirit, our bodies will be still adjusting to our new environment. During this time period, it is possible for us to see people from our past lives in spirit who are present during our transition from the physical world. After a while, we will begin to feel more comfortable with our surroundings and then that is when we can expect to see ourselves as we will appear in Heaven.
What exactly will we look like when we ascend? Will you still have gray hair or will it be replaced with black? Will you still have wrinkles or will they disappear? What about your current physical ailments? Will they go away or will they stay?
The truth is that everyone’s ascension will be different. There are so many factors that can influence your ascension and what it looks like. For example, if you’re a smoker, drinker, have an addiction to certain foods; or have abused prescription medications, your ascension is going to look much different than someone who has taken care of themselves physically.
You will not ascend into the body that you currently possess. Instead you may find yourself in the body of a younger adult (in their prime). If this is the case, your appearance will slowly change as you continue on your path of healing and recovery. The longer that you remain sober and take care of your physical body, the more likely it is that you’ll see your original appearance return.
The appearance of the body will be determined by the vibrational patterns of our light body. These patterns may include everything from a soft glow to an iridescent rainbow. It all depends on our perception as well as what we are capable of holding in our consciousness. In other words, if we have a strong negative or positive perception of ourselves, that is what will be reflected. This is another reason to clean up our thoughts in order to hold pure light and love within our bodies.
Ascension will not necessarily affect the color of your eyes or hair, although it is possible for these attributes to change. If this does occur, it will be due to a change in consciousness and not an alteration in physical form. As examples, some people after their Ascension have had their hair fall out due to a shift in emotional energy; others have had their teeth straighten because they now think and feel more clearly than before. Again, it all depends upon how you perceive yourself and what you feel about these attributes that are already there.
With regard to the “aging process,” you will continue to grow and expand until you reach your highest potential that is yet contained within the human form. Once you have reached this point, you will cease any further growth.
The original human body is a perfect creation. It was not a product of evolution, but of intelligent design. It will be our choice whether to upgrade to the new body that awaits us on the New Earth after we ascend.
It will be a fully functioning, complex and beautiful physical creation far greater than anything we can currently imagine. We will be like gods in our bodies of light. We will have perfect health, strength and endurance.
These bodies are physical, not ethereal or ghostly as some have imagined them. They are tangible and solid, although you cannot see them with your eyes as you do the body you now inhabit. These bodies will never age or die. They are indestructible and perfect in every way – even more so than the human form you now inhabit.
The new bodies will be designed to function optimally within the fifth-dimensional environment of the New Earth. The physical world has been transitioning from third to fifth dimensional frequencies of energy for some time now and this process is increasing in speed as we draw closer to the end times.
Because of the higher vibration in which we will live on the New Earth, our bodies must also raise their vibrations if they are to survive there without disintegrating.
When we are in our ascended bodies, we will not have to worry about growing old. We will continue to look young and vibrant.
You’ve seen Jesus portrayed in art with long hair and a beard right? That’s because the ascended masters get to choose what age they want their bodies to be. They can look like a child or an old man, depending upon what will best help them teach you.
They will be with us as well as they too will be in their ascended bodies. I see that so many of you are concerned about your children and how you will care for them once you ascend. This is a non-issue, your children will ascend with you.
One of the things that the light has done with you is to accelerate your children’s growth so that they can come into their bodies of light at the same time as you. This means they too will look at least 20 years of age when they ascend, but most likely much younger.
Most of you who have physical challenges now such as missing limbs or other physical conditions, these illnesses and conditions will disappear when you ascend into your lightbody. You may have heard this information before, but it is important for all to hear again for confirmation purposes. It is no longer necessary for any of you to endure these conditions as they are only temporary and are an illusionary world.
We love you dearly,
We are here with you,
We are your family of light,
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
On November 1st, 2024, we have a New Moon at 9° Scorpio. This is a supportive New Moon, trining Saturn in Pisces.
The New Moon encourages focused commitment and deep introspection (Scorpio), helping us align our goals with our highest ideals (Pisces).
With Saturn’s stabilizing influence, any seeds planted now have the potential to grow into a beautiful flower.
Scorpio – Trust And Betrayal
If we were to distill Scorpio’s core themes, they center around trust and betrayal. Everything Scorpio values is rooted in a need for trust and a deep fear of betrayal.
White lies, being late, or missing subtle cues that something feels off may seem minor to most signs; but not to Scorpio. For Scorpio, these are warning signs: “You didn’t notice I had a bad day? You’re not fully invested.” “You told a little lie about why you were late? You can’t be trusted.”
These reactions may feel extreme, but Scorpio has a point. Shortcuts, even small lies, erode the foundation of true connection. Scorpio is in it for the long haul and values authenticity above all.
For Scorpio, betrayal isn’t just an emotional experience – it’s almost visceral. Every Scorpio has felt betrayal, even in seemingly minor situations, like not being immediately attended to as an infant if their parents were deeply asleep.
