10. jaanuar 2025
Tundub, et Mama Americale ei meeldi 1) Hollywood 2) Trumpi taga tegelikuks presidendiks tõusev Musk 3) Nevada… Sinise sudu kokteil 49 koostisosast on juba epideemia vallandanud, oskargaala asemel on evakuatsioon… Aga ikka tahaks Gröönimaad, Panamat ja Mehhikot endale native american KÕIK traibid on suhtunud Patcha Mamasse MITTEOMAVALT
Tervitused kallid sõbrad.
Meie armastatud planeet Maa on läbinud tohutu ja olulise üleminekuetapi! Ta on nüüd täiesti uus!
Jah, meie võrratult särav planeet on täidetud erakordsete värvidega – lilla, türkiissinine, sinine, hõbedane, lilla! Ta muutus väga õrnaks ja kergeks, särades kristallselgusest.
Muutused mateerias hakkavad nüüd toimuma. Kuna kogu rakustruktuur Maal muutub, muudab muld täielikult oma struktuuri. Ta saab rikas ja täis kõiki elemente kogu eluks. Maa uus struktuur annab kasvu täiesti uuele taimemaailma avaldumisprotsessile. Taimed, puuviljad, juurviljad, puuviljad – kõigel on rikkalik, energiline komponent. 30 aastaga muutub planeet tundmatuseni! Vesi, muld, õhk! Enesepuhastuse protsess alaku!
Meie kehad koos planeediga hakkavad kiiresti muutuma. Haigused kaovad, kuna kehad ehitatakse täielikult uuesti üles. Nad muutuvad väga keeruliseks ja kergekaaluliseks, rakendades uusi energiaid.
Planeedi peamiseks keeleks saab Armastuse keel! Me mõistame loomi ja tunneme kõike elavat. Kõike, millel on ego-parasiitlik teadvuse vorm, ei leia planeedi energiates.
Me näeme nüüd vana maatriksi viimast tantsu. Madu sööb ennast sabast – nii näidati vana maatriksi süsteemi mähimist. Maa uued kuraatorid jälgivad seda valmimisprotsessi. Veel võtab aega, et kõik läheks, andes sellega kogemuse kõigile, kes ärkamise poole lähevad, kui ka neile, kes veel võitluses.
Kogu tehnoloogiline struktuur, mis põhineb parasitiseerimisel, tarbimisel, mille tulemuseks on kogu elu häving ja tasakaalu katkemine, lahkub planeedilt täielikult. Tehnoloogiad muutuvad, tuues uue energial põhineva pöörde. Nad muutuvad valguseks, mitte ei sega elu planeedil. Kõik see toob kaasa tohutuid muutusi inimeste ellu. Meie kehad, tajumise tase, kogu elu komponent muutub täielikult!
Muidugi võib see kõlada nagu ulmefilm, aga nii see on.
Maa energiad kasvavad, meeldib see meile või mitte. Kas me mõistame seda või mitte, seda protsessi ei saa peatada. Peamine on nüüd vaadata enda sisse, milleks me siin oleme! Tagasi enda juurde! Alusta iseendast ja maailm sinu ümber muutub!
Paradiis on juba Maa peal, tuleb ainult täielikult ärgata!
Armastusega, Elena Miroshnikova.
Ülemineku kroonika
Autor Elena Miroshnikova
Alexis Varnum: Tundub, mis võiks olla lihtsam? Lihtsalt tee, mida tahad. Tegelikult on see paljudele väga keeruline. Inimesed on valmis tegema seda, mida neilt oodatakse, mida nõutakse, mida teised tahavad. Vähesed on nii sisemiselt vabad, et suudavad elada ja luua täpselt nii, nagu nad tõeliselt tahavad. Vabaduse poole liikumist takistavad sageli hirmud ja enesekindluse puudumine:
“Mida arvavad minust mu lähedased, kolleegid või ümbritsevad inimesed?”
“Kuidas reageeritakse minu sõnadele, tegudele või valikutele?”
“Mis siis, kui ma teen vea? Kui mul ei õnnestu? Kui ma ei suuda hakkama saada?”
“Mis siis, kui ma muutun halvaks inimeseks, teen kellelegi haiget või kahjustan iseennast?”
“Mis siis, kui kogu mu senine elu laguneb, sest hakkan tegema seda, mida tõeliselt tahan? Ma ei tea, mis mind siis ees ootab, aga olen harjunud sellega, mis juba on – isegi kui see on valus, raske või igav.”
Lihtsam on elada nii, nagu meid on õpetanud pereliikmed, ühiskond ja süsteem. Seal on kõik selge: mis on õige ja mis vale; mida tohib ja mida ei tohi; mis on hea ja mis halb. Elustandardite kogum – lasteaiast kooli, koolist ülikooli, karjäär, pere ja lapsed, pension… töö, diivan, televiisor.Lihtsam on elada nagu kõik teised, võtta kellegi pealt eeskuju. Isegi kui elu on igav, ühetaoline ja rutiinne – nii elavad paljud ja kuidagi saavad hakkama.
Aga igaüks meist on ainulaadne jumalik olend.
Igas inimeses peitub piiramatu potentsiaal, imelised loomevõimed, ainulaadsed anded ja erakordsed võimalused. Igaühele on määratud huvitav ja põnev elu!
Selleks on vaja vaid avada end nendele jumalikele andidele.
See tähendab õppimist kuulata ja tõeliselt kuulda iseennast ning teha seda, mida sa tõeliselt kogu südame ja olemusega soovid (mitte ajada segamini kirgede ja egoistlike soovidega).
Jah, tundmatusse minek võib olla hirmutav, aga see on tee vabadusse, õnne ja tõelise elurõõmu juurde.
Ära karda – astu edasi!
Läbi armastuse energia kutsun enda ellu lõpmatu inspiratsiooni, juhatuse ja mäletamise, et olen Looja inimese kehastuses!
Olen nii õnnelik ja tänulik kogu külluse eest, mis mu elus on!
Olen tänulik kõikide vahendite, suurepäraste ideede, energia ja aja eest, mis mulle on antud, et saaksin algallika tahte läbi siia planeedile tuua just seda, mis on minu hinge ja elu kutse mulle!
Aitäh kogu rahakülluse eest, mis mu elus lõpmatult voolab ja aitäh, et mul on alati olemas kõik vajaminevad vahendid (sh ka raha), et täita enda elusaatuse kõrgeimat kokkulepet!
Aitäh, et mäletan oma aega ja energiat kasutada kõikide kõrgeimaks hüvanguks – inimeste teenistuses, armastuse teenistuses, ilu teenistuses!
Olen avatud imedele, lahendustele, maisele ja taevasele rikkusele!
Olen külluse tooja meie kõikide jaoks – jagades oma andeid, talentide vilju ja tehes seda, mida armastan, voolab minu ellu ka lõpmatult küllust ja rikkust, et saaksin veelgi parema kvaliteediga kõike luua, mida armastus läbi minu luua soovib!
Kõikide inimeste eludes on küllus – kes mõtleb külluslikult puuduse mõtteid, saab kogeda puuduse kogemusi, kes mõtleb külluslikult külluse- ja tänumõtteid, saab kogeda enam rikkust! Valin ise, millel oma keskendumist hoian!
Tänase päeva kaksikleegitaotlused ja üldteemalised taotlused igaks päevaks kuni 21. jaanuarini leiad meie aasta alguse internetiseminari lehelt, lisaks ka uue aasta meditatsioon UUE ELUFILMI VALIMINE ja internetiseminar sinu unistuste täitumise kiirenduse toetuseks:
Soodushind pikendatud kuni 11. jaanuari südaööni
Seminariga võid alustada mistahes ajal, et läbi teha 21-päevane uuendusprotsess terveks oma eluks! Päevas on vaja aega u 15 min!
Stella Shakti
Pre Jan 13 Meditation
Intel Brief:
There’s major sub-terranean Cabal infra-structure containing several divisions worth of foreign soldiers, including large numbers of Chinese soldiers & children.
Huge stockpiles of TNT were also placed above the main fault-line, with plans to detonate them on the peak of the Full Moon.
The carnage may be unspeakable.
It will certainly delay the inauguration due to the inevitable & overt Martial Law … and the Cabal won’t care about foreign-soldier-NPCs, if it comes to that.
It may even cause world economic collapse.
(… not good, now that we’ve come this far)
Why TNT instead of nukes?
They don’t have the ability to detonate nuclear bombs, because according [Q] The Storm Rider, White Hats can neutralize the detonation mechanism in nukes from satellites, miles underground.
( … phew)
Hence the massive warehouse dumps of TNT underground.
At about the same time (Tuesday afternoon EST, US) the Lurker & its plasmoid swarm of entities from the physical plane attacked with full gusto.
If you couldn’t sleep Tuesday night US times, that’s why.
I couldn’t organize a 144K Intervention fast enough, and something had to happen fast.
So I took this red-hot mess up to the Teams for what became 3+hrs of stiff energy work, and as a result I had to forgo income producing/livelihood work again …
This was already on the tail-end of a marathon session 3 days before that, when some weird – billions of years old – dark force from an A.I constructed universe was still causing problems in ours & slowing down the works.
( … yippeeii!).
Anyway … the big push MUST go on till Jan 20th for the crucial & possibly dramatic Portal of Preparedness exit, that decides so much.
That exit-point we’re fast approaching holds the potential for a bigger timeline opportunity than the current exit-point timeline …
… which is what they’re trying to wreck via FFs/’quad-demics’, etc).
This higher timeline could allow a more seamless & rapid roll-out of life-transforming events.
Mostly for Starseeds initially, since we won’t freak out over the truth, in whatever way the truth presents itself to us.
(We’ll know more by the Chinese New Year on the 29th, (the real beginning of New Year 2025).
The fact that the Cabal missed the timeline where the J6 election certification was prevented & chaos broke out … once again shows the 144K Timeline Interventions have been successful.
At this point, given all the work that’s been done …
… the 144K Full Moon Mass Meditation on Jan 13th might just be enough to catch this better timeline on the Jan 20/21 Primary Portal Exit-Point.
We will see.
Stay tuned!
Lastly …
I’m opening up limited spots on Saturdays for full 1hr one-on-ones.
I can’t give discounts, as crazy food & 144K platform expenses have (not for the first time) chewed up what was going to be the ad budget to swell our ranks.
(ooohww! we were so close this time!)
… which would have re-filled the war-chest from new 144K Members buying the robust healing audios & Codes, to stabilize the ship.
The war reaching the surface of the physical plane hasn’t helped at all, either.
It needs a lot of focus & energy (to keep things moving fast).
Anyway …
Links for the 144K Full Moon Mass Intervention/Meditation are right below.
Be there …
I want you to make your mark!
… and honor your real & true purpose, here!
Yours In Service …
The Unknown Lightwarrior
ps. we’re down to our last $500. So any donations over $200 get a free One-On-One :- )
(and suddenly there’s ’interference’, so if the above page doesn’t load, use this link to our old donation page)
pps. any donation much more than $200, gets you a free UAP/UFO visit from Arcturus after the Event … lol!
for the Jan 13th Full Wolf Moon
144K Mass Meditation
Date: Jan 13, 2025
Time: 4:00 PM EST [USA]
Full Moon Peak: 5:27PM EST [USA]
Your Timezone: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime
Telegram, YouTube, Facebook, & ‘X’ Links will soon all be posted on the
144K Member’s site, to reduce the number of 144K notifications going into spam folders.
Blog Talk Live Link: Click Here
(Note: The Blogtalk Platform will go away soon)
Free Conference Call: 1-518-318-5638
YouTube Live: Click Here
Facebook Live: Click Here
Live on X: Click Here
On January 11, 2025, we have one of the most important ingresses of the year: the Lunar Nodes switch axis, so the North Node enters Pisces, and the South Node enters Virgo.
North Node In Pisces – Quo Vadis, Domine?
“Quo Vadis, Domine?” meaning “Where are you going, Lord?” originates from Christian tradition, where Peter, after having a vision of Jesus carrying a cross on the road, decides to accept his fate, return to Rome, and face martyrdom.
In the Quo Vadis novel by Henryk Sienkiewicz, the Latin phrase serves as a metaphor for the tension between personal survival (Aries) and selfless devotion (Pisces).
The characters face moral dilemmas – choosing between love and belief systems – and in the process, they find their true purpose.
Similarly, the departure of the North Node from Aries and its ingress into Pisces will bring us to a crossroads. We can no longer continue down the same path. We have to change course.
The focus on the “me,” who’s right, and conflict has taken us as far as it can. Perhaps conflict is not the answer. Perhaps there’s a different way forward.
With the North Node in Pisces, our mundane existence is no longer fulfilling. The realities we’ve clung to are no longer the answer. Instead, we yearn for something deeper, something more meaningful.
We feel the call of the unknown. The temptation of the mysterious. The song of the mermaid.And we know we have to embark on a long journey to lose ourselves – and find ourselves again.
The North Node Vs. South Node
Lunar Nodes transits are very important.
The Nodes spend 18 months in a pair of signs, bringing into focus the “unfinished business” or lessons that need to be addressed within those signs. The role of the Nodes is to rebalance what has become misaligned – they act as karmic recalibrators, helping us restore equilibrium.
The North Node amplifies; it lifts us up and propels us forward, pushing us to explore uncharted territory and grow.
The South Node distills; it pares down to the essence, asking us to release what’s been accumulated.
Think of the North Node as an unripe, half-green, half-red tomato – full of potential and eager to mature. And think of the South Node as a sun-dried tomato – its flavor concentrated, its lessons condensed, its work largely complete.
North Node And South Node – Previous Transits
Whenever the Lunar Nodes shift to a new axis, this dynamic of expansion (North Node) and contraction (South Node) highlights a specific area of life, inviting us to grow while letting go.
When the Lunar Nodes were in Gemini and Sagittarius (2020-2022) we had Covid and restrictions of movement, particularly in international mobility (South Node in Sagittarius) – as well as changes in how we conducted our everyday lives (North Node in Gemini).
The North Node inflates, and the South Node deflates. The North Node is more, and the South Node is less.
So with the South Node in Sagittarius, we had fewer flights – long-term travel being a Sagittarius theme – and more couriers delivering takeaways in the neighborhood (Gemini).
In early 2022, the Lunar Nodes moved into Taurus and Scorpio. The South Node in Scorpio brought us the energy crisis. Energy became scarce, as energy and shared resources are Scorpio themes. This scarcity naturally led to “more” Taurus, or inflation – Taurus rules money and physical resources.
Over the past 18 months, the Nodes have been in the Aries/Libra axis. We’ve seen “more” Aries – self-assertion, conflict, and wars – and “less” Libra – diplomacy, cooperation, peace.
You’ve got the idea. The South Node often highlights an area of stagnation or overemphasis – something that has run its course – and the North Node brings in ‘new life,’ and finds a solution.
That’s how the Lunar Nodes work: in tandem, always balancing and recalibrating.
Just because the North Node signifies “more” doesn’t mean that it’s inherently positive, just as the “less” of the South Node isn’t inherently negative.
“More” can mean more conflict (North Node in Aries), inflation (North Node in Taurus), or traffic, chaos, and Zoom overwhelm (North Node in Gemini).
If we really want to understand the Nodes, we need to move beyond the simplistic “North Node is good” and “South Node is bad” paradigm.
The Lunar Nodes are meant to work together. They complement each other – we can’t have one without the other.
So, what can we expect from the North Node in Pisces and the South Node in Virgo? How will this new axis challenge us to recalibrate our focus and find balance?
North Node In Pisces – The Divine Promise
With the North Node in Pisces, we’re drawn to go deeper, beyond the obvious. We truly want to understand: what’s behind all this?
I came across a post on social media the other day where an entrepreneur was complaining that all the new business ideas they encountered at an entrepreneurship conference weren’t ‘serious.’
They mentioned that all new entrepreneurship projects were around divination, breathwork, astrology, crystals, coaching – and dismissed them as frivolous compared to, let’s say, traditional brick-and-mortar or production-type businesses.
These so-called woo-woo, esoteric pursuits were being looked down upon, as if they weren’t real or valuable. However, these areas are important – and with the North Node in Pisces, they’re likely to become even more significant.
Just because something doesn’t exist in a tangible form, and just because it’s not fully understood, doesn’t mean it’s not meaningful.
Finding meaning in life is essential. Feeling fulfilled and connected to the universe is incredibly important. Searching for answers beyond what’s visible or measurable is a fundamental human drive.
Is there a danger of getting lost in Neptune’s foggy illusions? Yes, of course. But “not all those who wander are lost.” And sometimes, you have to get lost to find yourself.
When the North Node is in Pisces, we’re encouraged to take those mindless strolls into the unknown. To let our imagination seduce us and lead us to places we could never have dreamed of.
The beauty of the Nodes is their balance. This search for meaning is not just ‘just another dream’.
The South Node in Virgo’s practicality will ground this journey, reminding us to build stepping stones over the water so that we can actually reach those mystical destinations.
South Node In Virgo – Clearing Up The Path
The Nodes always work in pairs, so the South Node will work in tandem with the North Node.
In Virgo, the South Node’s focus will be to clear up the path so we can actually make progress and navigate effectively.
Things get too foggy? South Node in Virgo will bring us vision glasses to cut through the haze. The sun is burning? South Node in Virgo will come up with a protection hat.
Our dreams seduce us to cross the ocean? The South Node will help us build a boat – or give us the means to buy a plane ticket – to get us to our destination.
The South Node is also a point where we can easily get stuck. So with the South Node in Virgo, it’s important to recognize those areas where we’re pedantic or overly fixated on doing things “the right way” just because it’s the way they’ve always been done.
At its worst, South Node in Virgo is OCD – concerned more with “preserving procedures” than finding actual solutions. At its best, it’s about being smart, adaptable, and practical, coming up with solutions and fixes that solve real-world problems.
Animated by a new Piscean vision, the South Node in Virgo’s role is to adjust the systems and routines in our everyday lives and make the necessary changes to accommodate the higher purpose and dreams inspired by the North Node in Pisces.
How would this work in Virgoan, practical terms?
For example, it might involve changes at work or at home. A new job, or a new way of working or organizing your daily routines. If you worked from home, you might decide to start going to the office – or vice versa.
It could also mean exploring different approaches to diet and exercise. The South Node in Virgo doesn’t necessarily push us to exercise more or follow stricter regimens (that’s North Node in Virgo). Instead, it encourages us to find ways of adjusting our lifestyle that feel natural and sustainable for our unique needs.
The South Node in Virgo is about achieving maximum efficiency with minimal effort. This isn’t about being lazy – it’s about being smart and productive. It’s about tuning into our bodies, adapting to our unique circumstances, and doing what truly makes sense for us.
It’s about getting ‘more’ done with ‘less.’
Whatever these changes mean will vary for each person. However, with the South Node in Virgo, we’re likely to see shifts in how we run our lives and operate on a day-to-day basis.
With the South Node in Virgo, our lifestyle will need to align with and support our newly awakened Piscean dream. We will become smarter in how we navigate everyday life, learning to focus on what truly matters and letting go of what doesn’t.
Lunar Nodes – The Aspects
The aspects the Nodes make with other planets during their journey through the Virgo/Pisces axis will reveal the key themes and events we can expect from this transit.
And the Nodes, especially the North Node in Pisces, will be very active! The most important transits the Nodes will engage in are the North Node conjunct Neptune in Pisces, the North Node conjunct Saturn in Pisces, and the North Node and South Node square Jupiter in Gemini.
North Node Conjunct Neptune in Pisces
As soon as the North Node enters Pisces, it applies a conjunction to Neptune. The North Node and Neptune will eventually meet in an exact conjunction on February 7th, 2025, at 28° Pisces.
We know that the North Node represents a “more” type of energy, amplifying everything Neptune in Pisces stands for: an intense longing to merge with something greater than ourselves. A deep craving for answers or a vision that transcends the mundane.
With the North Node and Neptune, we feel there is more to life, and we are inspired to embark on a journey to seek something that brings a deeper meaning to our existence.
However, since Neptune is an outer planet and inherently elusive, we might also experience confusion, uncertainty, and a lack of clarity about where to begin or what direction to take.
The North Node’s nervous energy, combined with Neptune’s dreamy and boundless qualities, can manifest as restlessness, insomnia, or emotional and mental overwhelm.
Yet, if we can move beyond the overwhelm, the North Node conjunct Neptune has the potential to stir something profound in our soul – a deep longing for connection and a realization that we have a greater purpose waiting to be fulfilled.
How we channel this yearning and bring it into tangible form will become clearer later in the transit, when the North Node aligns with Saturn.
North Node Conjunct Saturn In Pisces
On April 21st, 2025, the North Node will reach Saturn at 26° Pisces.
Some could call this transit the “wake up call” or the “reality check” – since these are key words for Saturn transits.
However, given that we are talking about Pisces, the North Node and Saturn conjunction will likely manifest as a strong drive to bring that dream awakened in January-February (at the Neptune conjunction) into reality.
Something like “Let’s make heaven a place on earth”.
The drive is there, but let’s not forget that while the North Node is passionate, it lacks experience.
We might not yet know exactly how to proceed – and this is where it’s important to stay connected to the other Node, the South Node.
The South Node in Virgo does what Virgo knows best: pays attention to practical realities and focuses on what actually works in the 3D world. As a result, the South Node in Virgo can help manifest that Piscean vision by using Virgoan methods of expression. This could look like:
Working (South Node in Virgo) steadily and methodically to bring a dream to life
Channeling the North Node in Pisces through rituals like meditation, structured practices, or wellness routines like diet and exercise
Finding practical solutions (South Node in Virgo) to support abstract or spiritual ideas; for example, if you want to share your vision with the world, building a website might be a first step
Embracing the South Node in Virgo is AS important as answering the North Node in Pisces’ call. Remember, the 2 Nodes always work together!
The Lunar Nodes Square Jupiter
In May 2025, the Nodes will square Jupiter in Gemini, asking us to reassess and adjust our beliefs.
If we want to make our dreams come true (North Node in Pisces) but we struggle with implementation (South Node in Virgo) perhaps there are some adjustments to be made – and with Jupiter it means examining those ingrained beliefs we might not even realize we hold.
“I can only fulfill my dream if I work myself to death”. OR “I can only succeed if I find a partner/win the lottery”.
Whatever narrative you’ve internalized, this is the time to bring it into the light and work through it.
Jupiter in Gemini is the stories we tell ourselves – the ones we’ve been repeating since forever, because these were the stories we’ve been brought into. This is what our family/society/TV told us the TRUTH is.
Jupiter is what coaches and psychologists call “mindset” – a deeply ingrained framework that holds so much power over our lives, it goes so deep, that we don’t even consider questioning it.
Yet, with the Nodes squaring the planets of beliefs that’s exactly what we need to do.
Lunar Nodes squares are actually amazing aspects, full of potential – even though squares generally have a reputation for creating tension. However, when it’s the Nodes squaring a planet, we have an opportunity to really break free from past conditioning.
A planet square the Nodes solves that karmic puzzle because it approaches the dynamic tension from both angles – the past (South Node) and the future (North Node) – creating a bridge that helps integrate and resolve the lessons of both.
Saturn has been squaring Jupiter for a while, and it’s been tough. Jupiter square Saturn pointed to issues “Look at this big thing that doesn’t work in your life” but it might not have been very helpful in actually helping us move forward.
The Nodal-Jupiter square, however, should do the trick, offering us a real catharsis and release of the unconscious blockages that have kept us stuck in the past.
The result? A healthier, more authentic belief system that will empower us to embark on our true soul journey.
To get deeper insights into how the Lunar Nodes’ transit will impact you, look at the pair of houses where you have Virgo and Pisces in your chart.
Additionally, if you have personal planets or angles between 20-30 degrees in the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces), this transit will be especially significant for you.
You can find the web, shareable version of this email on the Astro Butterfly website www.astrobutterfly.com
Astro Butterfly