20. märts 2025
Sina oled energia väekas alkeemik
Sa oled jumalik looja, kes on pidevas ühenduses Universumi lõpmatu tarkusega. Igal hetkel võid häälestuda püha elujõu lainele, mis voolab läbi sinu keha – su rakud tantsivad täiuslikus harmoonias, kujundades sinu heaolu täpse ja graatsilise täpsusega.
Iga hingetõmme on võimalus joonduda, tunnetada oma kaasasündinud terviklikkust ja võimendada valgust, mis on ainulaadselt sinu oma.
Kui valid armastavad, tänulikud ja voolavad mõtted, laieneb su aura, puudutades kõike ja kõiki sinu ümber rõõmu sagedusega. Sinu kohalolu muutub majakaks, mis tõstab ruumi energiat ja tõmbab vaevatult ligi ilu, küllust ja eluandvat väge.
On aeg särada väljapoole ja aeg pöörduda sissepoole, et taas täita püha allikas enda sees. Austa oma loomulikke rütme. Usalda oma sisemist teadmist. Sa ei ole kunagi olude meelevallas – sul on alati vägi juhtida seda jumalikku kingitust, mida kannad.
Seega, täna ja alati, mäleta: Sa oled maagiline. Sa oled kiirgav. Sa oled oma energia kunstnik, kes vormib oma reaalsust fookuse väega.
Luba endal nautida armastust, mis alati voolab sulle, läbi sinu ja sinuna.
Distilled Futures
Kuidas saada üle karuhirmust ?
Sellest ja paljust muust räägin karuretkel.
Enamus karud on talveuinakust ärkamas ja asuvad oma toimetusi tegema. Isakarud ärkavad üldiselt esimesena, emakarud talvel sündinud poegadega hiljem.
Karude hingamiskiirus talveunel väheneb 1,5 hingetõmbeni minutis. Uinaku ajal karu ei söö, joo ega väljuta jääkaineid, ainus tarbitav välisressurss on hapnik.
Väidetavalt tekib karul talveuinaku ajal uriin, aga see võetakse see võetakse taas kasutusse.
Kui karu talveuinaku ajal segada nii, et nad ärkavad siis neil kulub väga palju energiat, et uus koht leida ja uuesti talveunne jääda. Karusid ähvardab siis ka surm. Näiteks emakaru poegadega segamine tähendab, et karupojad ellu ei jää. Emakaru tagasi poegade juurde ei lähe.
Kuigi karude jooksuaeg on suvel, siis pojad sünnivad talvel talveuinaku ajal. Juhul, kui emakarul üldse on piisavalt rasvakihti sügisel, et pojad välja areneksid. Teadlased on teinud kindlaks, et isegi kui viljastamine toimus, aga emakaru rasvakiht on ≤ 20% ei sünni poegi. Emakarud, kes olid suurema rasvakihiga sünnitasid pojad varem kui need, kes olid saledamad. Loomulikult ka karupojad, kelle ema rasvakiht kehas oli suurem, kasvasid kiiremini. (Charles T. Robbins, Merav Ben-David, Jennifer K. Fortin, O. Lynne Nelson, 2012)
Jalutuskäigul karude rohkes elupaigas räägin oma kohtumistest karudega.
Samuti kuidas karudega kohtuda, kuidas käituda ?
Kus karusid otisda, kui soov neid näha ja pildistada ? Kuhu paigutada rajakaamera, kui soov karusid jäädvustada ?
Mida karu esimesena tegema hakkab, kui on talipesast väljunud ? Kuhu läheb ja mida otsib ?
Näitan karu ronimispuid ja karude tegevusjägi puudel ja kui lund ka on ja piirkonnas mõni mõmm on ärganud, võime näha karu jälgi.
Keskendume karudele, kuid lisaks räägin ka teistest kiskjatest: hundist ja ilvesest.
Toimub Kose vallas
Tasu 40 EURi inimene.
#eestisuurkiskjad #karu #matk #eestiloodus #kevad #loodusfoto
Alexise tähelepanekuid: Eile oli tunne, nagu lendaksin – õnn, rõõm, isegi ime juhtus! Aga täna ebameeldiv olukord – ja kõik. Pendel kõikus sama jõuga vastassuunas. Selle tagajärjeks on energia kadu ja tühjus. Miks see nii juhtub? Nii raske on tasakaalu hoida!..
VASTUS: Siin on segunenud kaks teemat. Esimene – pettumus selles, et ma ei ole nii hea, kui tahaksin olla. Üks asi on see, et teie tuju muutus, te olite kurb, ärritunud või solvunud, aga hoopis teine asi on see, et hindasite seda kui midagi halba. Tegelikult ei saa meie keha muutuda ühe hetkega.
Kehas on talletunud kõik meie traumad ja programmid, millega siia tulime. Miks see nii on, räägin ma kursusel “Tulevikku meenutades”. Kuid praegusel hetkel on olukord selline: te ei saa jääda täielikult harmooniasse, kuni te pole puhastanud kõiki oma emotsionaalseid traumasid.
Aga see on tegelikult hea. Te jääte ellu. Kui te vabaneksite kõigist oma traumadest ühe hetkega, sureks teie keha, sest kõik biokeemilised reaktsioonid on häälestatud harjumuspärasele rütmile. Seetõttu muutume me järk-järgult. Kaks sammu edasi – üks samm tagasi. Ja ainus erinevus on selles, kui kaua olete muutunud.
Sinusoidi “üles-alla” liikumine tõuseb iga korraga kõrgemale. See tähendab, et kunagi oli teie elu parim hetk samal tasemel, kus praegu on teie halvim hetk, sest olete tõusnud kõrgemale. Lisaks on ka looduses rütmilisus: päev ja öö, kevad ja talv jne.
Rütmid on normaalsed. Kogu probleem seisneb ainult ühes – enese hukkamõistmises ja rahulolematuses eluga. Seda tuleb õppida aktsepteerima. Aktsepteerima neid seisundeid ja iseennast nendes õrnuse ja soojusega. Aktsepteerima nagu väikest last, kes alles õpib kõndima.
Mayade kevadealgus:
Tomorrow, we kick off the 3-Day Equinox Challenge!
A powerful, free experience where we’ll explore Mayan Wisdom, celebrate the Spring Equinox, and immerse ourselves in ancient Mayan practices.
Here’s what you’ll walk away with:
A deeper understanding of Mayan wisdom and its relevance to modern life
Practical tools and techniques for enhancing personal growth
Unique insights into the significance of the Spring Equinox and traditional practices
A supportive community of like-minded individuals committed to their journeys
Enhanced connection to nature and the rhythms of the universe
The best part? It’s completely FREE and open to everyone!
Here is your Zoom access link to click at the time of the event: Zoom link
Don’t miss this incredible opportunity.
Be sure to join us from tomorrow to Friday at 8am PT/11am ET/4pm CET daily by simply clicking the Zoom link.
With love & gratitude,
Solveig Barrios
The Galactic Federation Is Here With Us
The Galactic Federation is a group of benevolent extraterrestrials who are working with Earth and the Divine Creator to bring about a new Golden Age on Earth. They are members of the Galactic Federation, which includes over 200 member planets. These advanced civilizations have formed this intergalactic federation to help raise consciousness on planet Earth.
The Galactic Federation’s goal is to spread its teachings through channels such as channellers and other forms of communication in order to help us make the transition into the New Earth. Their teachings will include information about ascension, free energy, anti-aging technology, space travel, soul mates and twin flames, death and rebirth, and more.
The Galactic Federation is made up of 12 different species from many different planets within the Milky Way Galaxy. These 12 races are called:
Alpha Centaurians
Nibiruans (Atlanteans)
Ascended masters, highly evolved beings, spaceships, channeling, UFOs, and other phenomena are all tools in the Ascension process, which is being guided by the Galactic Federation.
To help us understand what is happening on our planet right now, the Galactic Federation will explain all these aspects of ascension and how they work together. They will also explain how we play an important part in this process.
The Galactic Federation is here to help you understand the meaning of life, death, and the ascension process, which is about to start very soon, as you know. Some of you will be able to ascend in their mother ship, some of you will be able to ascend on the ground, and some of you will be left behind. It’s not up to them to decide who should ascend. It’s up to you and your own decision-making process.
This message might be shocking for many people on this planet, but that’s why I decided to deliver it right now through this article. Soon the Galactic Federation is going to make an official live announcement on TV, so please share it with as many people as possible if you want them to know what’s happening on our planet.
All lightworkers have a role to play in the ascension process and in bringing this dream into reality. The time has come for all to take action and join together in a great cause: to help our planet ascend and to help awaken other planets!
The Galactic Federation is an organization that was established with the sole purpose of guiding Earth and its inhabitants through the ascension process. They are here to help us face our greatest challenges and give us the opportunity to live in peace, harmony, and freedom.
The ascended masters are beings who have already ascended and are here to guide us on our journey. They are members of the Galactic Federation who did not forget about those who were left behind.
Planet Earth is on the edge of a great leap in evolution, and this shift will occur in the very near future.
The main reason for this pending change is that we are all ready to ascend. More and more people are awakening every day, and they will no longer accept the system of control over them.
The Galactic Federation has been working with our planet for decades, sharing information, sending ships, and doing their best to assist us in our ascension process. They’ve answered many questions about why the planet has been held back from ascending for so long. But now, it is time for us to understand that each individual is responsible for their own ascension.
Many of you have experienced strange dreams and visions recently, and it is time for you to understand that these visitations are real. When the Galactic Federation comes to your dreams, they bring messages from Heaven as well as messages from the Ascended Masters, who are guiding you through this process at this time. They are giving you instructions on what you must do next in order to ascend. There is still much work to be done before we can complete the transition, but I can tell you now that the transition is already underway.
We are about to enter one of the most exciting times in the history of our planet. We are about to shift from being a predominantly carbon-based species into a crystalline form. This is an evolutionary step that is held back by fear, lack, and limitation.
The Galactic Federation has been working for some time now to bring this about, and they wish to communicate with us, their allies on Earth, so that we can work together with them to create a new world that is free from scarcity and limitation. A world where everyone will be able to access the limitless abundance of the Universe.
I invite you to join me and the many others making a difference in the world. It’s a place where we can live lives filled with joy, abundance, and freedom. Let The revolution starts with you.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
– The objective for March –
1. There’s been serious resistance to bringing vast Pleiadean Fleets who are already above crucial grid-points, to low altitude.
2. The astrology alone has been brutal enough on our internal selves, emotions & personal lives … causing all our ‘stuff’ to be forced up.
But we also have to deal with the main objective (and succeed!) at the same time.
Never fear … because you’re with the right meditators.
The 144K is designed & positioned to handle both situations, with mastery.
You’re in good hands …
The Equinox Meditation in 13 HRS will build on what we’ve already accomplished, for the grand finale of the Solar Eclipse on the 29th of March, to allow the Breakthrough.
The 5 Archways Of Shadow Work Free Course & webinar this Saturday is to ensure you get through the harsh astrological effects – that most are struggling with.
I have a no suffering sign on my office door – and I intend to fulfill that!
However …
Bringing such vast fleets closer to the surface, let alone just above the contested grid-points, will kick-up a lot of external ‘stuff’ as well, which is never fun.
So we’re needed tonight (early tomorrow morning in the East)!
Winning the grid-wars will …
… rapidly clear the sub-quantum anomaly, Lurker & remaining dark grids … and thus,
the Light will finally reach the surface.
Freedom …
Ascension …
It’s all there …
Like I said … you’re in good hands.
I’m reaching over to pull you through & show you the door.
But you still need to walk through that door … with your action & participation!
Links are below!
Yours In Service …