While other signs might not retain such a deep imprint, for Scorpio, these experiences form the very foundation of their emotional landscape.
In many ways, Scorpio placements will unconsciously recreate scenarios that test trust, often setting up situations where betrayal is likely, in an attempt to confront this wound and ultimately find forgiveness and release.
Paradoxically, to gain control over this dynamic, Scorpio may become the one to manipulate, lie, or interfere in others’ affairs – doing things that contradict what they value most: trust.
Sometimes, this is Scorpio’s way of seeking ‘justice’ for what others have done to them. Scorpio rarely forgives and never forgets. If you cross them, they will find a way to get back to you; they can’t help it.
Scorpio, with its 8th house association, is the accountant of the zodiac. While Libra might symbolize the scales, it’s Scorpio that truly weighs and keeps score.
The 2nd explanation is more complex: Scorpio needs to re-create betrayal scenarios over and over to understand them fully and, ultimately, to find forgiveness.
New Moon In Scorpio – From Betrayal To Trust
Scorpio deals with the pain of betrayal in two main ways: either they retreat into their shell, becoming emotionally closed off and skeptical, or they use emotions as a tool to confront the betrayal – sometimes through manipulation, emotional outbursts, or ultimatums.
Scorpio finds it difficult to let go; Scorpio is the fixed water sign of the zodiac. Water is our emotions and connections to others, and the fixed quality indicates a deep need for stability, consistency and commitment.
All this dynamic might sound intense – because it is. But there’s a reward: once a Scorpio person trusts you, once you’re ‘the one’ after they’ve eliminated the 99.9% of liars, cheaters, and superficial people out there (kidding… but maybe not entirely), they are deeply giving, loving, and loyal.
This focus on betrayal highlights exactly how we don’t want to approach Scorpio season, and especially this New Moon in Scorpio. When we have a New Moon in Scorpio, the Scorpio area in our chart resets.
We have a choice: to continue unconsciously replaying the betrayal scenario – and thus re-experiencing the same Scorpio struggles – OR to cultivate awareness and build trust, form genuine connections, and establish healthy emotional boundaries.
New Moon In Scorpio – Let’s Get The “Halloween” party started!
While Scorpio season technically began on October 22nd with the Sun’s ingress into the sign, it’s when the Moon joins the Sun in a conjunction that we fully enter Scorpio’s realm – that’s the New Moon in Scorpio.
In some ways, we could even say that Scorpio season truly starts with this New Moon.
A New Moon is the point when the Sun and Moon meet, and the Moon disappears from view. In this union with the Sun, a (Scorpio) seed is planted.
This is why we associate New Moons with new beginnings and why we often set intentions at this time.
So, on November 1st, during the New Moon in Scorpio, that’s the moment to plant the seeds of Scorpio-like intentions – intentions centered on transformation, depth, and emotional truth.
Scorpio intentions could mean different things to different people, but they are always rooted in trust and commitment.
What project, relationship, or personal goal could benefit from trust, loyalty, and determination right now?
These are not fleeting or superficial goals. They are meaningful projects that require time, patience, and dedication to grow and nurture deeply.
New Moon In Scorpio Trine Saturn – Emotional Boundaries
The great news is that the New Moon in Scorpio is trine Saturn in Pisces.
Saturn in Pisces’ mission is to teach us about setting healthy emotional boundaries.
Pisces is a very emotional sign (water sign) and being also the mutable sign of the zodiac, it can struggle with boundaries.
Saturn, the ringed planet, is pretty much the definition of boundaries. Saturn is all about structure, discipline, and defining what’s realistic and sustainable.
This connection between Saturn and the New Moon in Scorpio is a stabilizing influence, helping both Pisces and Scorpio energies to ground and define what truly works in our emotional lives and long-term goals.
There are 2 ways that a lack of healthy emotional boundaries can manifest:
1. Ignoring one’s inner voice and giving in to others’ expectations – similar to Scorpio’s tendency to close off emotionally while still engaging in ‘relationships’ that lack depth and authenticity, as they are not rooted in true connection
2. The opposite extreme, oversharing as a way to gain attention, or using one’s emotions to manipulate situations for personal gain
In both scenarios, there is no healthy balance. We don’t want to ignore our emotions, but we don’t want to allow them to take control over our lives either. The goal is to engage with our emotions with discernment.
Setting healthy emotional boundaries means (a) trusting and acting in alignment with our true feelings and (b) taking responsibility for our emotions by sharing them thoughtfully, with the right people and in the appropriate context.
In this way, Scorpio’s core themes of trust and betrayal can be addressed in a healthier way. Emotional honesty, combined with clear boundaries, can help us prevent the cycle of mistrust and manipulation.
At the New Moon in Scorpio, we have an opportunity to reset with a clear intention to be truthful, responsible, and respectful in how we handle both our own and others’ emotions.
Astro Butterfly