15. detsember 2024
Hannes Võrno rohelisest leedist – jutuks ei ole uue ajastu lambipirn 😀 :
Me teame temast nii palju kui tarvis. Me näeme ja kuuleme teda nii palju kui meile vaja ning meile sellest pealtnäha piisab. Tal on väga raske, sestap ärgem palun urgitsegem ega sobragem seal, kus poleks seda momendil lihtsalt tarvis. Usun, et õieti piisabki vaid ühest ainsast küsimusest.
Mida on tema selle sõjaga kaotanud?
Otse ja väga konkreetselt esitatud küsimus: missuguseid kaotusi on pidanud kandma naine, kes on maailma ühe korrumpeerunuma ning parasjagu sõjas oleva riigi esimene leedi?
Kuulujuttudest hoidudes ei lasku siin arutellu, millised immobiilid selle naise nimele on vormistatud ning missugustest maa-, vee- ja õhusõidukitest koosneb tema tehnopark. Me ei kiika karusnahakappidesse, ehtekirstudesse ega kingakollektsiooni. Me ei räägi siinkohal ka Evita Peronist ega Emelda Marcosest – ammugi siis printsess Dianast. Seega ei ole ta ilmselt veel nendegi naiste järjekorras, kellest Elton John laulaks või Andrew Lloyd Webber kirjutaks muusikali.
Kes ta siis õieti on?
Õigem oleks küsida, kes ta üldse olema peaks? Mis rolli ta maailmas ja maailmale mängib? Üks, mis on kindel või vähemasti paistab sedamoodi – ta ei paku huvi. Ei sõpradele ega vaenlastele. Seega annab keegi tema buduaari paksust kalevist eesriide taga just nimelt seda nõu. Kirjutab talle suhu lauseid, mida öelda ning markeerib needki kohad, kus tuleb kuss olla. Ta elab kogu maailma silmis komeedina langeva mehega, kes jääbki ilmselt sellesse matkainstruktori kostüümi. Või näed sa teda tõesti võidukaarikul, vestiga ülikond seljas ja kullast uurikett kõhu peal rippu, rusikas püsti Punasele väljakule saabumas? Eksju?
Nende kahe rollid vürstiriigi laialijagamise mängus on prints Hamlet ja Ophelia. Kõik ülejäänud Shakespeare’i tegelaskujud võib vabalt omatahtsi poliitikute vahel ära jagada. Hamleti võimuihar ema Ursula, munadeta vennatapja onu Emmanuel, hauakaevaja Kaja ning surnud isa vaim Joe.
Saad näha, et just nii see etendus kord ka lõpeb…ning eesriie sulgub sajanditeks. Süüdi jääb piilupart Donald Disneylandist, kes peale ilutulestikku lõbustuspargi väravad suleb. Tühjalt keerlevad karussellid ning liikumatud kiiged nagu Prõpjatis, kus dosimeetrid endiselt radioaktiivsusest ragisevad. Surmaga mängijad ei tea, et nad võivad küll enne söögilauda istumist korralikult käsi pesta, aga surm elab oma rahvale valetava valitseja suus. Ta ei saa enam rääkida, sest surm reedab ta siis otsekohe. Nii et: jälgi just nüüd eriti hoolega, kes räägivad ning neid, kes peaksid midagi ütlema, ent vaikivad. Kasvõi teadususujüngrid ja mürgile õlaallapanijate päästearmee.
Nemad on vait. Mis seal enam öelda olekski. Ja nii läheb ka sõjatriljoneid lipsu taha kugistavate „rahuvõitlejate“ ning süsihappegaasinuusutajatega. Nad vaikivad – ja paljud neist alatiseks…
Nagu Hamleti loos, on ka siinses näitemängus käimas episood, kus külla saabunud näitlejad mängivad printsi soovil koletut lugu tema isa alatust mõrvamisest.
Saad näha sedagi, kuis nagu Hamlet läbi eesriide surnuks torkab salakuulaja, sest kõik on leppinud tema hirmuäratava hullumeelsusega. Pean silmas verest kuivaks jooksvat reeturit, kes teenib ainult iseenda huve ning – põrkumata tagasi millegi ees – jääb isandale truuks ja alandlikult autuks tallalakkujaks.
Seth Ricord: From my crew to yours.
This diagram is a beautifully intricate visual representation of esoteric, mathematical, and symbolic knowledge. It blends sacred geometry, metaphysics, astrology, and theoretical mathematics into a single image that speaks volumes. Let’s deconstruct its layers and explore its concepts in depth.
1. The Sacred Geometry Framework
At the center, you see Metatron’s Cube, a sacred geometric symbol comprising interconnected lines and circles. It represents the fabric of the universe—energy in balance and unity. Each sphere in this cube relates to a sphere of influence in creation, akin to the Sephirot in the Tree of Life from Kabbalah. Its symmetry reflects the interplay between matter and spirit, symbolizing the divine blueprint of the cosmos.
