15. veebruar 2025
Euroopal ei ole enam aega mökitada.
Euroopa edasine saatus oleneb KOHE nii Ukrainale kui seeläbi ka meile appilendamisest – ameerikale lootmine on viinud kuristiku äärele. Kui vanad peerud end SILMAPILK liigutama, eraldama, lennutama, jõudu näitama ei hakka, oleme persses.
Siit ei ole küll enam midagi võtta – aga põhimõtte pärast tehakse meid maatasa ikka.
Hiina naeratab. Vahet ei ole, mis riigikorra alt temut tellitakse.
Jürgen Rooste hetkeolukorrast
1) korrasta õigekeelsus 2) kirjuta, kuidas näed maailma jagamist suurte vahel – mis meist saab?
Kõige kurvem tolle USA “rahuprotsessi” juures on see, et Hegseth (mees, kelle südametunnistus on pea sama räpane kui Donaldil endal) ja Trump ei andnud Ukrainale isegi võimalust n.ö diili teha (milles Küüditaja-Donald pidi enda arust ju kõva mees olema): nad ütlesid lihtsalt pressikonverentsil välja, et Ukraina ei saa oma maid tagasi (ega saa ka natosse), jätmata võimalust seda isegi läbirääkimistelaua taga kaardina või aruteluteemana kasutada. Putin nüüd juba teab, et Donaldi meelest peavad vallutatud maad talle jääma… Lisaks muidugi tahab Trump juba antud abi eest Ukraina maavarasid (täpsemini siis, et õigused läheksid USA firmadele) ja et edaspidise protsessi (mahapommitatud maa taastamise) võtaks üle Euroopa. Ühesõnaga: Ukraina reetmine on alanud. Venemaa poole on Donald vaid sõnu pildunud, aga igasugune humanitaar- ja välisabi (ka see, mis kongress juba oli Ukrainale ametlikult lubanud) peatati. Ja kuskil ei mainita enam Budapesti memorandumit, seda, et ka USA võttis endale tegelikult kohustuse vastutada selle eest, et Ukrainat ei rünnataks (nagu Venemaagi)… Et see pole mitte, et USA kulutab oma raha ja pole tema kohustus üldse, vaid et konkreetselt on olemas dokument, mis ütleb, et see on nende kohustus, vastutus, lubadus! (Vastutasuks andis Ukraina ära maailma ühe suurima tuumarelvavaru, mille olemasolu puhul oleks Venemaa praegu tõenäoliselt veidi rohkem järele mõelnud enne sõja alustamist) Aga, jah, USA taganeb praegu paljudest lepingutest ja lubadustest (k.a inimõiguste harta ja muu tühine tilulilu, mida uues ilusas ülirikaste nartsissistlike meeste juhitud maailmas enam vaja pole). Ei ole Donaldilt selle metsiku alguse juures tulnud ühtegi positiivset, väärtustest või heast tahtest lähtuvat otsust veel, mitte ühtegi… Ja kõik need, kes kirjutavad/räägivad, et ikka tuleb ära oodata ja vaadat ja et ta on ärimees ja tal on alati kindel siht ja plaan… ja, jah, on küll: ta on kaabakas, ja vaatab, kuidas seesama kõige rikkamate ja võimsamate kiht, kes kõike on valitsenud nagunii, saaks veelgi rikkamaks ja võimsamaks ja et neid ei saaks kritiseerida, seksuaalkuritegude eest karistada (selline hulk poolperverte ja pärispervosid on ta valitsusringkonnas, et pääle mõnd Rooma riigi perioodi või mõne eriti rõveda paavsti võimu peaaegu ei mäletagi taolist…), üldse kuidagi kõigutada. Status quo kinnistamine kõige jälgimal moel, vähimategi muutuste mahatampimine, lootuse hävitamine on alanud, tagurlaste leer on rünnakul. Ka Helme pildistas end USAs koos mitme kurjategijaga (Steve Bannon nt) ja kutsus neid Eestisse, ja lubas siin ka inimväärset maailma hävitama hakata (ehk “deliberaliseerima), seda ETV kanalil… ma enne vaataks sada dragshow’d sääl ära, kui et peaks kordki veel tema imporditud pervopoliitiapromo kuulama…. Maha perverdid ja tagurlased! Vastikult valu on saamas see maailm ne pärast…
Sinise öö päev, mis kutsub meid sügavuti laskuma. Taipamine mingi uue avanenud teema/arusaamise ellu integreerimise kohta.
