03. jaanuar 2025
Kui Jumal hakkas looma loomi, valmistas ta kõigepealt lehma. Ja Jumal ütles talle: “Sina, lehm, hakkad teisi olendeid orjama. Hakkad valmistama neile piima ja kaks korda päevas nad tulevad seda sult ära võtma. Seetõttu pead mäluma rohtu isegi magades ning isegi siis, kui sulle sünnib vasikas, pead piima tootma piisavalt ka teistele. Annan sulle 50 aastat elada.” Lehm vastab: “Oi, Jumal, ma ei jaksa teisi 50 aastat järjest orjata!! Võta mult 40 aastat ära, jäta 10!” Ok. Siis Jumal valmistab eesli. Ja ütleb talle: “Sina, eesel, hakkad oma seljas vedama raskeid koormaid ja sageli teed tõelisi eeslitempe. Annan sulle 30 aastat elada.” Eesel vastab: “Oi, kallis Jumal, ma ei jaksa 30 aastat eeslitempe teha! Võta mult 20 aastat ära, jäta 10!” Ok, kaup koos. Siis Jumal loob koera. Ja ütleb: “Sina koer, hakkad istuma maja ees, haukuma möödujate peale ja valvama teiste vara! Annan sulle 20 aastat”. Koer vastab: “Oi-oi, Jumal, ma ei jaksa 20 aastat haukuda! Võta 10 ära, jäta 10!”Ok. Ja siis Jumal loob inimese. Ja ütleb talle: “Sina, inimene, sinul ei saa olema muid kohustusi kui süüa, magada ja lõbutseda. Annan sulle 20 aastat.” Ja inimene vastab: “Oi, Jumal, 20 aastaga ma ei jõua veel alustadagi! Anna mulle ka lehma ülejäänud 40, eesli 20 ja koera 10 aastat!” Ja nii saigi.
Ja seetõttu: esimesed 20 aastat me ainult sööme, magame ja lõbutseme, järgmised 40 aastat orjame tööd teha, et oma pere ära toita. Pärast seda teeme 20 aastat eeslikükke, et lõbustada lapselapsi ning viimased 10 aastat istume maja ees ja haugume möödaminejate peale!
(Ene Mardo jagamine)
Miks galaktiline perekond ja naabrid meid potitavad?
Inga Raitar: Uusaastalubaduste asemel:
# Kaalu otsused läbi, taipa, mis sind innustab seda tegema ja vii oma otsused ellu.
# Kui oled midagi teha võtnud, võta ka vastutus
# Märka oma jõudu. Sinu mõju on su väljakutse ja su vastutus.
# Vana transformeerimisel vabaneva toel uue loomine on kõige edasiviivam jõud.
# Otsustada on lihtne. Teoks tegemine eeldab aga järjekindlat sihiteadlikku praktilist tegevust.
# Vägi kasvab ainult seda kasutades.
Alexis Varnum:
Teadvuse areng — kas see on vajalik kõigile ja milleks? Olen sageli mõelnud, miks mõned sõbrad reageerivad igale enesearengule viitavale ideele suurte silmade ja arusaamatusega. Isegi lihtne psühholoogia paneb neid segadusse, rääkimata teistest maailmadest ja tsivilisatsioonidest. „Milleks sulle see? Mis kasu see toob? Mis praktiline väärtus sellel on?“ — küsivad nad või mõtlevad häälekalt. Need küsimused sundisid ka mind iseendas kahtlema: „Kas ma liigun õigel teel? Kas see on kõik lihtsalt fantaasia?“
Vastus tuli aja jooksul ja on väga lihtne: Kõik inimesed ei hinda kunsti. Paljude jaoks ei ole olulised muuseumid, voolava marmori kujutised, lõputud töötunnid, mis on kulutatud maalide täiuslikkuseni viimiseks… Kõigile ei paku huvi raamatud, mida oled valmis uuesti ja uuesti lugema, iga kord uusi kihte ja tähendusi avastades. Paljud eelistavad vaadata lihtsaid meelelahutuslikke filme või sarju, mis viivad tähelepanu eemale, kuid ei suuna kunagi sissepoole.
Mõnedele ei lähe korda iidsed tehnoloogiad, kadunud tsivilisatsioonid ega küsimused enda päritolu ja elu mõtte kohta. Nende maailmas pole kohta vaimsetele protsessidele, ega põhjuste ja tagajärgede ahelatele. Nende jaoks on elu juhuste tulemus, mateeria on tähtsam kui vaim ja iga mõte vastupidisest tundub „liiga kummaline“. Looming, fantaasia ja sisemine areng ei kuulu nende reaalsusse. Kuid sõltuvus riigist, autoriteetidest või teiste arvamusest on neile täiesti vastuvõetav. Ning see on nende valik.
Igaühele oma.
Looja tunnetab end lugematutes vormides. On naiivne arvata, et kõigil on sama tee, huvid ja saatus. Mõned leiutavad end ise, teised saavad kellegi teise loominguks. Mõned imetlevad keha, mõistust, hinge, kunsti, filosoofiat või kodu; teised lihtsalt jälgivad vaikuses maailma valgust. Kõik on valik. Kõik on kogemus. Ja igal inimesel on õigus oma teele vastavalt oma teadvuse tasemele.
Nagu laps kasvab oma riietest välja, nii kasvab ka iga teadvus lõpuks oma piiridest ja dogmadest üle. See küpseb, et siseneda uude, kõrgema kvaliteediga reaalsusesse. Ja siis sünnib sisemine impulss, mis võib muuta palju, kui mitte kõike. See impulss äratab iha uute teadmiste järele ja annab vahendid ning stiimuli avardumiseks. Kuid enne seda ärkamist on inimesel õigus jääda oma mugavasse „voodisse“. Keegi ei saa süüdata teie sisemist leeki peale teie enda.
Happy new You!!!!!!!
Welcome 2025!
2025 is the year of transformation. All the outer planets change signs and form interesting – and supportive – configurations, making 2025 a year unlike anything we’ve seen before.
January 2025 kicks off the first of these significant transitions. The Lunar Nodes shift axis: the North Node moves from Aries into Pisces, and the South Node transitions from Libra into Virgo.
When the Lunar Nodes change signs, it’s a big deal for everyone. The Nodes spend approximately 18 months in a pair of signs, spotlighting the archetypal themes connected to those signs.
For example:
When the Lunar Nodes were in Gemini and Sagittarius (2020-2022), we experienced Covid and restrictions on movement, particularly international mobility (South Node in Sagittarius), and changes in how we navigate our daily lives (North Node in Gemini).
Then, in early 2022, the Lunar Nodes moved into Taurus and Scorpio, coinciding with energy and economic crises – key Taurus and Scorpio themes
In 2023, the Nodes shifted into Aries and Libra – the “Me” vs. “We” axis – bringing us wars, and a reshuffling of alliances and treaties
Now, the focus shifts again. The Pisces archetype takes center stage, amplifying the need for unity, compassion, while aiming to address unresolved issues from the past (South Node in Virgo).
Our collective journey will be about navigating the fine line between dreams and practicality.
Later in the month, the energy becomes distinctly Aquarian and Plutonic. The Sun, and then Mercury and the Moon join Pluto for a powerful conjunction. Expect revelations but also greater clarity about your future path and your role in society.
Let’s take a look at the most important transits of the month:
January 3rd, 2025 – Venus Enters Pisces
On January 3rd, 2025, Venus enters Pisces. Venus is exalted in Pisces, which means it feels at home in this compassionate and dreamy water sign.
Venus in Pisces is the proverbial mermaid, diving deep into the ocean of emotions and seeking union with something beyond the ordinary.
Whether that’s being seduced by your imagination, an old song that tugs at your heart, or a romantic dream, allow your heart to wander. It might take you to places you’ve never been before.
January 8th, 2025 – Mercury Enters Capricorn
On January 8th, 2025, Mercury finally leaves Sagittarius – hallelujah – and enters Capricorn. Raise your hand if you’ve had just about enough of Mercury in Sagittarius!
Not only was Mercury retrograde in the sign, but due to the current planetary setup, it was tangled in tense aspects with Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces.
No more Mercury retrograde. No more Mercury in T-squares. It’s time to regain focus, recalibrate, and move forward.
In Capricorn, Mercury will form supportive aspects with planets in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus. This means our minds and inner realities will feel less chaotic and much more grounded than they’ve been over the past couple of months. Cheers to that!
January 11th, 2025 – North Node Enters Pisces, South Node Enters Virgo
On January 11th, 2025, the Lunar Nodes shift to the Virgo/Pisces axis. This marks a turning point, as our priorities realign – especially in those areas where our soul still has lessons to learn and unresolved matters to address.
The Lunar Nodes are tied to karma, so this shift signals developments connected to our soul’s purpose. Those lessons we will be exposed to will eventually help us clear away what no longer serves us, and move something towards more aligned and meaningful.
January 13th, 2025 – Full Moon In Cancer
On January 13th, 2025, we have a Full Moon at 24° Cancer. This is an intense Full Moon because it is conjunct Mars. When Cancer’s water meets Mars’ fire, we get ‘hot water.’ Feelings WILL run high!
On the positive side, this Full Moon will help you connect deeply with your most primal, honest emotions. Sometimes it’s hard to figure out how we truly feel – but not under this Full Moon. You’ll know exactly what’s in your heart.
A word of caution: just because you’ve gained clarity and feel fueled to take action doesn’t mean you should act impulsively a.k.a from your wounded self. You want to act from your higher, most authentic self.
January 19th, 2025 – Sun Enters Aquarius
On January 19th, 2025, the Sun enters Aquarius. Happy birthday to all Aquarians out there!
Aquarius season is when our inner visionary genius turns on. This is the season to think ahead, dream big, and come up with ideas that are not only inspiring but also give your life true meaning, beyond the day-to-day grind.
January 19th, 2025 – Venus Conjunct Saturn In Pisces
On January 19th, 2025, Venus is conjunct Saturn at 16° Pisces. This is a sobering aspect where Venus gets a reality check and is confronted with a hard truth, whatever that may be.
If she’s been a bit too dreamy or unrealistic (which is not too uncommon when in Pisces), Saturn will step in “hey – this is how things really are.”
This isn’t a bad transit per se. Capricorns out there will likely thrive because they’re so used to Saturn’s energy. Either way, it’s a good time to get clear about what truly matters to you and what kind of effort or commitment is needed to get there in practical terms.
January 21st, 2025 – Sun Conjunct Pluto
On January 21st, 2025, Sun is conjunct Pluto at 1° Aquarius.
Sun conjunct Pluto asks us to face the bare and naked truth: “Who are you, really?”. The bare and naked truth is rarely comfortable, because there is always a part of us that doesn’t quite live up to its full potential.
The good news is that this discomfort can ultimately push us to take action. The goal of Sun conjunct Pluto is to awaken us to our true power, to our true potential.
January 28th, 2025 – Mercury Enters Aquarius
On January 28th, 2025, Mercury enters Aquarius, one of its favorite signs. Aquarius is an Air sign, and Mercury thrives in air signs because Mercury and the Air element share similar qualities: communication, awareness, curiosity, and objectivity.
The upcoming weeks are perfect for activities that engage the intellect: learning, reading, solving problems by connecting the dots, social networking, or participating in group projects.
January 29th, 2025 – New Moon In Aquarius
On January 29th, 2025, we have a New Moon at 9° Aquarius.
This is a super Aquarius New Moon with four planets conjunct in the sign. Pluto, though at a reasonable distance (1° Aquarius), is still within conjunction orb, infusing the New Moon with transformative energy and depth.
This is a powerful time to set intentions that align with your higher ideals and long-term aspirations.
January 29th, 2025 – Mercury Conjunct Pluto In Aquarius
On January 29th, 2025, Mercury is conjunct Pluto at 1° Aquarius. As part of the New Moon in Aquarius narrative, Mercury conjunct Pluto sharpens our focus.
Our mind will be like “wait a minute” refusing to settle for superficial answers. Since this is Aquarius, the sign of the future, we will ask ourselves very important questions like, “What do I truly want my future to look like?”. And we will get very honest answers.
Thankfully, Mercury conjunct Pluto is an excellent problem solver, so it will help us cut through outdated thinking patterns and mental clutter, helping us see things clearly and focus on what truly matters.
January 31st, 2025 – Uranus Goes Direct
On January 31st, 2025, Uranus goes direct at 23° Taurus. This is the last leg of Uranus’ journey through Taurus. Soon, Uranus will depart the sign that has been its home for the past 7 years. Pay attention to the time (plus or minus 2 days) of the ingress.
What has this 7-year journey meant for you? How has the Taurus sector of your life been revolutionized by Uranus, and what does it mean for the greater, overarching story of your life?
Astro Butterfly