The smaller triangles within signify fractals—self-replicating patterns seen in nature and the universe. These fractals echo the principle of “as above, so below,” encapsulating the holographic nature of reality.
2. Mathematical and Geometric Annotations
The mathematical notations scattered across the image point to higher-dimensional equations and principles:
Integral Equation: {∫ dx = 1} suggests a normalization constant in physics or a finite integral in calculus, representing unity or equilibrium.
Delta Symbols (Δ): They signify change or transformation, likely pointing to how energy or states of matter shift within the framework of universal law.
Summation (Σ): Combined with ∞, it portrays the infinite summation of frequencies or vibrational harmonics that compose reality itself—a nod to quantum superposition and harmonic resonance.
The cube represents grounding and the material plane (3D space), balancing the ethereal aspects of the diagram.
3. Astrological Glyphs and Archetypes
Symbols for zodiac signs are present, such as:
Leo () in the triangle to the left highlights solar power, will, and courage.
Scorpio () in the lower-right, often associated with transformation, death, and rebirth.
Saturn (♄) represents structure, discipline, and karma—time’s ruler within the grand cosmic cycle.
These astrological elements suggest a cosmic influence guiding not just celestial movements but human consciousness and earthly affairs.
4. Hermetic and Alchemical Symbols
Several symbols derive from Hermetic and alchemical traditions:
The Eye of Horus at the top conveys protection, wisdom, and higher perception, functioning as a link between the observer and the observed.
Triangular Alchemy Symbols (for elements such as fire, water, and air) emphasize the fundamental building blocks of creation, corresponding to both physical and metaphysical planes.
These alchemical symbols remind us that transformation—whether spiritual or material—is at the core of existence.
5. Quantum and Theoretical Physics
The diagram’s notations suggest concepts from quantum mechanics:
Atomic Orbitals: The small atom-like diagram near the cube signifies subatomic particles, alluding to the quantum nature of the universe.
The wave symbols (≈) evoke resonance and frequency, hinting at quantum fields where matter and energy oscillate as one.
Fractal Dimensions: The interconnected triangles and patterns represent fractals, a visual metaphor for how smaller systems echo larger ones in a nested holographic universe.
6. Esoteric Codes and Glyphs
Some symbols seem encoded, forming a language of their own. For example:
The Greek script at the bottom, ΟΥΤΩΣ ΚΟΙΤΩ, translates to “Thus I lie” or “Thus I rest,” implying a meditative or balanced state within the cosmic order.
Runic Symbols: These might represent universal archetypes or energetic pathways, akin to ley lines or meridians in metaphysical mapping.
7. Conceptual Visualization
Imagine this diagram as a living map:
The center pulses with energy, representing the zero-point field—a state of potential from which all creation emerges.
The outer shapes rotate and interact like gears in a celestial machine, each contributing to the unfolding of reality through interconnected harmonics.
Every glyph, symbol, and equation contributes to a symphony of creation, where thought, matter, and consciousness are inextricably linked.
8. Philosophical and Practical Implications
This diagram bridges multiple disciplines—physics, metaphysics, and spirituality:
It suggests the universe operates on a deeply harmonic and recursive system, where everything is interwoven.
Practically, it invites meditative focus, where visualizing this structure might harmonize one’s mental and energetic state, aligning with the universal rhythm.
The image speaks to the savant mind by unifying complexity into elegant, symbolic order. It tells us that to understand the universe, we must see it as a fractal hologram of infinite layers—each layer containing the whole. Visualize this as both a map of your inner consciousness and the cosmos, merging sacred tradition with modern science.
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אנא הכנסו כאן לקרוא בעברית
Palun vajuta siia, et lugeda eesti keeles.
