29. detsember 2024
Tänan kogu hingest, Piia Vilu, Indi, Stella Kuusemets, Eero Esnar ja Kuusiku talli Katriin, kes Taya elu päästsid ning tõid tema tütre Nibiru teda TAGASI kutsuma.
Jajah, ma ise tegin ka ühtteist.
Sõrm süvahaavas veeni abiliste tulekuni kinni hoidmas, tegin inventuuri – mis märk, mis värk.
Olulisim järeldus: eilse kildudest tänast ei kleebita.
Ma tahan olla sinu tšeeeeeeelllooooo… Kaunimate aastate vennaskonna lüroerootiline lugu Kulno Süvalepa valimikust minu põlvkonna härrasmeeste ettekandes tekitab tänasel süütalastepäeval mitmekordset nostalgiat – elegantsed isandad, kes on eelmisest sajandist aastakümneid meeli lahutanud, on ühtlasi hea saatemuusika eelarvamustele.
Võtsin TV3Play’st uudishimulikult pika hambaga Silvia jõulukskoju doki ette – ja kõik oli nii tuttav – kaunis-kirglik-külluslikult kleidiline-kiirete pööretega, mis tsentrifuugib isased isendid kahte lehte. Olles viimastel aastatel olnud narts-psühho ohver, tekkis mitutpidi topeltreaktsioon.
Urmas E. Liiv on sooritanud ülivägeva stoori, mis toimib eriti jõuliselt eilenähtud Tallifornia-Mindon2 taustal. Rain Rannul on kurss noortetsunfti produtseerimisele, mis on tore – aga suur osa produkte on… Nagu ütleb Rain Tolk reaalsete filmiõpilaste ees avakaadrites: lugu ei ole. Kuna tegemist on tsunfti mentaliteediga, antakse raha ja aidatakse ekraanile järjest asju, mis võivad ilmselt kõnetada laksu all.
Fiftisiksti rütmis oli Krati-värk äge, igavese armastuse puu läks samasuguse dile nahka nagu kalbete kaksikute japajapa – just logisev tekstiandmine tasalülitab nii Piuside, Nublu kui Reketi näitamise. Haisvalt hea tulnuka-juhtumi taustal eriti mittemiski.
Ehkki Pruuli peibutab, ei söanda saagide laulmise saagata vaatama minna – limiit!
Kindlasti olen Tallifornia missiooni tagajärgi – pardon, tulemusi – põrnitsedes subjektiivselt vissvirila-nässnäruda, sest minu täispikka muusikalist katastroofikomöödiat tema teha ei võtnud – ma ei ole tsunftist. Parim enne möödas 😀
Silvia Ilvese karusselliga sõites meenutasin oma renoveeritud kolme 100aastast ja kultuurikeskuseks tõstetud 300aastast pinda ja otsustasin: Maoaastal saan rikkaks ja oma 60ndaks eluaastaks teen ise nii oma filmi kui kooli. Saagu nii.
Handling Relationships on Earth: Relationships and How They Are Leaning Us All Towards Enlightenment
Those who are seeking enlightenment and spiritual growth know the importance of relationships.
All relationships are important, and all have their place in our lives. It is not just romantic relationships that provide us with spiritual growth opportunities. Every single relationship we encounter has the potential to teach us something about ourselves if we are open and willing to reflect on them.
Spending time in solitude is a must that greatly enhances spiritual development but the same is true when interacting with other people. Solitude makes it possible for us to form a clearer picture of who we truly are, but it is only through our interpersonal connections that we can become aware of how other people see us. They serve as our mirrors.
When you look at yourself in a mirror, you will only ever see your own reflection, but when you look at yourself through the eyes of someone else, you get a glimpse into what others perceive your presence to be like.
It is important not to obsess too much over any one particular relationship in your life and ignore all the rest. Seeking enlightenment means being open to learning lessons from everyone and anyone-including family members and friends, as well as romantic partners or even strangers!
The more difficult it seems to maintain certain relationships like for example those with family members who worship the matrix, the more important it becomes to develop more compassion, more patience, etc. in order to allow the self to grow and evolve. The exception here is toxic and abusive relationships. Within these lies the lesson of self-love, honoring the self enough to remove the self from any toxic environment or relationship.
But there are those who are annoying, “not enlightened enough”, or simply complete sleep-walkers. If a person triggers you, you know where you have to heal. Living a full hermit lifestyle would close you off from these blessed lessons.
When things go wrong in our lives, we have a choice to make – give up or fight back and try again until we get the outcome we desire. When it comes to relationships, most people stay in relationships too long because they struggle to envision their lives without that other person. They think, “if I leave them, I will be alone” or “I love them so much that I can’t live without them,” yet they are miserable in the relationship.
If you are not at peace and happy being with that person, then how is this beneficial for either of you? You both deserve to be happy, and if one of you isn’t, then it is time for some changes.
The first change needs to come from within yourself. Can you accept responsibility for your part in the failure of the relationship? If not, then it will never work out between you two or between you and a new person.
Accepting responsibility means taking stock of your actions, being honest about what has happened (even if it hurts), and moving forward with positive steps towards your goal. It also means taking full responsibility for your emotions instead of blaming someone else when something goes wrong, which brings us to our next point.
Experience is more valuable than knowledge.
The Ascended Masters have so much knowledge to impart, but it’s only helpful if you take action and learn from your experiences. You can read all the books in the world on relationships, but there is no substitute for experience. Over time, we all gain a great deal of knowledge about what works and what doesn’t work when dealing with others.
But this knowledge has little value if we don’t use it to change our behaviors and reactions. If you don’t take action on the information you acquire, it will remain an abstract concept that has little impact on your actual experience of life.
It doesn’t matter how much information you have if you aren’t utilizing it to negotiate your reality more effectively.
Many people also think they can learn all they need to know about spirituality and relationships through books or lectures. That does not work so well either. Everything we learn must be applied in our lives and to ourselves. And to do that, we must put what we have learned into practice and see how it works out for us.
If you don’t take action, all those concepts will remain just that – concepts, theories, and ideas that have no place in your life.
Knowledge is useless if it is not put into action.
You’ve heard the old saying, “Knowledge is power.” That’s true only if it’s used. It’s a tool only when it’s used. Knowledge is simply a means to an end! All of our knowledge will be wasted if we’re not willing to apply it to our lives.
Sometimes it takes many years of practice before we actually understand the principles being taught. Everyone has a unique way of learning spiritual principles, but if you do not put them into action, you will never know if they are right for you or not. Always remember that no one can tell you how something should feel or when it is right for your life.
You have been given free will and the ability to choose what works best for you according to your own truths within yourself. It is important that you allow yourself to test things out while staying open-minded enough to adjust what needs adjusting as situations change and evolve within your relationships with others and yourself as well.
Learn from negative experiences in life.
It is a misconception that we can avoid all negative experiences and still grow spiritually. It is through the very experience of opposites that we find true balance. In the same way that you could not possibly know what cold feels like until you have experienced heat, or vice versa if you never allow yourself to go through negative experiences, you will never know what positive truly means.
In order to gain complete spiritual enlightenment, we must have knowledge of both good and evil. We cannot grow spiritually without experiencing everything that this world has to offer us, whether it be good or bad.
Remember, your ability to hold light is directly proportional to your willingness to look at the darkness.
We love you dearly.
We are the Galactic Federation.
We are your family of light.
We are here with you.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
2025 is one of those big, milestone years that will make history, and we will talk about for decades.
What makes some years – like 2025 – more ‘special’ astrology-wise than others?
It basically comes down to outer planets forming significant alignments. Let’s take 1969, 1989, and 2020 as examples of other milestone years:
In 1969, we had a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Libra, part of a stellium with Pluto and the South Node, marking a time of cultural and technological revolution
In 1989, the Saturn-Uranus-Neptune alignment in Capricorn heralded the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War
In 2020, the Saturn-Pluto conjunction (part of a Capricorn stellium) followed by the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction at 0° Aquarius triggered a seismic shift in global structures
What these years have in common is rare outer planetary alignments. Since Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto move very slowly, their conjunctions, oppositions, and stelliums are pretty rare. When they DO occur, they coincide with profound societal shifts.
2025 is one of those years.
Saturn, the Lunar Nodes, Uranus, and Neptune all change signs, and the outer planets – Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto – connect through a Minor Triangle, a rare and powerful configuration.
The most striking feature of 2025 is Saturn and Neptune entering Aries together. 0° Aries is the beginning of the zodiac, a point of initiation and new cycles. This alignment signals a powerful new beginning – a true Genesis moment.
The first half of 2025 is marked by a series of significant planetary ingresses. Practically everythingchanges signs:
The Lunar Nodes (January 2025)
Neptune (March 2025)
Saturn (May 2025)
Jupiter (June 2025)
Uranus (July 2025)
This creates an atmosphere of unprecedented novelty. The astrological landscape shifts dramatically. Our focus and priorities completely change. We are entering a brand-new chapter.
The 2nd half of the year is shaped by the Uranus-Neptune-Pluto Minor Triangle. This configuration weaves together the changes initiated earlier in the year. Out of the chaos of rapid change, something coherent and forward-looking will emerge.
The change will be fundamental as it will shift the structures of our society. Until 2025, the outer planets have been predominantly in Earth signs, with Neptune in Pisces (a Water sign). But starting in 2025, these planets move into Fire and Air signs.
2025 is not just another year – it’s the start of a completely new era.
2025 By Quarters
If we divide 2025 into quarters, we note distinct themes:
Q1 – the 1st quarter – is the ‘retrograde’ quarter, with Mars and later Venus in retrograde motion
Q2 is the ‘change’ quarter, characterized by multiple outer planets changing signs
Q3 is the ‘Minor Triangle’ quarter, as the energy of Uranus trine Pluto and sextile Neptune reaches its peak
Q4 is the ‘Water Trine’ quarter, highlighted by Jupiter in Cancer forming a trine with Saturn and Neptune.
Each quarter builds on the previous one, leading to an interconnected narrative. By the end of 2025, everything will make sense.
The most important transits of 2025:
January 2025 – North Node Enters Pisces, South Node Enter Virgo
On January 11th, 2025, the Lunar Nodes are moving from the Aries/Libra axis to the Pisces/Virgo axis.
This change moves the collective focus from themes of “me vs. we,” conflict, and individualism, to themes of service, compassion, and integration.
This shift might mark the end of military conflict, or at least a collective redirection of focus toward more unifying or humanitarian concerns.
Messianic leaders (North Node in Pisces), who promise to clean up the mess of the past (South Node in Virgo) might emerge – in politics, entertainment, media – people who inspire collective hope and offer visions of healing and practical solutions for fixing what is broken.
A detailed report about the Nodal shift will follow early January.
March 2025 – Venus Turns Retrograde
From March 1st to April 12th, 2025, Venus turns retrograde in Aries.
The retrograde starts at 10° Aries and ends at 24° Pisces, bringing focus to the 24° Pisces – 10° Aries area of the zodiac.
Venus retrograde periods are very important because they bring changes of heart and shifts in priorities. This is when we make up our mind (aka heart) on important matters.
This particular Venus retrograde is connected to the Venus retrograde cycles of March-April 2017 and March-April 2009, etc. – Venus retrograde revisits the same area of the zodiac every 8 years.
Some people, especially those with planets or angles in late Pisces and early Aries, may notice a repeating theme or pattern. If this is you, reflect on what was happening in your life during the previous Venus retrograde periods to note any similar themes.
A detailed report about Venus retrograde in Aries will follow closer to the date.
March 2025 – Neptune Enters Aries
This is finally happening: Neptune enters Aries! It feels like Neptune has been in Pisces forever… more precisely, since 2012. Neptune spends approximately 13 years in a sign, so when it changes signs, we are talking about BIG shifts that impact society as a whole.
On March 30th, 2025, Neptune moves into Aries, starting a new 165-year cycle around the zodiac.
Neptune will stay in Aries until 2038, marking 13 years of bold visioning and innovations in Neptunian fields like spirituality, medicine or the arts.
What is especially unique about this ingress is that Neptune joins Aries hand in hand with Saturn.
We couldn’t think of 2 planets more different. Neptune is foggy and imaginary, while Saturn is grounded and real. When the 2 join forces, Neptune will be brought down to earth, while Saturn will become a little bit more imaginative.
How would this work out? Think along the lines of the Taj Mahal or Burj Al Arab – grand, visionary dreams brought into tangible, awe-inspiring reality.
May 2025 – Saturn Enters Aries
On May 25th, 2025, Saturn joins Neptune in Aries.
In fact, the two will spend several months together in the early degrees of the zodiac, to prepare the field. Saturn and Neptune will dance together in Aries until September, when Saturn will retrograde back into Pisces to tie up loose ends.
While Saturn and Neptune technically conjunct in 2026, their co-presence in Aries will already begin to activate the themes of this very important astrological shift.
The Astro Butterfly School will create a special event dedicated to Saturn and Neptune in Aries called Genesis – more details closer to the date.
June 2025 – Jupiter Enters Cancer
Jupiter leaves Gemini to enter its sign of exaltation, Cancer, on June 9th, 2025. Jupiter feels very good in Cancer since both Cancer and Jupiter are associated with growth, tradition and a sense of comfort and prosperity.
What’s particularly noteworthy about this transit is that in the last 3 months of the year, Jupiter will trine both Saturn and Neptune (as the 2 retrograde back into Pisces), forming a harmonious Water Trine.
This transit will infuse the Cancer area of our chart with a sense of optimism and abundance. This is where we will feel more confident to go after our goals.
July 2025 – Uranus Enters Gemini
On July 7th, 2025 Uranus leaves Taurus and enters Gemini. Uranus ingresses usually come with a BANG.
While planets like Neptune may bring more subtle, gradual shifts, Uranus ingresses are anything but subtle. The energy shifts dramatically, bringing a sense of urgency and unpredictability. It’s now or never.
Historically, Uranus in Gemini transits have been highly eventful. There’s something about the quick-witted, dynamic energy of Gemini that stimulates Uranus’ revolutionary and disruptive tendencies, triggering innovation and rapid change.
The Gemini area of your chart has already been energized by Jupiter. While in Gemini (2024-2025), Jupiter has come up with some grand ideas, but it might have lacked the momentum to create lasting change.
Uranus, with its 7-year stay in the sign, will bring concrete developments that will revolutionize that area of your chart.
August-December 2025 – Uranus, Neptune, Pluto Minor Triangle
In the 2nd part of the year, the 3 outer planets – Uranus, Neptune and Pluto – form a beautiful configuration called Minor Triangle. Basically Neptune sextiles both Uranus and Pluto, while Uranus and Pluto are connected through a trine.
Minor Triangles are supportive configurations with dynamic potential. They are more active than grand trines, as the energy is channeled and focused through the apex planet, in this case, Neptune in Aries.
Pluto and Uranus in Air signs serve as the supporting pillars, facilitating breakthroughs through information, communication, technology, and AI.
These advancements will fuel the “birth” energy of Aries, represented by Neptune, potentially bringing about a new understanding of life, creation, or the very concept of existence itself.
October-December 2025 – Jupiter Trine Saturn And Neptune
2025 has the potential to be a magical year, with an exalted Jupiter forming trines with both Saturn and Neptune.
This is a “dreams come true” aspect where the abundance of Jupiter meets the magic of Neptune, anchored by the common sense and stability of Saturn. These are not castles in the sand – Saturn brings the necessary structure to turn dreams into reality.
Water Trines are favorable for emotional connection, deep bonds, and intuitive flow. This Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune Water Trine is a beautiful complement to the otherwise intellectual energy of the Air sign planets active throughout the year.
Mercury Retrograde In 2025
In 2025, Mercury goes retrograde in Fire and Water signs.
It’s one of the distinctive patterns of the Mercury cycle to retrograde in the same element for approximately a couple of years before transitioning to another element.
Last year, the retrogrades were predominantly in Fire, and in 2026, they will shift to Water. 2025 is a transition year, bridging the gap between the Fire focus and the emerging Water focus.
Fire is our vision and goals, while Water our sense of connection and emotional depth. The Mercury retrograde cycles in 2025 will guide us in moving from ambitious visions – which may feel inspiring yet somewhat detached – to a more heartfelt approach focused on meaningful connections.
Here are the 3 annual Mercury retrogrades in 2025:
April 2nd – April 26th, 2025: Mercury retrograde from 9° Aries to 26° Pisces
July 17th – August 11th, 2025: Mercury retrograde from 15° Leo to 4° Leo
November 9th – November 29th, 2025: Mercury retrograde from 6° Sagittarius to 20° Scorpio
As with any other transit, you will be particularly influenced if you have a personal planet or an angle anywhere on Mercury’s retrograde path, and especially at the degrees of its station.
Eclipses in 2025 – Dates And Types
In 2025, we have 4 eclipses, 3 of which occur on the Virgo/Pisces axis and one on the Aries/Libra axis.
Eclipses are times when fated energy comes into play, bringing karmic recalibration. Eclipses act as catalysts for change, helping us close old chapters and begin new ones.
All the 2025 eclipses carry powerful energy, and the Solar Eclipse one in September is especially significant.
The Solar Eclipse on September 21st, 2025, happens at the very last degree of Virgo (29°), making it especially potent. The Eclipse (the Sun and the Moon) are the propellers of a kite configuration involving planets positioned across the final degrees and the first degrees of multiple signs.
This alignment symbolizes a massive push from the “old” (planets at 28-29 degrees) toward the “new” (planets at 0-1 degree), marking a significant turning point.
Here are the 2025 Eclipses:
March 14th, 2025 – Total South Node Lunar Eclipse at 23° Virgo
March 29th, 2025 – Partial North Node Solar Eclipse at 9° Aries
September 7th, 2025 – Total North Node Lunar Eclipse at 15° Pisces
September 21st, 2025 – Partial South Node Solar Eclipse at 29° Virgo
If you have personal planets or angles at the degree of the Eclipse (plus minus 2-3 degrees) that particular eclipse will be especially relevant.
The Astrology Of 2025 – A New World
If the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in 2020 was the seed of a “new order,” 2025, with its outer planet ingresses, marks the beginning of a new world.
While astrology is not a crystal ball and cannot pinpoint exact events with certainty, it can definitely ‘signal’ when important shifts are on the horizon.
We astrologers knew long before 2020 that something ‘big’ would happen in 2020-2021 because of the rare and significant alignment of important transits.
2025 is just as important in terms of shifts and transformative events, if not more so.
Something profound is bound to happen – and it will be so impactful, it will forever redefine the course of our collective journey.
The good news is that in 2025 we are blessed with highly supportive aspects.
This is definitely a year when the universe is abundant with possibilities. IMPORTANT: While opportunities will be present, we must be ready to recognize and seize them.
So many people remain stuck in their past visions, unable to embrace new paths. When we cling to outdated dreams or frameworks, we often overlook the opportunities right in front of us.
Change – no matter how beneficial – can feel destabilizing, especially when it doesn’t match our expectations.
But just because we’ve invested in a goal for so long doesn’t mean we should continue to pursue it.
New opportunities, even better and more aligned with the current realities, are waiting to be discovered.
In 2025, remember that the universe is indeed working in our favor. Keep an open mind, be adaptable, and trust the process.
PS: you can find the shareable web version on this email on our website www.astrobutterfly.com
Astro Butterfly
3rd party sources have confirmed a huge success on the Solstice – when ‘coincidentally’ the 144K did its usual 2hr … hard-core Energy Work.
Recent intel from an Agarthan surface liaison officer provides the following update:
Hidden dark crystals deep underground (physical plane) were recently discovered.
They maintained a curse & connections to some dark realm.
Inside them, compromised Light Beings were trapped (for God-knows how long) and have now been released.
These Light Beings’ energy was being harvested to power the curse & dark connections
On the surface, White hats are still busy consolidating takeover of DARPA/CIA/Dark-fleet quantum computer systems & other exotic tech.
Some new computer systems were built recently & infected with dark A.I … which was a problem for a few days until it was resolved.
The Agarthan liaison officer emphasizes;
… continued big influxes of Light are needed to help …
speed-up finding & shutting down
… remnants of anything significant the surface Cabal can use for its big plans in January.
That’s the main focus of the off-world, inner-earth & surface Light Forces, prior to the US Presidential Inauguration.
Yup …
Links for the New Moon Meditations are below – Let’s shake things up – in the way that only the 144K knows how to do!
Veterans know I ain’t being biased there …
And as mentioned in the sub-title above, some focus is shifting towards assessing surface Starseeds for possible (likely) contact.
One of the prerequisites is, they prefer Starseeds who can ‘take a hit’ as a result of the early ‘high-frequency presence’ that results from pre-Event contact.
Basically … you have to be willing to have ‘your world collapse’, from the conditioned adult mind perspective.
Life will simply not be the same again … AT ALL.
Have you ever been in a far-off foreign country, and woke up on your first night there with ungrounding jet-lag, severe surrealness & unable to orientate your grip on reality?
It’ll be like that … x10.
So you have to be willing to let go of alot of attachments here in the matrix.
Not that you have to say goodbye to your 3D family or anything like that.
And just wanting to escape, because your life-situation is bad, doesn’t do it either.
Use the 144K tools to bring yourself to inner peace & resolution with your life matters … and the resulting higher frequencies will raise you to the personal timeline of contact far quicker.
In other words … don’t stop going up to the Teams & simply showing them what your current struggle is.
Never stop doing that … because ‘God’ [Higher-Self] always wants you to meet him [or her] halfway.
We’re mustering on the higher planes on the New Moon … and so are the physical dark ones!
Who will win the day ???
Who will set the blueprint for January events ???
Rest up for Monday’s 144k Mass Meditation … and prepare!
for 12/30 New Moon
144K Mass Meditation
Date: Dec 30, 2024
Time: 4:00 PM EST [USA]
New Moon Peak: 5:26PM EST [USA]
Your Timezone: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime
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(Note: The Blogtalk Platform will go away on December 31st 2024)
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