12. veebruar 2025
Keeletegu ootab rahva lemmiku klõpsamisi. Haridusministeeriumi korraldatud parimate rivistusel on ka Murutari õppevideod 🙂
Esseekonkursse ning aasta seda ja toda pälvides olen au ja patsutusi pälvinud jadamisi – oma arved-krediidid maksan ikka tööga-tööga-tööga. Sellepärast süngib Masyon Harda pihtimus vägagi 🙂
Masyon Harda: Ahh nii.
Värvin pilti ja mõtisklen.
Kõik saavad midagi, aga mina ei saa mitte midagi.
Üks ostis auto, teine läpaka, aga kolmas võitis 84 miljonit.
Mõte keerleb peas: Jumal ei hooli minust.
Taban ära, et see on kurat kes räägib, et ma saaks Jumala peale vihaseks.
Igal inimesel oma saatus. Kui istun momendil Jordani padrikus, siis nii peabki olema.
Olen kaevus või kõrbes, mis vahet seal on. Lõppude lõpuks on see kõik test.
Nurisemine ei kanna mind kõrgematesse sfääridesse.
Istun ikka samas paigas kui meelt ei paranda.
Olles rahul igas olukorras ja teades, et Jumal on minuga igal pool kus asun, võin rahulikult oodata järgmist kogemust.
Kui vabatahtlikult meelt ei paranda, siis tuleb läbi kriisi keskenduda sissepoole, et leida üles oma tõeline mina.
Vägi on kohal, kuid mida ma näen oma ümbruses?
Seda, mida olen loonud.
Lootes vaid oma käevarrele ja tehes tööst Jumala, rassime palehigis et ellu jääda.
Kas poleks mõtekas alla anda ja tunnistada et olen loll olnud ega saa hakkama elus ilma usuta Jumalasse.
Olen ahh nii staadiumis.
Olemine usus on võimaluse ukse avanemine.
Usaldades Kõiksuse väge olen valmis järgmiseks sammuks.
Mis iganes see on, on see minu tee.
Võtan vastu mis tuleb ja ütlen ahh nii, nagu Osho õpetas oma raamatus.
Piiblis Iiobi loos mees oli kindel, et tema ellu tuleb lahendus, kuigi momendil oli ta olukord katastroofiline.
Nii sündiski, Tema elu muutus. Tegelikult ta sooritas testi edukalt ja liikus järgmisele tasandile.
Kas me suudame hulludes olukordades jääda rahulikuks, sest Jumal on meiega?
Mina senini olen läbi põrunud.
Igal inimesel omad katsumused. Kes loodab arstide, raha või teise inimese peale, kes usaldab oma elu Jumala hoole alla, eks igaüks teeb valiku.
Läbides mingi raske katsumuse, olen jälle astme võrra teadlikumaks saanud ning tõusen kõrgemale astmele.
Mida kõrgemal olen, seda lihtsam on jagu saada illusiooni keerdkäikudest.
Lõpuks olen kui autopiloodi peal.
Ütlen ahh nii ja mitte miski ei vii mind tasakaalust välja.
Hello beloveds, we are the Pleiadian Council of Light.
We are pleased to make contact with you. Thank you for this transmission.
Many of you who are aware of the transformation taking place are aware that an active timeline split is occurring right now. Your vibrational state determines your position in this timeline split. During this time, the energies are intensifying due to a series of rapid M-class solar ejections that have been ongoing for the past week of Earth days.
As these energies intensify, you are witnessing a significant unveiling of those who have been operating under the influence of negative agendas. The truth of their intentions is coming to light, and their actions are speaking louder than ever before. The darkness that has long been hidden is now being illuminated, allowing those who resonate with the Light to see clearly. Those of you who are attuned to these heightened energies will be in a position to witness all that is happening around you. This is a time of revelation, where you are being shown all that no longer serves your highest good in these high frequencies.
Furthermore, attacks from those with negative intentions are becoming more frequent. In this energetic landscape, those who project negativity are experiencing a rapid return of their actions, as the laws of karma operate at an extraordinary speed. When negative intentions are directed at those of you who have embodied the higher vibrations, the natural flow of the Universal Laws comes into play with an accelerated effect. This means that any harmful actions or thoughts directed at you are not only recognized, but also returned to the sender almost immediately.
The higher frequencies that you embody act as a powerful protective shield and force, especially in the face of the negativity of others. The more you resonate with the Light, the more effectively you push back these lower frequencies. This dynamic creates a protective barrier, allowing you to move through the challenges posed by those who may wish to disturb your peace. Infinite Light is a force that works with you as you align with its flow. It also works both ways, as you create positive actions, you cultivate positive karma. Which also brings an immediate return of energy. Doing good to others and sending love and healing vibrations to those who need it will bring you beautiful and joyful experiences in your life, because you will receive the same energies that you express.
In these times of transformation, it is crucial to stand firm in your Light, fully aware that you are surrounded by the protection and love of the Supreme Creator. Embrace this period of transformation with confidence, knowing that your higher vibrational state not only protects you from negativity, but also gives you the ability to transcend the limitations of lower frequencies. As you continue to embody these higher energies, trust that you are part of a greater unfolding, one that leads to a more enlightened existence.
We love you and are here with you.
We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.
Pleiadians Alcyone.
Chellea Wilder
“Pride and Unpredictability” might sound like the title of a Jane Austen novel, and that’s quite fitting because the Full Moon in Leo, on February 12th, 2025, will feel like stepping into one!
If you haven’t read or seen Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, or Emma – Jane Austen’s novels revolve around overcoming personal and societal prejudices, reflecting on flawed behavior, and ultimately, growing into better versions of ourselves.
What makes the Full Moon in Leo Jane Austen-esque?
The Full Moon (at 24° Leo) is tightly square Uranus (at 23° Taurus). This tense aspect pits the prideful, dramatic Leo Moon against the unpredictable, stubborn energy of Uranus in Taurus.
Our pride (Leo) may be challenged by sudden shifts in values, unexpected revelations, or shocking disruptions (Uranus in Taurus).
Just as Austen’s characters wrestle with their egos and prejudices, we, too, may find ourselves confronting our own assumptions and adapting to surprising – and even disruptive – outcomes.
If a bull and a lion would fight – who would win? Hard to say, as they are both fierce opponents. The bull has the horns and the size advantage, while the lion brings speed, sharp claws, and predatory instincts to the fight.
The balancing act comes from the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius, bringing a much-needed dose of objectivity and level-headedness. When we pause and reflect, opportunities for personal growth naturally emerge.
The key to resolution lies in understanding what triggers us – what makes our inner Bull see red.
We don’t just explode by chance. There’s usually a much deeper reason beneath the surface. Most people “see red” when they don’t feel respected, when their autonomy is threatened, or when their personal values are dismissed.
Leo Vs. Aquarius – Me Vs. The World
The Moon in Leo highlights areas where we feel like a wounded, unappreciated child, craving validation.
Acting out in Leo-like behaviors often stems from moments when we feel we are not accepted for who we truly are – when our light is being dimmed intentionally, and for no reason other than someone else’s insecurity: “If I can’t shine, I won’t let you shine either, Leo!”
The Sun in Aquarius, on the other hand, is the grown-up who has ticked all the right boxes in life but now feels a bit alienated and disconnected, as though it has lost its spark.
The Sun-Moon oppositions (Full Moons) on the Leo-Aquarius axis reflect the dynamic tension between our authentic selves (Leo) and societal expectations (Aquarius).
Are we truly autonomous beings, or are we shaped by external forces? How much have we lost ourselves in the quest to become what others expect us to be?
Leo, Aquarius, And Uranus In Taurus
The acting-out, release point of this existential Leo-Aquarius “are we human, or are we dancer” struggle is Uranus in Taurus. Uranus in Taurus is at the apex of the T-square, the pressure cooker point where all the built-up tension finally finds its release.
When we strip everything back to our core, to our sense of autonomy, Uranus reminds us that we are the king or queen of our own castle.
Uranus in Taurus is the ultimate rebellion against anything that is not aligned with our authentic selves.
“Freedom is not about non-attachment to a person or a thing. Freedom is about being so truly, madly and deeply attached to your own soul that you can’t bear a life that doesn’t honor it” – Andrea Balt
The farther away we are from our soul’s truth, the more unpredictable and volatile our reactions become. Because sometimes, a dramatic force is necessary to break free from the heavy chains of inauthenticity or outdated attachments.
The Full Moon in Leo is an invitation to examine what triggers us, and WHY.
What makes you “see red,” and what does this reveal about your struggles or questions around identity and purpose? What needs to happen to align your life with your deepest values and inner truth?
Astro Butterfly
This report is Part-II of my previous general dark attack alert, (which also caused physical ailments for many Starseeds, in my case it was a horrible allergy) & not only bad ’dreams’.
More than just the usual build-up to another
big event.
This recent campaign by the dark forces was more than just the usual build-up to another big event (the Superbowl in this case).
Because they know their days are REALLY numbered, this was a huge coordination of:
sacred rituals (NOT in a good way)
technologies & frequency weapons of the CIA/DARPA/negative military
technologies & frequency weapons of pre-ancient off-world tech set to go off at certain planetary frequency thresholds (as we ascend upwards)
Nothing new there … But it was heavily concentrated this time.
All this was partly kicked off by another major wave of Cosmic Light that started around the 5th of February.
This kicked up a LOT, causing emotional & physical upheaval for most Starseeds.
Then you had the dark ones, who really gave it their all with the above-mentioned means.
Part of their desperation (more like panic, now) is because contact between off-worlders/Inner-Earthers and surface Starseeds (who are ready or active in Planetary Liberation) is imminent after the March Equinox.
This will result in ‘bursts of Light’ on the surface, because …
… many contacted Starseeds will receive such a transformation – their personal grids will magnify & spread light throughout the human collective grid x100.
Many public speakers/Starseeds have said many times that 2025 is the year of contact, and possibly return.
One notable thing about this recent attack is the appearance of short cylinder shaped super-tech, beaming frequencies at Starseeds, usually from above their houses.
I discovered these after getting into arguments during straight-forward conversations, & I knew it was from interference.
Anyway … after Sunday’s 3HR energy-work session, the situation stabilized or greatly improved.
Ex: my allergy attacks from their frequency beaming has stopped ever since.
A lot of stuff (mostly super-magic-tech) was found.
Time for the Light to COUNTER-ATTACK … and transform the timelines to an even higher one than what it would’ve been if they didn’t attack us in the first place.
That’s the way the 144K rolls!
Furthermore …
There’s been a 7.6 Earthquake on the Carribean, (Cayman Islands) which opened up to the Gulf of Mexico & thus New Orleans, where the Superbowl was held.
This suggests the positive military is taking out tunnels & D.U.M.B.S that probably held children scheduled for the Superbowl sacrifice ritual.
These are simply the kind of monsters we are fighting.
This is just a taste of what the Full Moon in Leo is going to be like, because it also squares Uranus, which caused astrologers to warn us about something abrupt & unexpected that’s about to happen … but the Cabal are trying to twist it in the wrong direction.
See you on the higher planes tomorrow morning.
Yours In Service …
The Unknown Lightwarrior
ps. mark your calendars! We will be having a short 20-30 min meditation on Valentines Day (February 14th) @ 1:00 EST to activate the unveiling of the Goddess of Love! (This is also a special moment of worship to the Goddess.)
pps. the discovery of The 5 Archways Of Shadow Work & a particular Code in our DNA (not a good one) will be provided for in a Valentine’s Day Special Training Webinar this coming Sunday.
This post from Q [White Hats/positive military] tells you how important this webinar will be. And I admit, that’s what clued me into this major issue/block.
Feb 12 Full Moon in Leo
144K Mass Meditation
Date: Feb 12, 2025
Time: 8:00 AM EST [USA]
Full Moon Peak: 8:53 AM EST [USA]
Your Timezone: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime
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144K Member’s site, to reduce the number of 144K notifications going into spam folders.
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