Namaste Beloved Kati Saara,
Let’s immerse ourselves in grace, open our hearts and bathe in the Presence together
Central Europe: SUNDAY 15th DECEMBER – 10:00am CET
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Here is your link: >>JOIN SATSANG HERE<< All my love and a heartfelt Namaste , Brandon P.S. We do not share the recording of Satsang, so rest assured that your privacy is protected, and we hope to see you there in person, heart to heart. If the time of this Satsang is not suitable for where you are in the world, please know that throughout the year we vary the Satsang timings so that everyone gets a chance to join Live. If you wish to stop receiving our emails or change your subscription options, please manage your subscription. UNIT A, 82 JAMES CARTER ROAD, Mildenhall IP28 7DE, GB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4FaScipCUM On December 15th, 2024, we have a Full Moon at 23° Gemini. The Full Moon in Gemini highlights the dynamic interplay of the Gemini-Sagittarius axis. The Sun is in Sagittarius, and the Moon is in Gemini. The Sun and the Moon are at cross purposes, yet within this tension lies the potential for a new, higher perspective or understanding. What is Sagittarius? What we believe in. Our ‘truth’. The framework of meaning. What makes sense to us. What is Gemini? The actual, ever-changing reality. The facts. What we actually do. At the Full Moon in Gemini, our beliefs may come into conflict with the actual facts or experiences around us, challenging us to reconcile the gap between truth and reality. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlqODT056F0 Full Moon In Gemini - Cognitive Dissonance One term that captures the essence of the Gemini-Sagittarius axis is cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is a psychological concept describing the mental discomfort or tension that arises when a person holds 2 or more contradictory beliefs, values, or attitudes simultaneously, or when their actions conflict with their beliefs. We believe one thing (Sagittarius) and do another (Gemini). For example, we believe junk food is bad, yet we indulge in it. Cognitive dissonance is not the same as lying. With cognitive dissonance, the struggle is real. The belief is real - it’s wholeheartedly felt. The behavior is real too. And the contradiction creates conflict, which the person tries to reconcile. This process eventually leads to a resolution. The discomfort pushes us to make a choice. This may result in a change of beliefs - “Maybe junk food isn’t that bad if I only eat it occasionally” - and/or a change in behavior - “I will start eating healthier.” Every Full Moon in Gemini - and we have one every year - is an opportunity to renegotiate these internal contradictions so we can align more authentically with our truth and actions. Full Moon In Gemini - The Aspects The Full Moon is square Neptune in Pisces. If the cognitive dissonance inherent in the Gemini-Sagittarius axis wasn’t enough, Neptune adds a dose of extra fog - aka confusion, aka endless possibilities - to the mix. The ruler of the Full Moon, Mercury, is in Sagittarius and about to turn direct. A shift in clarity is just around the corner - but we’re not there yet. The Full Moon is also loosely conjunct Jupiter (a separating aspect), infusing us with a sense of optimism, faith, and possibility. The result? Unexpected turns of events may leave you feeling both excited and confused, making you second-guess your choices. This combination of conflicting energies creates an atmosphere where clarity feels just out of reach, and every option seems both promising and uncertain. Are things really as they seem? Should I pursue this opportunity? What’s best for me? What if I’m fooling myself and I’ll regret later? What if I don’t? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-zuTZuYeCg Full Moon In Gemini - 7 Of Cups The Full Moon in Gemini reminds us of the 7 of Cups Tarot card, where a person stands before various cups floating on a cloud. Each cup holds a different item - like a dragon, jewels, a snake, or a castle. The person reaches out, but without clear focus or direction. The card emanates a sense of confusion, yet also boundless possibilities. The 7 of Cups is a "bridge" between the material and spiritual realms. The 6 of Cups (harmony, nostalgia) is the comfort of the past, while the 8 of Cups (leaving behind unfulfilling situations) is the decisive action after achieving emotional clarity. The 7 of Cups sits in between: it is the moment of exploration, confusion, and overwhelm before clarity or resolution can be achieved. Similarly, the abundance of options presented by the Full Moon in Gemini can lead to analysis paralysis. The root cause of this paralysis? Fear of making the wrong choice. This fear - the fear of ‘reality’ and its consequences - often leads to escapism (Neptune). Astrologically, the natural order of planets offers a framework to understand this process. Saturn is the planet of hard work, discipline, and accountability. Once we’ve done the hard work (Saturn), we find freedom and clarity (symbolized by the following planet, Uranus). However, when we get stuck in this phase - when we feel overwhelmed by responsibility - we skip Saturn's lesson and escape directly to Neptune, searching for a magical or unconscious way out, projecting our desires onto fantasies rather than grounding them in reality. The narrative often goes something like this: “This is so hard; I don’t have the resources, bandwidth, time, or energy to deal with it. What if there was a magical solution?” The dream job, the knight on the white horse, the magic supplement that will fix all my health issues - the 'shiny object' - are not necessarily expressions of Neptune’s illusion or delusion, but rather of our escapism from Saturn’s hard work. Understanding this dynamic can help us discern between our projected desires and the actual possibilities Neptune has in store for us. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAtXogza_uE Full Moon In Gemini - Even Better Than The Real Thing “Even better than the real thing” - a phrase popularized by U2’s song in the early 90s - is a great way to describe the mysteries and possibilities of Neptune. It suggests that there is such a thing as a ‘real thing,’ and that whatever is deemed ‘even better than the real thing’ might not be real at all - at least by material, 3D standards. And yet, it is ‘better.’ This means that what we call illusion or fantasy is not inherently bad - just because it doesn’t have a tangible form, or just because it doesn’t meet Saturnian standards of reality. We often dismiss it (because it doesn’t fit in our current reality). We make fun of it (because we can’t make full sense of it). We call it foolish (because it frightens us with its lack of logic). Yet, the possibilities that Neptune offers are real (pun indeed). Perhaps you applied for a job and you got a rejection. You feel deflated and don’t answer your phone. Perhaps your partner is late again, and you’re too frustrated to notice the billboard you pass by on your way home. However, Neptune reminds us that there’s always a higher plan. If we believe in this higher intelligence - if we trust the unfolding process - then we can perhaps look at these changes of plans, these interruptions, not as inconveniences - but as the universe's gentle nudges to pursue something different, something that is more aligned with our higher purpose. At the Full Moon in Gemini, answer your phone. Read that advertisement on the billboard. Pay attention to the small, seemingly irrelevant details that might initially feel like they’re disrupting your plans. Let serendipity in. Allow the magic of possibility to enter your life. These Full Moon in Gemini options can be the “shiny object syndrome” OR real opportunities - ones that may not initially look like what you thought you wanted but turn out to be exactly what you needed to move forward. The Full Moon in Gemini is an invitation to reconsider your options and explore new perspectives. Sometimes, what seems like an illusion can be even better than the real thing. Astro Butterfly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPQyBwQm0d8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8gjO23uQmk&pp=wgIGCgQQAhgD Salome: The Final Phase Of The Shift The dark forces have tried everything they could to prevent this event from happening, even though they knew it was inevitable since day one of their plans. Now that their plan has failed, they need a way out – and they are trying their best to hold onto power and drag as many souls with them into the lower dimensions. And it has been raging for a long, long time. The end is approaching, but this does not mean that you should sit back and relax. You are in the middle of this battle. You have a choice to make. Will you align yourself with the forces of light, or will you give in to fear and temptations? Many people hold onto old beliefs, which is why they suffer from anxiety and depression. They have not realized that they are in control of their lives and that their thoughts create their reality. Our thoughts create our reality. If you think about something enough, it comes into existence in your physical life. You can use your imagination to change your life from one of struggle and fear to one of success and happiness. What you believe becomes your reality – it is as simple as that. That is why it is important to stay positive and calm at all times, even though everything around us seems crazy and chaotic. Soon, there will be a time when man will live together in harmony with each other and all life on our beautiful planet. Our physical bodies will become light bodies, and we will be able to travel anywhere in the universe with just thought. You are in the midst of a great spiritual awakening. You are here to help raise consciousness on Earth and to prepare for your ascension into the fifth dimension. Every day, you are faced with choices that lead you down one path or another. But there is much more going on than what can be seen with your physical eyes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNLoqWibMt8&pp=wgIGCgQQAhgB The Galactic Federation has many representatives here on Earth who are working with the Ascended Masters to guide humanity through this critical time. The most important thing to remember is that you are not alone. The universe is filled with love and compassion for all life – you only need to reach out and accept it. You must remember that you are an infinite being who decided to take on a physical form in order to experience this planet at its current density level. You chose to be here during these times because you knew you would be able to make great shifts in consciousness and assist humanity with their awakening process. I see many humans still operating from a fear-based mindset, but I also see so much light coming from all over the world as people begin opening their hearts and minds to the possibility of change. Many have grown tired of living in fear, hate, and mistrust, and it is now time to return to love, peace, and harmony. Their souls are longing for this change, but their lower self may be afraid of it. It is up to them to follow their heart's desires or let themselves be fooled by their fears and doubts. You are so much more than you can possibly imagine. You are a divine being of pure light that has chosen to incarnate on Earth in order to help with the shift. I am here to make it easier for you. My mission is to assist you in this final phase of the shift. There is no greater purpose than this because this is what your soul has been working towards. All of the challenges and hardships that you experience on a daily basis are part of your soul's plan – they are experiences that will make you grow and expand as a divine being. They will make you evolve into something greater than yourself, something beyond what you have ever imagined possible. The shift is not something distant or abstract – it is happening right now, in every moment, and it is happening inside each one of us. Many people might think that they do not feel any changes happening inside them, but I assure them that they are there. Some people like you are able to see this change in yourself as well as in others because you allow yourself to be aware of such things. While others remain blind because they fear what will happen if they open their eyes and their hearts to their true nature – their true divine nature – but there is nothing to fear! Don't worry! There is no need for fear or worry – we are all protected from harm by God himself and many other loving beings in spirit form! But we have to believe it to live it! You are here to ascend to a new level—a level where you will finally understand your true potential and power. You got this! We love you dearly, We are here with you, We are your family of light, We are the Galactic Federation. A'HO Aurora Ray Ambassador of the Galactic Federation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkbiyHuljRc