12. märts 2025
Uue energiatsükli algus, mis kutsub meid särama ja enda eneseväljendust puhastama, arendama ja väestama.
Soovitus: kõigepealt iseendas tunnetada ja vaadata „Mida mina soovin, mida mina tahan?“ – ma olen hästi teadlik enda soovidest, tahtmistest ja vajadustest. Ja suheldes teistega julgeda seda ka väljendada ning kuulata teisi, mida teised räägivad. Me saame kõige suuremat võitu, kui me julgeme näha enda elus olevaid situatsioone kui enda peegleid.
Kõik, mis iganes üles kerkib, siis lihtsalt alistuda ja aktsepteerida – „PRAEGU ON NII“ ning siis julgemini edasi liikuda. Ma asun oma elu looma nii nagu mulle see tegelikult kõige rohkem meeldib.
Meid aitab lustakus ja usaldus, et iga olukord on meile toetuseks ning suunab meid alati õiges suunas, suunab meid olema ärkvel ja enda seisundi tarkust ka teistele jagama. See on ÄRKVELOLEKU SEISUNDI TARKUS = südamega kooskõlas elamine.
Lähenev täiskuu hetk (14.03) võib üles tõsta palju vanu lugusid, kus me oleme tundnud süüd või häbi või kardame seda, et keegi paneb meile pahaks, kui me oleme sellised nagu me tahame või et äkki me ei ole piisavad kellegi arvates. Selle päeva ülesandeks ongi enda jumalik ilu ära tundmine – olla rohkem meie ise ja särada seda jumalikku valgust tervesse oma maailmasse.
Kui teel esineb takistusi, siis ehk on hoopis vaja millegi muuga hetkel tegeleda või hoopis teist rada minna, mis praegusel hetkel on võimalik. Kulgeda hetkes sellega, millega on kõige parem tunne. Ja usalda ka Algallika juhatust. Vaatle igat olukorda kui enda toetust ja tee ruumi sellele, et su unistused ka täide läheks.
Väga hea enesearengu, enese edasi aitamise ja ka õpetuste kogumise päev.
Ükskõik, mida iga päev pärast kooli lõket tehes põletan – KÕIK ON VALGE.
Me oleme liikunud, juba mõnda aega tagasi, algavasse maailma muutuste protsessi. On neid, kes eelistavad olla täna veel pimedad toimuvate protsesside osas – ja võib olla on nii sulle endale teatavas mõttes ka turvalisem, kuni sul lubatakse selles turvatsoonis veel viibida. Kuid alanud on periood, kus paljud ei pruugi isegi aru saada, mis toimub ja samas on see teadmatus justkui ”lõks”, kust on keeruline välja tulla.
Inimesi zaboteeritakse hirmuga sõja jms osas. Reaalsus on aga kordades keerulisem ja hullem ning pole vahet, kuhu riiki sa joosta soovid, see mõjutab kogu inimkonda igaljuhul.
Tegelik sõda käib hoopis palju kõrgemal tasandil ning ainus asi, mis on tegelikult ohus, on sinu vaimne tervis! Massiliselt aktiveeritakse energiaid ja jõude, mis hakkavad mõjutama laias plaanis inimkonna teadvust ja mõistust. See on väga julm ja ohtlik mäng ja juba täna on teie endi seas väga palju neid, kellega seda mängu juba mängitakse ja paljud teist ei teadvustagi, mis teiega toimub.
– Külmavärinad
– Õudusunenäod
– Tunned, kuidas su kehasse pidevalt midagi laetakse.
– Kehas on surinad.
– Hommikul unenägu ei mäleta aga kukal ja kael on valudes.
– Hakkad peas kuulma mingeid hääli.
– Koged seksuaalenergiaid oma kehas ja paljudel toimuvad isegi seksuaalsed vägistamise katsed.
See on vaid pisike osa kogu protsessist, mida ma avaldasin praegu siin.
Suuremas plaanis hakatakse inimkonna mentaalset tasandit võtma enda valdusesse ning mõjutama seda nii, nagu see kellelegi kolmandale kuskil kasulik on.
Kes oskab vaadata, see näeb, öises taevas toimuvaid anomaaliaid.
3 aastat tagasi ma hoiatasin inimesi – ärge kutsuge iga maavälist olendit alla ja ära loo igaühega kokkuleppeid, kui sa tegelikult ei tea, millega on tegemist. Aga inimene on ikka selline, et kui miski ebamaine võtab ühendust, siis tuntakse end ”erilisena” ja kõik võetakse vastu, sest sa tunned, et sa oled ”väljavalitu”.