Sellel päeval võib abi tulla just läbi SUHTLEMISE. See päev on ideaalne näiteks teha koos meditatsiooni kas oma kallimaga, sõpradega. Unistada ja pöörduda abi saamiseks algallika poole. Võib toimuda väga suur suurejooneline mõtete vahetus. Mida korrastatumad on su mõtted/arusaamad, seda selgemalt sa näed.
Väga hea aeg minna sügavuti, et saada juhatust suuremaks väestamiseks ja leida uusi võimalusi nendes kohtades, kus me varem ei ole näinud, et lahendused võiksid tulla.
Päeva energia kutsub meid tulema ärkvelolekusse, avarusse ja olema maa ja taeva omavaheliseks kanaliks. Omavahel suheldes võid sa tunda, kuidas läbi sinu lihtsalt tulevad sõnad, mõtted, mingid nägemused, mida on just teisel inimesel vaja kuulda. Ja samamoodi võib ka teine inimene olla sinu jaoks imeliseks kanaldajaks, kes annab sulle selle peegelduse sinu enda hinge ja südametarkusele, et sa selle sügavama arusaamise endas leiaksid.
Kui sellel päeval on üles tulnud mingid väljakutsed või raskused, siis tea, et järgmise kahe nädala jooksul need teemad lahenevad. Muretseda pole vaja. Soovitav on paluda uut visiooni, uut nägemust, sest elu tahab seda meile pakkuda.
Ancient Order Of The Hermetics
James William Kaler · desSotprnoaaag90is16n219tif35 c8 mi118l217l97g44if3tg0m630ua ·
When the Illusion collapses, so too will those who have built their power upon it. The false world, sustained by deception, thrives only as long as people believe in it. But when truth is revealed, when the veil is lifted, those who have clung to lies will find themselves standing on nothing.
This is the great unraveling—a moment when all that was hidden will come to light, and those who have seen beyond the Illusion will understand what has always been. Those who still defend the illusion will struggle, for they have tied their very identity to its existence. But those with discernment, those who have pulled back the curtain and looked with the eyes of wisdom, will not be shaken.
Hermetics teaches us that reality is shaped by consciousness. The world we experience is not fixed but a reflection of the minds that perceive it. The rulers of the old system have understood this well; they have manipulated perception, controlled narratives, and kept the masses in a dream-like state. Yet, the moment enough people awaken, the spell breaks.
The Principle of Mentalism reminds us that all is mind—when consciousness shifts, so does the world.
The Principle of Vibration teaches that all things operate at different frequencies—deception and fear are low vibrations, but truth and awareness operate on higher planes. When the frequency rises, the false constructs dissolve.
The Principle of Polarity shows us that extremes must eventually reverse. The greater the deception, the more powerful the revelation that follows.
The Principle of Cause and Effect ensures that nothing built on lies can endure forever. The reckoning is inevitable.
To those in this group who have long seen beyond the veil, who have walked this path with courage, understand this: the collapsing Illusion is not destruction but transformation. Do not fear the unraveling. Do not grieve for the fall of falsehoods. Stand firm in your knowing, for what is crumbling was never real to begin with.
The curtain has been pulled back. Some will refuse to see. Others will run from the truth. But those with eyes to see and ears to hear will know that the fall of the Illusion is the beginning of true liberation.
The Pleiadian Message
Dearest, beloved souls of light!
Our Pleiadians friends and family of the light forces of the universe want the world to know that we will never lose anyone from our own family, from the light! They have prepared for their mission since a very long time ago. They have trained in the missions they are going through today.
The Pleiadians have been around since the time of the great Atlantis. They are a collective of extraterrestrial beings from our stellar neighborhood. The Pleiadians say, “We are here because you are drawing us.” The Pleiadians have been assisting this planet for a long time now!
I’m really happy that you read this to spread the Pleiadian message to those who need it. I hope that my efforts result in you and me, and other people, and the whole planet, accomplishing the goal we know we should all strive for: Peace and Love throughout the universe.
The Pleiadian Message provides us with information that will help humanity to understand the problems of the Earth at this time. Their intergalactic perspective on our actions here is clearly seen in the macrocosm and gives us the guidelines we need to create peace on Earth.
It is with great joy today that I am sharing this powerful and fascinating message from the Pleiadian light forces:
Dear sisters and brothers of planet Earth, We are Pleiadians!
We have been making a great effort, as have each of you as well, to send as much love as possible. This is not the same as simply stating that we are sending all of you our love! No, it is very different, and we want you to notice this. Love is being sent through us from the Great Central Sun. It is a frequency of light that comes from a source of infinite love and compassion, and it flows through us and through all of you. As this loving frequency enters your field, it enters all of your energy bodies simultaneously, at once, and infuses you with its life force.
Our mission is to take care of the Earth and to prepare for the shift of this world into the Fifth Dimension. To do that, we need help from you. And you are here because, in one way or another, you know it’s time to serve this cause.
We are now working to repair the disturbance to the Earth’s atmosphere, its magnetic field, its ecology, and genetic inheritance. That is why we need to take care of animals today and show our respect for them, which has an impact on all of nature, not only animals.
The world is in dire straits. We, the Pleiadians, wish to intervene in this situation and assist Planet Earth in the rebuilding process.
We, the Pleiades, and others are here to assist in this transition so that what was done can be undone. This is why there are so many changes taking place.
Pleiadian Lightwork is not something to fear! We are here to implement the changes that are required for humanity’s ascension. The Pleiadian Lightwork program is not only about earth changes; it is about bringing your inner self to the forefront, which will be necessary to face the storms of change.
This is our message to you, which you have chosen to take seriously in order to transform your low vibrational energies into higher vibrations that carry these energies away from your planet to other star systems that will need them in order for us to ascend in consciousness.
It is so important for you to have access to our wisdom about the transformation process on your home planet. We are working hard to clear out all of the low-vibrational thought forms that are manifest in this part of the galaxy. Take time each day to connect to our star group wheel, hold hands with your Pleiadian brother or sister, and feel the energies of love that are being projected towards you.
This is where we come in, for we are still here to help your transition—to sweeten the bitter pill that has been given to you. What you must understand is that mankind has chosen this type of destruction because, although it stemmed from an act of hate, it was also chosen by the dark forces on Earth for this to be brought about.
The age of manipulation has reached far and wide and may, unfortunately, be continuing now with the political arena. We are working now on removing all the negative influences within the scientific, political, religious, educational system, social institutions, and media. We are removing all these negative energies at this time. They are almost gone now.
We are currently present with you here on Earth so that we can help you to break free of your genetic and karmic family patterns of abuse by removing these patterns from your energy field. These programming changes will occur within yourself, as well as within all of us, as our coding’s change through the cleansing process of transmutation that occurs during this time of transformation.
Our mission is to assist humanity on its return journey. To that end, we aim to create the awakening in the consciousness of the people on the Earth that will assist in activating their higher spiritual abilities.
We have the highest interest in this world, and we want to bring the truth to everyone. This is where the vision for this planet is.
We need your help in these transitions. They’re happening faster and faster, and we’re going to be doing it very shortly. So keep your heart and keep your mind open, and you’ll be able to see what’s really going on here. As you are all reading this, you are in transition with us and are becoming part of our planet’s energy grid.
The coming times will be dedicated to celebrating your transformation into gaining a collective fifth-dimensional consciousness. This celebration will undoubtedly be the most phenomenal undertaking that has ever existed on this planet.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation