22. veebruar 2025
Indrek Neiveldt: Eile jõudis “meretuule maagia” vahefinishisse.
Vaatasin, et esimest korda kirjutasin siinsamas näoraamatus sellest 5. märtsil 2024.
Siin on see peaaegu aasta tagasi kirjutatud tekst:
“Lugedes seda, mida viimase kahe nädala jooksul on seoses meretuuleparkidega meediasse paisatud, peaks olema selge üks. Tegemist on suure “spetsoperatsiooniga”, mille eesmärk ei ole mitte odavam elekter vaid segaduse tekitamine. Ja siis selle varjus mingite lepingute tegemine.
Järsku, ilma avaliku aruteluta, on kliimaministeeriumi seisukoht 180 kraadi muutunud. Ja ainukene päästerõngas meie majanduses ning energeetikas on meretuulepargid. Küll siis tuleks investoreid ja hakkaks kohe investeerima. Ja selle lootuse pealt on tarbimise prognoosid järsult kasvanud.
Jällegi ilma aruteluta. Rohkem räägitakse odavamast elektrihinnast ja vähem toetustest, mis oleks üle saja miljoni aastas. Rääkimata investeerimisvajadusest liinidesse. Järsku on sellega nii kiireks läinud, et isegi siseminister kirjutab pikalt kui kasulikud on meretuulepargid. Ja see loomulikult ei tundu üldsegi kahtlane.
Väga läbinähtav on see protsess ja ei ole mõtet arvata, et inimesed rumalad on ja aru ei saa. Saavad.
Tegelikult peaksime rääkima ühest: kogukulust ühiskonnale. On see siis läbi elektrihinna, ülekandetasu, taastuvenergiatasu või mingite muude toetuste. Majanduse konkurentsivõime seisukohast loeb ainult üks: kogukulu.
Ja kui keegi tahab tõepoolest, midagi meie majanduse konkurentsivõimele head teha, siis peaks ta alustama elektri suurest plaanist, mis mahub ühele või kahele A4 lehele.
Kuisuur on tarbimine täna, prognoositav tarbimine kahe erineva stsenaariumi korral. Siis kuipalju peaks olema meil juhitavaid võimsusi jne. jne.
Teeks selle kõigepealt ära ja vaidleks põhimõtted selgeks. See, kas on tuult püütakse maismaalt või merelt, on hilisem küsimus.”
Piinlik. Väga piinlik. Kuidas on see võimalik, et ametivande andnud valitsusliikmed nii käituvad.
Ruth Pukmann: – Tööta ennast välja ohvrirollist. Võta oma vaim enda juhtimisse.
– Ära otsi neid kohti, miks sa midagi teha ei saa. Leia alati võimalus kõige ära tegemiseks, mida plaanid.
– Ära põgene iseenda sisemiste varjude eest, vaid astu neile vastu ja tööta need endast välja.
– Ära oota, et kõik teised sinu eest sind august välja toovad, sinu elu muudavad või sinu eest vastutavad. Sa pead õppima ise enda eest seisma.
– Vii oma toitumine, tervis ja keha puhtale ja SÕLTUMATULE tasandile. Nii aktiveeruvad su instinktid puhtamale ja aktiivsemale tasandile ning aitavad sul navigeeruda keerukatest olukordades viisil, et sa ei ole mõjutatav kellegi teise poolt.
– Ära tarbi suhkrut ! Minu siiras soovitus.
– Treeni oma füüsilist keha.
– Treeni oma vaimu.
– Ära uju koos oma hirmudega sügavusse, vaid uju neist välja.
– Hakka iseenda elu eest vastutama.
– Usalda ainult iseenda sisetunnet ja luba end viia protsessidesse, mis tahavad sind ettevalmistada muutusteks. Mitte alla andmiseks.
– Astu välja kollektiivteadvusest ja loo enda oma.
Ära ole mõjutatud teiste sõnadest, soovidest ja tahtest. Keskendu iseenda soovidele, plaanidele ja eesmärkidele.
Ma ütlen veel ainult nii palju, et see ei ole nali, kui ma palun sul hakata enda vaimu treenima. See on võti mida ma siiralt soovitan sul teha, sinu enda Kõrgemaks Hüvanguks!
Ma saan aru küll, et kõigile ei ole ette nähtud, aga on aeg oma silmad avada ja hakata tunnetama, mis tegelikult toimub.
Valgust ja armastust,
The Secrets Of The Universe
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Earth is now surrounded by a radiation belt that has never been observed before!
In May 2024, an intense solar storm had far-reaching effects on Earth, even reaching the bottom of the ocean. As scientists now reveal, the torrent of flare activity on the Sun caused our planet to be girded by two new, temporary radiation belts of high-energy particles, trapped by Earth’s magnetic field. This phenomenon has been observed before following powerful geomagnetic storms, but the solar storm of May 2024 delivered something entirely new: energetic protons in one of the new belts.
These newly detected radiation belts were sandwiched between Earth’s two permanent Van Allen radiation belts. One of the new belts predominantly comprised electrons, consistent with previous observations, while the other contained energetic protons, which had never been seen before. According to astronomer David Sibeck, these high-energy electrons and protons found their way into Earth’s inner magnetic environment, with some potentially remaining there for a very long time.