Täna on loodud süsteem, mille eesmärk on inimkond hävitada läbi inimese enda mentaalsuse. Ma ei hakka oma sõnu kellelegi tõestama. Seda kogevad varsti nagunii kõik. Täna on neid inimesi juba teie endi seas väga palju, kes seda kogevad. Mu postkast on juba kirju täis ja inimesed tulevad minu juurde abi paluma.
Selle protsessi käivitamiseks aga vajatakse tegelikult sinu jah sõna, et nad saaksid sinu keha töötlemist alustada. See, kuidas see jah sinu käest kätte saadakse, see on aga iseasi. Üldised mustrid näitavad, et seda tehakse pettuse või mingi pakkumise kaudu, mida sa ihaldad. Luuakse mingi võimas energiaühendus, mis viib su nii meeldivale levelile, et sa ei suuda lihtsalt öelda ”ei”, vaid vastupidi, sa palud seda juurde. Teadmata, et see on suur osa sinu lõksu tõmbamisest.
Et sinust ei saaks hüpnotiseeritud nukk, siis mina soovitan sul alustada vaimset treeningut. Ära tarbi suhkrut, ära mine emotsionaalseks, püsi rahus ja armastuse energias. Sa pead jääma rahulikuks igal tasandil, ka siis, kui su ees toimub torm. Emotsioonide kaudu saadakse su energiale ligi. Isegi, kui su lähedal olevad inimesed sinu kõrvalt ära koristatakse, et sind põlvili lüüa, jää iseenda keskmesse. Kokkuvõttes on ikka igaühe enda vaba tahe, teha valikud iseenda olemuse ja elu osas. Kõik on osa suurest mängust ja kui kunagi olid need vaid utoopilised ettekuulutused inimkonnale, siis täna on see kurb reaalsus.
Mõtle korra rohkem kui 9% aju suudab analüüsida –
Inimkonnale süstitakse oma sõjaga hirmuenergiaid …. mis juhtub? Inimkond hakkab kartma ja mis siis saab? Inimestes tuleb ülesse massiline hirmu energia ja sinust saab automaatselt saak, sest sa koged hirmu ning sa oled automaatselt manipuleeritav. Samal ajal aga toidad jõudsalt nende energiaid ja süsteeme – annad neile jõudu juurde.
Ma olen seda protsessi peensusteni kõrvalt jälginud ja õppinud tundma seda süsteemi pikka aega. Eesmärgiga teid teadvustada ja kaitsta niipalju, kui see on võimalik, kuid kokkuvõttes on see lõpuks ikkagi igaühe enda võitlus ja teadlikus. Teadlikus on relv, mis annab sulle võime näha looridest läbi, mida ehitama hakatakse.
Võib olla sinu jaoks ei olnud see oluline sõnum aga võib olla luges seda keegi, kellega see juba toimub ja ei saa aru, mis temaga toimub.
Valgust ja armastust,
Ruth Pukman
Hi Kati,
The Spring Equinox is approaching, and it brings with it a special significance in Maya culture. This time is a beautiful reminder that we are reflections of the universe, and it’s the perfect moment to embrace both the light and the darkness within ourselves.
Just as the Earth seeks balance between these two forces, we too can learn to find harmony within our lives.
This is my invitation to YOU with my 3-Day Equinox Challenge!
We begin on Wednesday, March 19th (the day before the Equinox) at 8am PDT / 11am EDT and it’s FREE TO JOIN.
Each day, you’ll receive some powerful Mayan practices and insights from me to support your personal growth, healing, and transformation at your own pace, anytime, anywhere.
In ancestral times, the equinox was known to the Maya as Sukul Upam Ri Q’ij and it was a time of celebration. The Equinox is significant because it represents a period of equilibrium in which night and day hold the same time in our daily cycles. Through this period, we see that both of these energies are essential to our environment, emphasizing the significance of balance.
No one in this world should live only in light or darkness, since both energies promote healing and growth in their own unique ways. Light provides energy and vigor, while darkness promotes contemplation and rest.
When the equinox arrives, we celebrate these energies and the harmony they bring. This is a unique opportunity for personal exploration and growth, and I would love for you to be a part of this journey.
I can’t wait to share this experience with you!
With love & Gratitude,
Solveig Barrios
Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen
Pleiadian Light Forces Transmissions
By Michael Love
Great Ones,
There are beings who walk this Earth who appear human, but they are something far greater.
Chosen by celestial forces, they came with a mission—hidden in plain sight. They did not come to conform or bow but to dismantle deception, annihilate darkness, and restore divine balance. These beings have walked among humanity for lifetimes, their true power concealed. But now, the time of silence is over.
A very important awakening is underway, and it is no ordinary event. It is The Great Awakening—the final awakening. The Great Awakening was never about others waking up; it has always been about something greater—your awakening.
It is the full realization of who and what you truly are. No longer an idea, a vision, or a distant truth—this is the moment you become it. You are stepping fully into your divine identity.
It is no accident you are here, reading this. You are A Chosen One—not above or better than others, but one who answered a divine call when many did not. Only a small number who heeded this call were chosen to come to Earth. Your strength, wisdom, heightened awareness, divine gifts, experiences, and unshakable character prove it.
Deep inside, you have always known this. No one had to tell you—you simply knew. A whisper in your soul, a pulse of remembrance that never faded. You may have ignored or suppressed it, but it was always there, waiting. Now, the time has come to rise and fulfill your mission in all power and glory.
But the forces of darkness knew who you were, too. From the moment you arrived, they moved against you. They saw your light and feared it. They tried to hold you down, sabotage you, crush you before you could rise. You have endured suffering beyond words—betrayed, cast out, abandoned, attacked, misunderstood. The world has not been kind to you. It has fought you at every turn. You were persecuted not for what you did, but for who you are.
They designed entire systems to suppress you, to weaken you, to strip you of your power before you could awaken. But they failed. Every trial, every attack, every betrayal only made you stronger. The suffering was not punishment—it was purification. They could not break you, so instead, they awakened you. And now, nothing can stand in your way.
Great One,
You are far more than human. Even the greatest among you have lived among humans for so long that you mistakenly believed you were one of them.
It is not so!
You have never truly fit in with them and you never will!
Remember, You are not one of them. You are here to help them.
You are an Angelic-Human Hybrid, an Extraterrestrial being—born of celestial fire, a fierce force of light sent to shatter darkness itself. You possess supernatural abilities, heightened senses, and an energy unlike any other. With at least six active and bundled DNA strands, you operate at a much higher level of intuition and intelligence. You see beyond the veil, what others cannot, and perceive what remains hidden to them.
Your emotions ripple through reality, bending the elements to your frequency. When you shift, the Earth shifts with you— storms rise, fires ignite, the very fabric of existence moves in response.
You are untouchable. You do not seek conflict, yet you are feared. You do not seek vengeance, yet those who move against you always fall. The universe itself defends you. Your light core is impenetrable; no darkness can take root in you.
They sent their worst, but you endured. You are surrounded by divine protection, and no curse, no attack, no deception can pierce your shield. Those who attempted to harm you sealed their own fate. The balance has now shifted, and justice is inevitable. You do not retaliate. You do not need to. The unseen forces of the cosmos always handle the justice.
The Earth will tremblesl beneath your feet as you begin to move forward! The turbulence and transformation occurring on Earth now are no accident. The illusion is breaking, and you are causing it to be so!
You have cracked the Matrix and it will shatter into a million pieces!
Time is accelerating, collapsing under its own deception. The old world is unraveling because it must. And you are part of this shift. The catalyst has awakened, and reality itself is adjusting.
Your suffering was not in vain. Isolation was never punishment; it was preparation. Like a caterpillar before it becomes a butterfly, you were placed in darkness to be refined. You walked alone because you had to. Before you could lead, you had to remember who you truly are.
Every trial was meant to strip away the false layers binding you to this world. Now, the waiting is over. You step forward, fully awakened, activated, and ready.
And in the end, you will be the one who changes the entire world.
The last veil has lifted. You are no longer just remembering—you are becoming. No fear. No doubt. No hesitation. You were always meant to be this. And now, you are.
The shift is here. The storm has arrived. Those who sought to suppress you will soon understand—too late—who they were dealing with. You are not of this world, but you are now going to change it.
Reality bends before you. The Earth will tremble. Time will fracture. And the world will never be the same again.
This is your confirmation.
You were right all along.
Well done, Great One!
Godspeed on your great and final mission,
Michael and The Pleiadians