The belts remained intact for a much longer duration than previously observed temporary radiation belts, lasting three months compared to the usual weeks. While subsequent solar storms in June and August 2024 diminished the density of the belts, a small amount of particles remains in orbit. Scientists estimate that the proton belt may persist for over a year, and ongoing measurements will help determine its longevity and decay rate.
This information is crucial because particles in Earth’s orbit pose a hazard to satellites. Knowing the particle density and the effects of solar storms can aid engineers in designing mitigation strategies to protect our technology. However, the hazard posed by these new radiation belts is currently unquantified, requiring future studies to determine the potential risks they and similar belts may present.
Xinlin Li et al, “A New Electron and Proton Radiation Belt Identified by CIRBE/REPTile-2 Measurements After the Magnetic Super Storm of 10 May 2024”, Journal of Geophysical Research (2025)
Olav Osolin: Trumpil on vaja Zelenskõist lahti saada. Donald teatas, et Zelenskõi on süüdi Ukraina sõja puhkemises, sest kui ta oleks Putinile andnud need maa-alad, mida too nõudis, poleks verevalamist olnud. Trumpi arvates oleks pidanud Zelenskõi läbi rääkima ja nõudmistele alluma, mitte sõdima. Kuna Putin ei taha rahu sõlmida enne, kui Zelenskõi on läinud, on nii venelased kui ka ameeriklased samal seisukohal, et kiiremas korras tuleb Ukrainas korraldada valimised. Trump pillas ka, et Zelenskõi toetus on 4%, mis pole muidugi tõsi, sest tegelikult on see 50% kanti, kuid ilmselgelt on Trump tüdinenud tüübist, kes punnib tema rahuplaanile vastu, ei taha maavarasid ära anda ning kipub läbirääkimiste laua taha, selle asemel, et olla Donaldile tänulik ja teha, mis kästakse. Ju otsitakse nüüd mõni Putinile meelepärasem tüüp, et ta Ukrainas pukki upitada ja siis saavad juba suured juhid omavahel kokku leppida, mis piirkonnad kummagi käpa alla jäävad. Putin tahab piiriäärseid riike endale, millega võib Trump nõus olla, sest tema kaugem soov on USA sõjaliste kulutuste radikaalne vähendamine, mida ei saa teha ilma Venemaa ja Hiinaga kokku leppimata.
Cosmic Countdown To The Birth Of 5D Earth: Humanity Is About To Go Through A Quantum Shift
We are living in an exciting time. Long before we knew it, humanity started to evolve, and now we are moving towards a new level of consciousness. Whether you are aware of it or not, this shift is already happening at a cosmic level.
The cosmic countdown to the birth of 5D Earth has begun. The shift from third dimension to fifth dimension is a very important part of human evolution.
The energy of the Earth is shifting, and it’s only a matter of time before we start feeling the changes. The shift from 3D to 5D will be like a quantum leap in our lives as we move from one state of being to another.
In order to make this transition easier for humanity, there is a need for us to create an entirely new way of thinking—new ways of perceiving reality and new ways of acting upon this perception.
This process is called a “quantum leap,” which means that your beliefs will change from old paradigms into new ones. The new paradigm is based on what you know now through your senses (3D) but also through your heart (5D).
We have to go through some changes at our own personal level first. We need to evolve spiritually within ourselves and reach higher levels of consciousness. Then we will be able to see with clarity what’s going on around us.
The process is called “ascension” or “evolution.” It is a quantum leap in consciousness and will lead humanity to a new level of understanding and awareness of who we are and what we are doing here on Earth.
The shift from 3D to 5D was inevitable because we have been living in a false reality for thousands of years. We were taught that this world is all there is, but now we know better. We have now come to understand that our lives are created by our thoughts and that we can create anything we want with our minds.
In order for humanity to progress, we need to make different choices and decisions about our lives and how we want to live them. We need to start thinking about what is important for us in this life and how we want to spend our time here on Earth.
It is important that you understand that there are many different dimensions out there in the universe, and this one is just one of them. It’s called Earth because that’s where human beings live, but there are many other places like ours out there where people live their lives too.
There are also many universes out there that have different laws of physics than ours, and some of these universes might not even exist anymore because they were destroyed by nuclear weapons or something similar that happened with our universe thousands or millions of years ago.
The fact of the matter is that 3D consciousness is an illusion, and the way we have been living our lives based on a belief in reality as separate entities is simply that—an illusion. This means that we are free to choose how we live and exist in this world.
As the new consciousness becomes part of our reality, the nature of the ego and the use of concepts such as control will very likely change. We will come to see ourselves as a vital part of the whole rather than separated from it.
The planet is shifting very quickly out of its old reality and into a new one. Everything from the way you interact with people in your daily life to the very laws that govern your society is going to change. It is this shift that is causing so much conflict, both on the world stage and within ourselves as individuals.
And at the center of it all, we will find ourselves forced to make a choice. As we are pulled more strongly into new experiences, some of them uncomfortable or even terrifying, we will have to decide whether we want to take advantage of the opportunities they offer or let them slip away.
It is up to each one of us to decide which path we will travel on this journey of spiritual transformation, and rest assured that we are not alone in making this choice.
Is this all sounding a bit farfetched? Hard to believe? Well, I was the same way when I first started researching the connection between science and spirituality. But over the years, I have truly seen that it is indeed possible to use scientific lenses on spiritual topics.
And as someone who has been trying to do this for quite some time, I would like to encourage everyone to investigate this on their own. Don’t take my word for it (or anyone else’s) because discovering it for yourself has its own magic!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation